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[2][49]<font color=#38B0DE>-=www. ydy. com/bbs=-Proudly|Presents</font>
[77][118]<font color=#38B0DE>-=www. ydy. com/bbs=-Sync:|YTET-Ring Colleen</font>
[144][178]<font color=#38B0DE>Survivor|Season 18 Episode 15</font>
[273][296]Hi. That's what we like.
[334][351]Glad to have you guys here.
[394][412]All right. Have a seat.
[450][479]Good live audience|tonight. I like it.
[515][529]I love you, too.
[541][570]All right, jury, nice job.
[574][614]Stephen, J. T., Great job.
[615][642]This is a hard game to play.
[642][676]39 days in the middle of nowhere stuck with people
[676][709]you don't know that you may like, may not like,
[710][737]in a game that is physically, emotionally,
[745][781]mentally taxing 24 hours|a day is no small feat.
[781][813]The winner of this game|deserves the million dollars.
[814][827]J. T.!
[865][876]We've got people|that want J. T.
[876][894]We've got people that want|stephen. Let's get to it.
[894][921]There are seven votes in here. Tonight|you want to see your name.
[921][954]This is only time if "survivor" you want|to see your name on the parchment.
[967][998]It takes four votes to win.
[1003][1014]I'll read the votes.
[1053][1095]First vote, J. T.
[1181][1216]Second vote, the warrior, J. T.
[1344][1375]J. T. that's three votes J. T.
[1457][1493]Will stephen keep it going, or|will it be a blowout?
[1522][1538]The winner of survivor:|Tocantins. J. T.
[2046][2081]For only the second time|in "survivor" history.
[2083][2113]The vote was unanimous. J. T. received|every vote.
[2113][2136]An alliance J. T. started with steve own
[2136][2158]day two has just made him a millionaire.
[2158][2185]The question is are they|still friend today?
[2185][2227]Plus, why did everybody|dislike sierra so much.
[2227][2275]Finally, coach, I offered|him a lie detector test.
[2276][2283]Let's see if he took it.
[2283][2343]The "survivor" reunion show live|from new york city coming up next.
[2504][2529]I'm J. T. And I'm from alabama.
[2529][2548]People's impression of me may be that I'm a
[2548][2572]hillbilly but I'm here to win and I'm going to win.
[2580][2598]J. T., Unbelievable!
[2599][2608]J. T.
[2608][2622]J. T. has lost a tooth.
[2622][2641]J. T.
[2641][2657]Wins final immunity.
[2658][2675]The challenge for me is|fitting in with the people.
[2675][2695]Who would trust|with your life?
[2695][2713]Everything says J. T.
[2713][2736]You just can't find|anything wrong with him.
[2736][2745]What a great soul.
[2745][2757]I know I can trust you.
[2758][2768]You have my word.
[2768][2783]To the final two in this game.
[2784][2806]My mom told me, you|can win this game.
[2806][2831]If anybody can do|it, you can do it.
[2942][2975]Welcome to the survivor:|Tocantins live reunion show.
[2975][3013]We have all 16 survivors|including our winner.
[3013][3026]J. T., Are you crying?
[3065][3096]Who would have expected|you to shed a tear.
[3097][3116]What's going on? What's|the feeling right now?
[3118][3134]I'm very happy, obviously.
[3146][3187]I just created one of the best friend I|probably ever had, stephen, his family.
[3190][3213]My family are cryers. *****
[3218][3227]I'm happy.
[3227][3249]This is probably the happenest|I have been in my life.
[3250][3305]I have to say, with with respect to everybody, you're|one of the most popular guy on the show.
[3333][3387]This week, people coming up|going, hate coach, and love J. T.
[3398][3420]oh, coach, we'll get to|you. You'll get your chance.
[3420][3449]You know what I mean hate. They|love to hate rich hatch, too.
[3449][3456]I know.
[3458][3469]You're in good company.
[3482][3509]You were honestly one of|the most popular guys.
[3509][3532]What's the reaction|been at home for you?
[3533][3554]Are people adoring|you the same way?
[3557][3588]Yeah, people are very|hysterical. They love me.
[3596][3608]Behind me all the way.
[3609][3628]And I love them, too, but they|are really behind me.
[3628][3639]They've been very supportive,
[3640][3690]and I know they're surprised right now|because I didn't tell a soul about anything.
[3690][3728]My parents didn't even know-- they|thought I was fourth at best.
[3730][3752]So this is very shocking|to everybody.
[3752][3780]And everyone's been behind|me, very supportive.
[3784][3824]Out there, I mean, we talked-- I said|about how tough this game was.
[3824][3839]What was the toughest point?
[3839][3858]You're a guy that, you know, we got to know
[3858][3876]through the show, makes his living outdoors.
[3876][3914]Was this easy for you? Was there a time|for you when it was tough as well?
[3915][3928]This was very hard.
[3929][3963]One of the questions I get the most|is that is it as hard as it looks?
[3963][4000]Obviously, you don't know unless|you go, but, like, day 12,
[4000][4034]i was really questioning what am|I doing here, day 11, day 12.
[4034][4055]I was the hunriest I have|ever been in my life.
[4059][4078]You couldn't see the light|at the end of the tunnel.
[4084][4123]What am I doing here-- I said that a number|of times, but I had to troughen it out.
[4143][4179]What was it about stephen, a|very unlikely choice,
[4179][4209]when you look at some of the other ople up here that you
[4209][4238]might have been drawn to just based on first impressions.
[4242][4249]Why him?
[4250][4284]Stephen was the one person I thought|I would not align myself with.
[4284][4293]I'll be honest with you.
[4294][4338]He was the one guy I doubted the|most, and immediately after the hike,
[4339][4374]he carried a sack with three melons|in it, and it shows me carrying one.
[4375][4398]He carried more than his|load and impressed me
[4406][4423]obviously, impressed everybody.
[4433][4464]Day three or four stephen was right by|my side working harder than anybody,
[4464][4504]doing things he had never been dfr, and he|has the best heart of anybody I know.
[4510][4521]Oh, nice.
[4565][4605]stephen, what-- what was the|key to this alliance working?
[4605][4630]Lots of people make|alliances that don't work.
[4631][4664]I definitely think-- wow.
[4664][4674]It's like I said in the show.
[4674][4700]We-- we-- something about|our intellects clicked.
[4700][4713]We were always working hard.
[4713][4748]We would come back from challenges|and we would-- or from rewards,
[4749][4762]and we would say,"let's|get to work.
[4762][4787]"For us, it was always about this is a game we're both
[4787][4809]here to win and we're going to play our hardest,
[4809][4833]never let our guard down and work together
[4833][4860]constantly to make sure we are there at the end.
[4864][4887]And you also mentioned to me just earlier than you
[4887][4909]have an inside that I didn't know anything about,
[4910][4933]you kind of had an inside|mole in this game.
[4933][4967]One of the things that definitely helped|us get as far as we done within
[4967][5001]the merge tribe was coach's|relationship with J. T.
[5001][5028]Coach had this sort|of image of J. T.
[5028][5075]As this kind of warrior spirit, and|he would tell J. T. Everything.
[5076][5116]So tyson would tell his plans to|coach, coach would tell J. T.,
[5117][5156]J. T. would tell me, and our|insurgency would be victorious.
[5170][5202]Coach, you're instrumental. You're... everywhere.
[5203][5220]I'm the gift that|keeps on giving.
[5225][5243]He owes me a million dollars.
[5262][5271]Sorry, man.
[5275][5317]The betrayal eye mean, let me just-- just|to remind you season what J. T. Said.
[5317][5368]J. T. Said to you,"you have my word|and my life, and I have yours, right?
[5371][5395]And then we get to that final tribal|and you get asked the question,
[5395][5424]and you say,"no, I wouldn't|have taken him.
[5424][5464]"What did that feel like in that|moment to let this guy know
[5464][5494]you would not have lived|up to your statements.
[5494][5520]It was something I|wrestled with a lot.
[5520][5541]And debbie said I|value honesty.
[5542][5587]And she seemed to be really seeking|a specific answer from me.
[5593][5612]Of course, then, you know, she|asked J. T. His question
[5612][5635]which was,"J. T., Isn't it true that you're
[5635][5655]the greatest person that's ever existed?
[5674][5701]"And he was,"yes, debbie, I am.
[5718][5772]"but, you know, obviously I felt horrible|to come clean, you know, with that.
[5774][5797]But it didn't damage|your friendship, J. T.
[5798][5823]When you heard it, you did|this whole,"I can't!
[5824][5833]Were you just putting on?
[5833][5842]Yes, I was jeff.
[5842][5890]I was trying to pull|some votes out.
[5892][5937]It's very different for me to take steve|tonight final two and for steve tone take me.
[5937][5969]I knew people liked|me, and, you know,
[5969][5993]obviously I had never had|anyone write my name down.
[5994][6020]It's hard for someone|to take me you know
[6022][6051]brendan what happened|with timbira?
[6051][6093]At the merge, in a game about|numbers, you had it made.
[6093][6105]Did you have too many people?
[6105][6148]I think we had too many people, and I think we|had a good amount of dysfunction in our tribe
[6148][6182]between this guy and this|guy and myself. AND--
[6182][6194]A little bit of a|power struggle.
[6194][6222]A little bit of a power struggle, and I think that was pretty
[6222][6252]clear had they came in and the fact we had six instead of four.
[6252][6278]We had an extra person and I think erinn switched over
[6278][6303]pretty easily so we kind of set ourselves up for it.
[6305][6334]Erinn, I have to give you credit because I say to win
[6334][6364]this game sooner or later you have to make a big move,
[6364][6406]betray somebody. Is that what|prompted you to jump?
[6428][6482]You can-- you have to look at it as|what is the best situation for me?
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