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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 15 (2004) 167–177
Effects of upstream installations on the reading
of an ultrasonic flowmeter
C. Ruppel, F. Peters
Str¨ mungslehre, Universit¨ t Essen, D-45127 Essen, Germany
The downstream flow of two typical installations in piping systems, the 90 v bend and the double bend, is experimentally ident-
ified by flow angle measurements at the pipe wall. The identified downstream flow patterns are stable when the installation inflow
is stabilized. An ultrasonic flowmeter is exposed to the downstream flow at various positions and circumferential angles. At each
position the error shift of the flowmeter is recorded. A unique assignment between flow pattern and error shift is found paving
the way for an intelligent correction of flowmeters.
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
that the error is not the smallest possible one. Holden
and Peters [1] show how these limits are found for an
ultrasonic flowmeter in high pressure gases.
Any look up-table procedure gives up on the chance
to see a direct relationship between the flow structure
upstream of the meter and the behavior of the meter as
a reaction to it. Whenever this relationship can be
established it can be used to predict the meter reaction
on basis of the flow situation. This second approach is
called the intelligent meter correction [2,3] .
It is important to emphasize what the conditions and
limitations of the intelligent meter are. The flow
upstream of the meter, which is downstream of the
installation, must not be chaotic. It must have a detect-
able and reproducible structure. Fortunately, this is the
case for typical installations. They mainly generate
superpositions of elementary disturbances as described
by Gersten and Klika [4] . Yet, for good results the
resulting flow has to be stationary which means a fixed
flow pattern at a fixed position. Otherwise, the assign-
ment between flow pattern and error shift would be
time dependent and not feasible or at least not very
fruitful. Generally, the intelligent correction depends
mainly on the uniqueness of the upstream flow.
On the instrumentation side it must be possible to
identify the flow downstream of the installation by a
simple measurement. Simple because a complex instru-
mentation cannot be implemented into a real piping
system where the intelligent corrections are needed. We
A flowmeter designed to accurately measure the flow
rate in a pipe has to take into account the upstream
flow situation which is normally governed by a typical
installation. A bend, for example, is typical and a
meter is likely to be placed downstream of it. Other
typical installations are combinations of bends, T-
joints, obstructions and alike. The need to consider the
upstream situation has long been recognized by
researchers in fluid mechanics and signal processing as
well as by manufacturers of flowmeters. This paper
deals with the flows generated by bend and double
bend and the corresponding reactions of an ultrasonic
meter from the fluid mechanics point of view.
Obviously, various approaches are conceivable on
the way to the ‘‘perfect’’ meter of which two general
ones may be distinguished. One is to subject a meter to
as many installation situations as possible and create a
kind of look-up table telling the user what error shift is
to be expected in what situation. This is a laborious
approach which can never be completed. As a manu-
facturer can hardly spend the time and expense for
such a table he will rather specify the possible error
within defined limits of application taking into account
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-201-183-2061; fax: +49-201-183-
E-mail address: franz.peters@uni-essen.de (F. Peters).
0955-5986/$ - see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.Ruppel, F.Peters / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 15 (2004) 167–177
have developed an appropriate pressure probe for that
purpose [5] which detects the swirl angle close to the
wall on the circumference of the pipe. It will be shown
that the swirl angle is capable of identifying the flow
pattern. It provides only a limited information which
narrows the spectrum of flows to the typical instal-
lation flows. Yet, this compromise can be acceptable
when a substantial correction for a real (typical) flow
situation can be achieved.
In this paper, we apply the pressure probe for the
identification of the flow behind the installations 90 v
bend and double bend. In the same set-up we record
the error shift of an ultrasonic flowmeter. The ultra-
sonic meter presently investigated is of the transit-time
type [6] . It makes use of the fact that sound is carried
by the fluid at an effective speed with respect to the
wall which is either the difference or the sum of its own
speed and the fluid velocity. The sound is directed
across the streaming fluid as a beam such that velocity
information is collected along a line (line sensor) in
terms of time shift or frequency without being able to
reconstruct the velocity profile. Therefore, there is a
principle ambiguity in determining the mean transport
velocity when the profile is not known. Various designs
try to circumvent this problem by multiple paths
arrangements which penetrate the stream in more than
one direction. Some designs claim [1,6] to attain mea-
suring uncertainties below 1%. These remarkable
achievements together with the crucial benefits of an
unblocked cross section and applicability to both gases
and liquids have led to a great success with a variety of
models on the market.
In the present investigation, it is shown in a first step
how to secure a stationary (stable) installation flow and
that the pressure probe is suitable for the identification
of the flow structure. In a second step, the ultrasonic
flowmeter is subjected to the stationary flow down-
stream of the installation in two ways. Firstly, the reac-
tion of the meter is studied as it moves away from the
installation. As the meter remains a line sensor despite
multiple paths, it can be expected to be sensitive to the
angular position of mounting relative to the orientation
of the installation. Therefore, secondly, measurements
are carried out for angular positions. Beyond that the
influence of the Reynolds number is looked at. The
results are quantified in terms of error shift with
respect to developed pipe flow entering the meter.
Both steps, the identification of the flow and the
measurement of the error shift are preliminary for an
intelligent correction of the meter which is to be dealt
with in a follow-up paper.
2. Experimental set-up
The experiments were carried out in our multi-
functional flow rate test rig sketched in Fig. 1 . A speed
controlled blower circulates room air through the test
and reference sections made of precision piping of 150
and 100 mm inner diameter, respectively.
The test section is segmented and assembled by flan-
ges to allow variable configurations of pipe lengths and
installations including the ultrasonic meter and the
pressure probes.
The reference section incorporates a venturi at 20 d
upstream of the blower and 36 d downstream of a con-
striction which reduces the wider pipe to the smaller
one. The venturi was calibrated against another refer-
ence based on developed pipe flow which can be placed
Fig. 1. Experimental set-up (multifunctional flow rate test rig).
C.Ruppel, F.Peters / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 15 (2004) 167–177
optionally on the downstream side of the blower [2] .
By means of pressure and temperature measurements
in the venturi the venturi differential pressure reading is
converted into mass flux. The mass flux reproducibility
is better than 0.2% over all tested configurations in
the test section upstream of the constriction ( Fig. 1 ).
This is an important feature because we are looking for
error shifts. The absolute measuring uncertainty is less
3. Installations and their downstream flow
Fig. 3. Vortex flow formation downstream of a 90 v bend (left) and
a double bend (right) in the case of undisturbed inlet conditions.
Two typical installations, the 90 v bend and the dou-
ble bend, are studied. Their radius to diameter ratio is
1.5 following DIN 2605. Fig. 1 shows how they are
mounted and Fig. 2 provides the angular orientation
necessary when discussing the flow.
When axial pipe flow (free of swirl) enters the 90 v
bend a counter rotating vortex pair appears at the exit
( Fig. 3 , left) that was already described by Dean [7] .It
was confirmed by CFD calculations [8] and measure-
ments [9] . When the bend merges into a straight pipe
this vortex pair looses strength along the pipe, yet it
maintains its circumferential position, i.e., the pattern
in Fig. 3 (left) remains in the angular position shown.
The entire flow disturbance induced by the bend van-
ishes after roughly 50 D and developed pipe flow pre-
vails. This was shown experimentally by Schl¨ter and
Merzkirch [10] .
When axial pipe flow (free of swirl) enters the double
bend CFD calculations [8] and measurements [9] show
an excentric main vortex with an embedded smaller
one ( Fig. 3 , right). The smaller one disappears rapidly
along the pipe while the excentric pattern of the bigger
one rotates about the pipe axis with the flow. At a
fixed axial position in the pipe the pattern stays put.
Decay of the main vortex is rather slow with developed
pipe flow restored only after 100 D [9,10] .
In a real piping system, the bend will be fed from an
upstream pipe or just another bend or installation of
some sort which means that the inlet conditions to the
bend creating the vortex flow is a disturbed flow itself.
Any numerical calculation on the bend flow or any
experiment has, in principle, to take into account the
individual inlet conditions which they normally do not.
Fiedler [11] makes an illuminating contribution in this
context. Because of lacking lab space we cannot extend
the inlet pipe to a length that provides developed flow.
In order to secure at least stable axial inlet conditions,
irrespective of the radial profile, we found the Akashi
flow straightener [12] to work well in contrast to an
inlet nozzle which suggests smooth flow but enhances
swirl and instabilities. (It is a widespread misconcep-
tion that the bend flow itself is instable.)
In order to analyze and characterize the flow down-
stream of the installations one can, in principle, apply
powerful techniques as LDA, PIV or hot wire. We
wanted a simple method that can be flange mounted
not requiring any support except the pipe itself. Such a
measuring flange can be placed in any position includ-
ing envisaged future applications outside the lab.
For this purpose, we developed a special pressure
probe the design and calibration of which is being pub-
lished elsewhere [5] . It detects the swirl angle close to
the wall which is in pipe direction for undisturbed flow
and different from it when vortices are present.
The probe protrudes from the wall into the flow for
a few millimeters. It is wedge-shaped with the edge
pointing straight upstream. A pressure difference is
recorded between two taps symmetrically located on
the two sides. This pressure reads zero when the flow
close to the wall is in pipe direction and it rises pro-
portional to the flow direction in the range up to 20 v .
By this probe the circumference of the pipe can either
be sampled and the flow direction can be plotted vs cir-
cumferential angle H ( Fig. 5 ) providing a clear picture
of the vortex flow formation. Either a single or an
array of probes can be used. The single probe has to be
moved stepwise through 360 v while the array needs less
an angle. In this work a flange with eight equally
spaced probes was preferably used each fitted with two
differential pressure transducers ( Fig. 4 ). When the
flange is turned stepwise by 5 v it collects 80 data points
at 72 stations.
The pressure signals were digitized by the A/D
board DAQ Pad 6020Eof National Instruments at a
sampling frequency of 1000 Hz averaging over 60 s.
Fig. 2. Bend arrangements with circumferential angle H.
C.Ruppel, F.Peters / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 15 (2004) 167–177
straightener is required for stable, reproducible con-
These results for both installations were consistently
found in the investigated Reynolds numbers range
from 150,000 to 300,000.
4. Ultrasonic meter
Fig. 4. Flange with eight pressure probes.
After we have seen that the downstream flow of a
typical installation can be identified especially when
measures are taken to stabilize the inlet conditions we
can now proceed to study the reaction of an ultrasonic
meter to these flow cases.
A commercially available ultrasonic flowmeter for
gas measurements was used. It is built for the pipe
diameter of 150 mm with flange attachments according
to DIN 2633. Its design is based on two V paths. The
beams are not directed radially and not even in a radial
plane. They penetrate a measuring volume in an opti-
mized fashion the background of which we do not know
and do not need to know for the time being. The meter
is sold for the volume flow rate range 14–1600 m 3 /h
corresponding to the mass flux range 5–533 g/s under
our test conditions.
The manufacturer recommends a distance of 3 D to
the next upstream installation to keep accuracy specifi-
cations. There is no restriction as to the kind of instal-
lation and consequently there is no requirement for a
particular angular orientation of the meter.
As we do analyze particular installations (bend and
double bend) and their effect on the meter reading we
include the relative angular position as a parameter. To
do so the zero reference line is chosen in the middle
between the two V paths. The zero position for the
second parameter, the downstream distance, lies in the
center between the two flanges which is also the center
of the housing. Measured from this point the pipe
begins at 0.75 D.
The reading of the meter is in m 3 /s. As for the venturi
we convert to mass flux by measuring pressure and tem-
perature continuously 1 D downstream of the meter.
The output signal of the meter is a current between
4 and 20 mA proportional to the flow rate which is
processed by a PCI 6024 by National Instruments.
Integration time is 90 s at a sampling frequency of
1000 Hz. The instrument was calibrated against the
venturi for developed pipe flow to confirm the pro-
Data processing was carried out by LabView 6i of
National Instruments.
Results concerning the flow structure downstream of
the two installations are plotted in Fig. 5 . Figs. 2 and 3
help with the orientation for H. The flow angle h is
plotted vs H. It is zero when the flow direction is axial
and would be 90 v for tangential flow. Looking in
flow direction h < 0 when the flow turns clockwise. We
see that the range 20 v covers all data points. The fol-
lowing observations are worth mentioning.
In the 90 v bend case with flow straightener the
h-curves are smooth with zero points at 90 v and 270 v
and maxima to both sides of the 270 v point. In com-
parison with Fig. 3 , the double vortex is clearly ident-
ified. Moving downstream the zero points stay put
confirming that the vortex pattern does not revolve.
The amplitude decays and dies out at 20 D. The inser-
ted CFD calculation was carried out by Ernst and
Schm¨cker [13] for the present bend geometry
assuming a square inlet profile. It agrees remarkably
well with the measurements just that the damping of
the amplitude is a little too weak. The most important
finding is that the curve is not reproducible when the
flow straightener is replaced by the inlet nozzle.
Clearly, under these circumstances any attempt of an
intelligent correction is less promising than in the
stable case with flow straightener.
In the double bend case, the overall turn of the
vortex pattern along the pipe leads to generally nega-
tive angles h. Following the curves from top to bottom,
it is seen that the curve moves to the right reflecting the
revolution of the vortex pattern which is predicted by
the CFD calculations [13] . Just the predicted rotational
speed is a little low. The damping prediction turns out
better now possibly because it is weaker now as the
double bend vortex stays on to 100 D. Again the flow
5. Results for the ultrasonic meter
The ultrasonic meter is now subjected to the flows
downstream of the two typical installations considered
in this work. Circumferential angle H, Reynolds num-
ber and distance are varied. The error shift of the
C.Ruppel, F.Peters / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 15 (2004) 167–177
Fig. 5. Flow angle h close to the wall vs circumferential angle H at various positions downstream of the 90 v bend (left) and the double bend
(right) Re 250 ; 000; measured data with Akashi flow straightener; h measured date with inlet nozzle; u calculated data—CFD.
meter is measured in % according to
DF ½ % ¼ m ref m usm
m ref
ð 1 Þ
where m usm is the mass flux measured by the ultrasonic
meter and m ref the reference one measured by the
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