CruzerSync-GSG v2.pdf

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Microsoft Word - CruzerSyncU3_Getting_Started_Guide_september 2005.doc
CruzerSync© Gettng Started Gude
Cruzer§ smartdrve now comes preoaded wth CruzerSync©
appcaton deveoped by DmaerforSanDsk.
Ths revoutonary sotware aows SanDsk Cruzer§ users* to easy and securey (AES 128-bt
encrypton) access, edt and restore ALL ther personal es (productvty documents, audo and vdeo
es, bookmarks etc.) and Outook§ data (emas, attachments, caendar, contacts, notes, tasks) at
anytme from any computer n the word.
Now you can coupe the popuarty of SanDsk Cruzer§ wth ths Ðadvanced
synchronzaton and Outook§ data managementÑ software!
Thanks to ts unque capabtes, CruzerSync© sotware revoutonzes personal productvty by turnng
any computer nto your own Ï n the oce, at home or at schoo, n an nternet cae and beyond.
* CruzerSync© s compatbe ony wth Outook§ and NOT wth Outook§ Express.
Property of Dmaer - Copyrght Dmaer 2004-2006. Al rghts reserved.
CruzerSync© Gett ng Started Gu de
Step 1: Pug yourCruzer§ smartdrve nto yourcomputerand startusng CruzerSync©.
a. P ug your Cruzer§ smart dr ve nto your home or of ce computer and wa t or the dr ve to be
recogn ze by your computer.
b. C ck on the con wh ch appears when the aunchpad has comp ete y oaded on the ower r ght
hand s de of your computer screen (system tray ocat on).
c. C ck on CruzerSync© app cat on con to start runn ng CruzerSync©.
Property of Dma er - Copyr ght Dma er 2004-2006. A l r ghts reserved.
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CruzerSync© Gett ng Started Gu de
Step 2: Synchronze your Cruzer§ smart drve and your computer wth CruzerSync©
a. CruzerSync© w l now gu de you through con gur ng or rst t me use:
- F rst by se ect ng n wh ch anguage you want to nsta l the so tware;
P ease choose between Eng sh (defau t), French, German, Ita an, Span sh, Japanese, S mp f ed or
Trad t onal Ch nese.
Note: Once a anguage s chosen, CruzerSync© w l NOT a ow the user to change t.
- Then by ask ng you to create a personal password or data protect on;
P ease remember th s password. CruzerSync© w l ask you for t each t me you try to open the
app cat on.
Note: f you have orgotten your personal password, you l have to start th s set up process and synchron ze your data aga n.
You have a so the opt on to synchron ze mu t p e computers by creat ng d ferent prof e name (ex:
home, bus ness, etc.).
- F na y by spec fy ng n the two ÐOpt onsÑ pane s wh ch personal es and Out ook§ data you
want to synchron ze between your computer and your Cruzer§ smart dr ve.
Thanks to the Ðcheck boxÑ menu on the eft of the screen you have a so the opt on to synchron ze
ema s rom one or mu t p e specfc foders.
On the bottom r ght s de of those screens, you can a ways see what the ava ab e d sk space s e t on
your SanD sk Cruzer§ smart dr ve BEFORE synchron zat on.
Note: f you don t have enough d sk space ava ab e to synchron ze the se ected tems on your Cruzer§ smart dr ve,
CruzerSync© w l ask you to change your se ect on and synchron ze aga n.
Property of Dma er - Copyr ght Dma er 2004-2006. A l r ghts reserved.
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CruzerSync© Gettng Started Gude
b. When your seecton s done, cck the ÐNextÑ button. Synchronzaton of your personal es
(productvty documents, audo and vdeo fes, bookmarks etc.) and Outook© data
(emas, attachments, caendar, contacts, notes, and tasks) wl start automatcay.
Pease be patent, ths operaton can be engthy, especay durng the frst synchronzaton. The two
Ðprogress barsÑ ndcate you whats currenty happenng and the dferent stages of ths process.
At the end of ths operaton, CruzerSync© wl ask you f you woud ke to aunch the sotware.
By cckng on Ð OkÑ, CruzerSync© man nterface opens up. You can verfy that al the documents and
Outook§ data youve seected are now avaabe on your Cruzer§ smart drve.
At anytme, youre aso abe to mody your synchronzaton ÐOptonsÑ.
Property of Dmaer - Copyrght Dmaer 2004-2006. Al rghts reserved.
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CruzerSync© Gettng Started Gude
Step 3: Vew and Edtyourpersonalfes and Outook§ data from anothercomputer(even
fOutook§ s notoaded on ths system and wthouteavng any fes ortrace on t!).
a. Pug your Cruzer§ smart drve nto any computer and aunch CruzerSync©, ust as you dd on your
man computer by doube-cckng on CruzerSync© appcaton con .
b. Enter your password and CruzerSync© man nterface opens up. Our user nterace s very ntutve
and easy to navgate.
c. Work on your documents and Outook§ as you normay woud (vew, edt, erase, save etc.). Access
and edt your personal fes and Outook§ data: send emas wth or wthout attachments, add a
meetng n your caendar, change a contact, dspay your notes and tasks, edt a Word or Excel
document and even access to your Internet Exporer avortes n a cyberca, on a frends aptop, or n
a coeagues ofce Ï personal productvty s a snap wth CruzerSync©.
Note: Al the modcatons have been stored on your Cruzer§ smart drve. Because CruzerSync© run drecty rom t, absoutey
NO traces or es wl be et on ths computer.
Property of Dmaer - Copyrght Dmaer 2004-2006. Al rghts reserved.
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