D&D 2e Deck of Psionic Powers.pdf

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Aura Alteration
rower score:
Wisdom -4
Initial Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Not applicable
Preparation Time:
Area of Effect:
Psychic swgety 5th level
Roll of Power Score:
Roll of 20
No additional effect
The full ESP cost of the power
must be paid despite the lack of
success, and this psionicist can't
alter this aura until he achieves
a higher experience level
CPH page 93
rower Score:
Wisdom -12
Area of Effect:
10th level
Roll 3 Power Score:
No additional effect
If three 20s are rolled during the
empowering process, the item is
Psychic Clone
Power score:
Wisdom -8
Initial Cost:
Maintenance Cost
Preparation Time:
10 rounds
Clairaudience, clairvoyance,
psychic messenger, 5th level
Clone can travel through walls
and other solid objects
No additional effect
Roll of Power Score:
Psychic Surgery
Power score:
Wisdom -5
Maintenance Cost:
Mindlink, contact
"implanted power
Surgeon can't use this power
successfully for Id4 days
Split Personality
rower score:
Wisdom -5
Initial Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Area of Effect:
Psychic surgery, 10th level
The mind splits into three parts
instead of two
User passes out for ld6 tllrns
Roll of Power Sore:
Initial Cost:
Prere "kites:
1 item
Area of Effect:
Initial cost:
Aura Alteration
With aura alteration, a psionicist can tem-
porarily disguise a cha;acter’s alignment,
disguise her level, or remove aura afflic-
tions like curses, geases, and quests.
Disguising a character’s alignment or
level is the easiest to do. The disguise is
temporary, lasting only Id6 hours. It has
no effect on the character’s real alignment
or class, hut a psionicist with aura sight
will be fooled by the fake aura.
Because curses, geases, and quests are
imprinted on the character’s aura, they can
be removed with this power. A psionicist
who tries this suffers a 4 penalty to his
power score and must expend 20 PSPs
instead of 10. If the power check roll is 1,
the psionicist’s patient must make a saving
throw vs. spells to avoid losing one experi-
ence level. (A slip of the psychic scalpel can
close off vital parts of the brain.)
#217 of 288
01994 TSQ Inc. All Rights
Empower allows a psionicist to imbue an
item with rudimentary intelligence and
psionic ability. See CPH for full details.
The item muzt be worth 250% to 500% of
the normal cost for an item of its type, It must
be new, no more than 48 hours since manu-
facture. If tried on an older item, the user fails
Step 1, expending 50 PSPs.
Step 1. Each day. user must first prepare
item. Cost 50 PSI’S and a power check. Fail:
no progress until next day
Step 2. User can give prepared item access
to one psionic discipline (that user has).Cost:
100 PSPs and a power check.
Step 3. The psionicist can attempt to
empower the item with any one power he
knows within the discipline (on same day it
was properly prepared). User makes two
power checks; first for the chosen power
(using its score), second, another el
check. If both checks succeed,the item
psionic power, with a score two point
user’s. Successcosts 100 PSPs, failutp :
Step 4. User can add other POT
repeating Step 3. It can acquire one PO
day, if it has been properly prepared.
Step 5. When item has acquired
powers user intends to give it, he <
those powers. He must prepare the il
more time (expending 50 PSPs), and
final power check. If the check succeed
never gain or loss any powers. If i
sealed, it loses one power per month
hecomes normal.
Empoweringprocessmust be unb2
a day passes in which the user doesn’t at
to prepare the object, it is finished as is. I
even try to seal the powers.
#218 of 288
Psychic Clone
When this power is initiated, a clone of the
psionicist steps out of his body. It is in
every way identical to the original form,
except that it has no substance. The psion-
icist can see and hear what the done sees
and hean. The clone will do anything the
psionicist wants it to do (as if it were actu-
ally him). Furthermore, the user’s psyche
goes with the clone, thus enabling it to use
all of his psionic powers.
This power has a serious drawback. As
long as the clone exists, the psionicist him-
self is practically a vegetable. He retains
only three senses: smell, taste, and touch.
He can’t move, see or hear. All his psionic
powers are transferred to the clone. In
effect, the immobile character is no longer
a psionicist; not even psionic sense will
reveal his hue nature. He can 1
without any combat rolls if an 01
wishes to do so.
The clone can travel up to 60 fc
the psionicist. It can go anywh
psionicist himself could go. For exa
can walk down a corridor, walk acr
(the clone has no substance and
hurt), and swim (provided the us
Because the psionicist could walk I
an unlocked door, so can the
although the clone passes througl
ghost. However, a clone can’t
through walls or walk on water,
the psionicist can’t either.
The clone is impervious to all forms of
attack and damage except psionic or men-
tal attack (which will affect the psionicist).
#219of 288
Psychic Surgery
Psychic surgery allows a psionidst to tppair
psychic damage. even on himself (-5 to power
score). Phobias, aversions, comas, seizure-
thwe and other psychic ailments can be beat-
ed and ad. Curses or magical conditions
can’t be cured.
This power can‘t cure possession. It con
confirm that the problem really is possession,
and can force the possessing enti4 into pionic
cmbnf if the surgeon desires. Psychic sugery
could the possession indirectly by forcing
a weak entity to flee rather than face combat.
Most psychic ailments can he aned in one
turn or less. If the power chedn roll is I or 2, the
problem is &cky and requires another turn. If
the check fails, it is too patfor the user to fix.
He can try again after gaining another expen-
ence level.
This power can help nonpsionics unleash
their wild powers. If the user succeeds, the
patient gains a -2 bonus to his wild talent roll
It can also be used to make the effect of
any telepathic power permanent with no
maintenance cost. The pmer is not bestowed
on the subject,only its effect.A person can he
permanently dominated, for example. The
following restrictions apply:
1. The power must have a maintenance cost.
2. The power’s range must be more than 0.
3. The surgeon must know the power and use
it successfully on the patient.
4. This application won’t work on the user or
another psionicist.
5. One power can he made permanent per
turn. On a power check roll of 1 or 2, pro=
dure takes twoturns.
This procedure can also be reversed; psy-
chic surgery can be used to remove a perma-
nently implanted telepathic effect.
11220 of 288
01934 ER, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Split Personality
This power divides one’s mind into two indr
pendent parts. Each part functions in com-
plete autonomy, like two characters in one
body, Both parts communicate fully, Both can
use psionic powers, even at the same time.
That means a split personality can uw twice
as many psionic powers per round. (The char-
acter’s PSP total tpmains the same, with both
personalities drawing fmm it.) Alternately,
one personality can use psionic powers while
the other des something els-ontrol the
body in melee, for example. Split personality
allows a characterto physically and psionical-
ly battle at the same time.
Mental attacks directed against the psion-
icist affedonly half of the mind. Contact must
be established separately with each half. If
one half is somehow destroyed or subdued,
the other half can continue fighting indepen-
dently and retains control of the body.
Before he attempts to make his personaliq
whole again, the psionkist must make a saving
thmw vs. paralyzation if any of the following
is hue: he doesn’t control bath porfians of his
mind; he has unrepaired psychic damage; or
he is sufferingunwanted contact. A successful
save means that his mind returns to complete
health and thmws off all undesired influences.
Failure means that the afflicted portion of his
mind becomes dominant and he passes out for
Id6 hlms. When he awakens, he is free of
undesired influences.
1221 Of288
01994 TSQ Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(see cpm.
Subjective Reality
power score:
Wisdom -5
Maintenance Cost
Preparation Time:
Area of Effect:
8th level
Roll of Power Score:
Psionicist can alter what he is
disbelieving from round to
User muit save YS. spells or be
plane shifted to 8 random Outer
Roll of 20
WW page 89
rower score:
Initial cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Not applicable
Preparation Time:
Area of Effect:
P ersona1
5th level
n them by
Roll of Power Score:
Roil of 20
User gains 8 PSPs
reducing Constitr
User loses Id4 Ca
points, but anmi
CPH page 97
Cognitive Trance
Power Score:
Initial Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Not applicable
Preparation Time:
Area of Effect:
User gains +4 bonus to all
Intelligence checks for duration
of the trance
User develops mild headache
for Id6 turns, and power can't
be used
Roll of Power Score:
Initial Cost:
Subjective Reality
With this power, the user can ignore the
reality of an object or category of objects
and make them have no existence for him.
The psionicist can only disbelieve inan-
imate objects or effects with this power,
since he finds it impossible to ignore living
creatures. Some possible uses of the power
*Disbelieving a type of weapon, such as
hand-held weapons, bows and cross-
bows, or hurled weapons. No weapon of
that type can harm the psionicist while
power is maintained.
*Disbelieving an entire type of magic,
such as priestly or wizardly magic.
*Disbelieving a manifestation of an ele-
ment, such as a fire or a rock slide
*Disbelieving any one object (large or
small), such as a boulder, an enemy’s
armor, or an enemy‘s magical item.
The DM must decide what the exact
effectsof subjective reality are, but in gen-
eral the disbelieved objects simply do not
exist for the psionicist. He can’t be harmed
by them, nor can he have any effect on
them himself.
#222 Of 288
01994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Raaved.
Suppress Magic
This power lets psionicists draw upon
their command of psychic energy to create
a field that dampens magic of all types.
Within the field, no spells function, weap-
ons lose their enchantments,creatures with
magical attacks or powers (such as a
basilisk‘s gaze) can’t use them, magically
animated monsters (animated dead,
golems) stop in their tracks, and magical
items don’t function.
The field remains as long as the user
maintains it. The base maintenance cost is
1 PSP per round, but each spell level or
magical power usage within the field adds
1 PSPta the maintenancecost. Effectswith-
out a spell level should be equated to a
similar spell. If there is no similar spell, the
user pays maintenance PSPs equal to 1 per
Hit Die or level of the initiating creature.
This effect will temporarily disrupt
enchantments in effect, so a charmed per-
son is temporarily freed, polymorphed
creatures return to their original form, and
so on. Things that were changed by magic
but are no longer magical, such as a stone
bench that was created by stone shape, don’t
change in form. A person stoned by a
medusa’s gaze remains that way. Once the
user ceases to maintain the power, all
enchantments resume uninterrupted.
#223 Of 288
01994 TSR, Lnc. All P4ghts Reserved.
A character using psionic ultrablast can
overwhelm and damage nearby psyches.
To do this, she casts thought waves in all
directions. In laymen’s terms, the user
“grumbles” psychically for three rounds.
Then her consciousness bursts forth and a
horrid, psychic scream penetrates all
minds within 50 feet. Victims may never be
the same again.
All characters within 50 feet of the
ultrablast must save vs. paralyzation.
Failure means they pass out for 2d6 turns.
Those who pass out must immediately
save vs. paralyzation again. If they fail a
second time, they lase all psionic power.
Only psychic surgery can help them recov-
er this loss.
Although the blast does not &ect the
user, the risks are great. If the power check
fails, she becomes comatose for Id10 days:
Some characters may think she’s dead.
#224 of 288
01994TSR, Lnc. All Rights Reerved.
This power allows the character to canni-
balize his own body far extra PSPs. When
it is used, the character can take any num-
ber of Constihltion points and convert
them directly to El’s at a ratio of 1% (One
Constitution point becomes 8 PSPs.) The
psionicist can uses these points anytime,as
if they were part of his total.
The Constitution redudon is not per-
manent, but is debilitatingand long-lasting.
The character immediately loses bonus hit
points. His system shock and resmction
survival chances are reduced. Most impor-
tantly, all of his psionic power scores which
are based on Constitution are reduced by
the appropriate amount.
A psionicist can recover one camibal-
ized point of Constitution per week of rest.
Rest means staying quietly at home (safely
indoors). Adventuring is not allowed.
A psionicist can cannibalize the body of
a victim he has used switch personality on.
6225 Of 288
01994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Cognitive Trance
Apsionidst with this power can place him-
self in a trance that clears his mind for calm
and contemplative thought. Anything the
psionicist sees, hean, or reads while under
the mind-sharpening influence of the cog-
nitive trance can be committed to his mem-
ory verbatim, for precise recall at a later
The player running the psionicist char-
acter can use this ability to remember
detailed inshuctions or conversations to
the word, even if he himself doesn’t
remember the exact content. This can be
handy to remember detailed instructions
to a certain location or the exact wording of
a series of intricate passwords.
The psionicist can also enter the trance
to consider any problem, puzzle, or riddle,
gaining a +2 bonus on any Intelligence
checks to find a solution.
If used for photographic memory, the
trance lasts as long as it taketo completely
take in all the information. If used to solve a
puule, the trance lasts as long as it takes the
psionicist to make a single attempt to amve
at a solution. An extended trance may last
for several hours.
While in a trance, the user suffers a -1
penalty to surprisechecks. Combat or even
conversation breaks the trance.
U226 of 288
81994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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