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===- BEST OF PHREKWENCI -===========================- -===

===- Original Song Data -==============================================

 Song Title: 	"IMPLANTATION"

 Artist: 	TOMOSUKE

 Orig. Length:	1:32

===- DWI Edit Data -===================================================

 DWI Artist:	Don D'Amato (Phrekwenci,

   (Includes Original Light, Standard, Heavy, Background 
   and Banner and CD title (see below), Readme and all DWI file coding.)

 Difficulties:	L:3	S:7	H:9	

 Steps(combo):	L:123	S:284	H:384	

===- About The Song -==================================================

	        A friend of mine introduced me to this song as well a few
others that I have made previous DWIs for.  There's so many accents to this
song making it have the potential to be ever-changing.  Which it what I think
I accomplished.

===- About The Steps -=================================================

Light:		Very freeze heavy.  Mostly ultilizing a double step freeze arrow
	  pattern in quarter notes.  The end can get tricky for new comers, but
	  it will be even trickier in more difficult versions of the song, so I
	  I put the practice in now.

Standard:	The first part to make note of are the jumps that are step up to be
	  a twist.  Doing it correctly will set up the mirroring runs.  Then the jumps
	  go in the other direction to set up for the up arrow entrance of the build-up.
	  The end runs are tricky with a lot of twisting, but the practice on Light
	  should have been helpful.

Heavy:		The first half of the song follows all the different types of synth in
	  the song.  The build-up gives a few weird run patterns.  But that shows nothing
	  of what is in store for the end of the song.  If you put all the steps to 
	  Tess's Stay at the end of one song, this is it.  It'll make you sweat, I promise.	  
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