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Praise for 101 Drama Games and Activities
‘I am a newly qualified teacher and always on the look out for
resources that will help me in the studio and this book is perfect!
The way in which the games are categorised into areas will save
me time and also ensure that my warm ups etc are focused in the
right direction and suited to the purpose of the lesson. The
language used is straightforward and the instructions are easy to
follow. I look forward to your next book.’
- Bernadette Collins, UK
‘I am a newly certified theatre teacher and have to thank you for
providing the most creative resources I have ever seen to educate
and entertain young children.’
- Matt Brown, Milwaukee, USA
‘This is a great resource, I am a student studying Primary school
teaching - you helped with my final assessment! Thanks.’
- Felicity Ainsworth, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
‘We wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic resource of ideas.
Your games are perfect for our needs and we’ll certainly be
recommending your book to our staff. We hope that you are as
excited as we are that some of your games could reach up to
12,000 children this year.’
- Fiona Hahn, King's Camps, Sheffield, UK
‘As a Hebrew language and Judaic Studies teacher, I use a lot of
drama in my classes. The students love it. Thank you for your
awesome ideas. I am looking forward to using them in my next
school year. I wish students all over will have a chance to play
and enjoy your wonderful games.’
- Eran Rosenberg, Columbus, Ohio, USA
‘I am a drama teacher and also work with young people outside
of the curriculum. I now feel even better armed with ideas -
having a Boal in one hand and your book in the other. Your book,
like your web site is an amazing resource, which I am sure I will
use frequently!’
- Sally Evans, Hull, UK
‘I have just started teaching KS3 Drama in England. Am an
NQT, had no drama training, and you've saved my sanity! ’
- Jan Bishop, UK
‘I am so thankful for your shared talent and free activity ideas.
The kids will have a blast in a positive way as many of these
activities will be added to our group. Thank You!!! Live
- Jeanne, Tacoma, Washington, USA
‘What a fantastic resource! Can't wait to get your book and share
what you have compiled - it's great to know your games and
exercises are tried and trusted and everything is explained
extremely well. Thanks for sharing your passion!’
- Alison Howard, Adelaide, Australia
'I plan my lessons and try to remember the activities I have found
in your book but I invariably have to refer to it (discretely)
during my lessons. I never enter my drama lessons without it!'
- Janet Holroyd, Nice, France
‘I have been looking for a book like this for years! I am so thrilled
to finally find one! Thanks David for creating it. You should sell
it in a book format at bookstores. It would sell amazingly!’
- Deborah Henry, Toronto, Canada
drama games
and activities
David Farmer
Second Edition
Disclaimer: All these games and exercises are undertaken
entirely at your own risk and the author accepts no responsibility
for any accident or injury sustained while using this book.
© David Farmer 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
David Farmer.
Further copies available from:
or www.lulu.com
Published by Lulu
ISBN 978-1-84753-841-3
About the author
After training as a primary school teacher, David Farmer worked
in the theatre profession as a director, writer and actor. His plays
have been performed across the USA, Canada, Ireland, Germany,
Norway and throughout the United Kingdom. He composes
music for many of his productions and is also a yoga teacher.
Since establishing Tiebreak Theatre Company in 1981, he has
written, produced or performed in over 65 plays, reaching an
audience of half a million young people. He has led hundreds of
drama workshops with children, actors, students, teachers and
prison inmates. He runs a popular drama website
( www.dramaresource.com ) and works freelance, based in
Norwich, Norfolk.
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