Salvatore, R.A - Icewind Dale Trilogy 3 - Halfling's Gem, The.txt

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The Halfling's Gem
    "He left this," Pellman continued, handing the tiny pouch to Wulfgar." And 
bade me to tell you that he will await your arrival in Calimport." 
    Wulfgar held the pouch tentatively, as if expecting it to explode in his 
    "Our thanks," Drizzt told Pellman. "We will tell our associate that you 
performed the task admirably." 
    Pellman nodded and bowed, turning away as he did so, to return to his 
    Drizzt led Wulfgar off to the side, out of plain view. Seeing the 
barbarian's paling look, he took the tiny pouch and gingerly loosened the draw 
string, holding it as far away as possible. With a shrug to Wulfgar, who had 
moved a cautious step away, Drizzt brought the pouch down to his belt level and 
peeked in. 
    Wulfgar moved closer, curious and concerned when he saw Drizzt's shoulders 
droop. The drow looked to him in helpless resignation and inverted the pouch, 
revealing its contents. 
    A halfling's finger. 
Book One: The Crystal Shard 
Book Two: Streams of Silver 
Book Three: The Halfling's Gem
To my sister Susan, 
who'll never know how 
much her support has meant 
to me over the last few years.
  Book 1: Halfway to Everywhere 
  Chapter 1   Tower of Twilight
  Chapter 2   A Thousand Thousand Little Candles
  Chapter 3   Conyberry's Pride
  Chapter 4   The City of Splendors
  Chapter 5   Ashes
  Chapter 6   Baldur's Gate 
  Book 2: Allies
  Chapter 7   Stirrings
  Chapter 8   A Plain Brown Wrapper
  Chapter 9   Fiery Riddles
  Chapter 10   The Weight of a Kings Mantle
  Chapter 11   Hot Winds
  Chapter 12   Comrades
  Chapter 13   Paying the Piper
  Chapter 14   Dancing Snakes
  Chapter 15   The Guide 
  Book 3: Desert Empires
  Chapter 16   Never a Fouler Place
  Chapter 17   Impossible Loyalties
  Chapter 18   Double Talker
  Chapter 19   Tricks and Traps
  Chapter 20   Black and White
  Chapter 21   Where No Sun Shines
  Chapter 22   The Rift
  Chapter 23   If Ever You Loved Catti-brie
  Chapter 24   Interplanar Goo
  Chapter 25   A Walk in the Sun 

    The wizard looked down upon the young woman with uncertainty. Her back was 
to him; he could see the thick mane of her auburn locks flowing around her 
shoulders, rich and vibrant. But the wizard knew, too, the sadness that was in 
her eyes. So young she was, barely more than a child, and so beautifully 
    Yet this beautiful child had put a sword through the heart of his beloved 
    Harkle Harpell brushed away the unwanted memories of his dead love and 
started down the hill. "A fine day," he said cheerily when he reached the young 
    "Do ye think they've made the tower?" Catti-brie asked him, her gaze never 
leaving the southern horizon. 
    Harkle shrugged. "Soon, if not yet." He studied Catti-brie and could find no 
anger against her for her actions. She had killed Sydney, it was true, but 
Harkle knew just by looking at her that necessity, not malice, had guided her 
sword arm. And now he could only pity her. 
    "How are you?" Harkle stammered, amazed at the courage she had shown in 
light of the terrible events that had befallen her and her friends. 
    Catti-brie nodded and turned to the wizard. Surely there was sorrow edging 
her deep blue eyes, but mostly they burned with a stubborn resolve that chased 
away any hints of weakness. She had lost Bruenor, the dwarf who had adopted her 
and had reared her as his own since the earliest days of her childhood. And 
Catti-brie's other friends even now were caught in the middle of a desperate 
chase with an assassin across the southland. 
    "How quickly things have changed," Harkle whispered under his breath, 
feeling sympathy for the young woman. He remembered a time, just a few weeks 
earlier, when Bruenor Battlehammer and his small company had come through 
Longsaddle in their quest to find Mithril Hall, the dwarf's lost homeland. That 
had been a jovial meeting of tales exchanged and promises of future friendships 
with the Harpell clan. None of them could have known that a second party, led by 
an evil assassin, and by Harkle's own Sydney, held Catti-brie hostage and was 
gathering to pursue the company. Bruenor had found Mithril Hall, and had fallen 
    And Sydney, the female mage that Harkle had so dearly loved, had played a 
part in the dwarf's death. 
    Harkle took a deep breath to steady himself. "Bruenor will be avenged," he 
said with a grimace. 
    Catti-brie kissed him on the cheek and started back up the hill toward the 
Ivy Mansion. She understood the wizard's sincere pain, and she truly admired his 
decision to help her fulfill her vow to return to Mithril Hall and reclaim it 
for Clan Battlehammer. 
    But for Harkle, there had been no other choice. The Sydney that he had loved 
was a facade, a sugar coating to a power-crazed, unfeeling monster. And he 
himself had played a part in the disaster, unwittingly revealing to Sydney the 
whereabouts of Bruenor's party. 
    Harkle watched Catti-brie go, the weight of troubles slowing her stride. He 
could harbor no resentment toward her - Sydney had brought about the 
circumstances of her own death, and Catti-brie had no choice but to play them 
out. The wizard turned his gaze southward. He, too, wondered and worried for the 
drow elf and the huge barbarian lad. They had slumped back into Longsaddle just 
three days before, a sorrow-filled and weary band in desperate need of rest. 
    There could be no rest, though, not now, for the wicked assassin had escaped 
with the last of their group, Regis the halfling, in tow. 
    So much had happened in those few weeks; Harkle's entire world had been 
turned upside down by an odd mixture of heroes from a distant, forlorn land 
called Icewind Dale, and by a beautiful young woman who could not be blamed. 
    And by the lie that was his deepest love. 
    Harkle fell back on the grass and watched the puffy clouds of late summer 
meander across the sky. 
* * *
    Beyond the clouds, where the stars shone eternally, Guenhwyvar, the entity 
of the panther, paced excitedly. Many days had passed since the cat's master, 
the drow elf named Drizzt Do'Urden, had summoned it to the material plane. 
Guenhwyvar was sensitive to the onyx figurine that served as a link to its 
master and that other world; the panther could sense the tingle from that 
far-off place even when its master merely touched the statuette. 
    But Guenhwyvar hadn't felt that link to Drizzt in some time, and the cat was 
nervous now, somehow understanding in its otherworldly intelligence that the 
drow no longer possessed the figurine. Guenhwyvar remembered the time before 
Drizzt, when another drow, an evil drow, had been its master. Though in essence 
an animal, Guenhwyvar possessed dignity, a quality that its original master had 
stolen away. 
    Guenhwyvar remembered those times when it had been forced to perform cruel, 
cowardly acts against helpless foes for the sake of its master's pleasure. 
    But things had been very different since Drizzt Do'Urden came to possess the 
figurine. Here was a being of conscience and integrity, and an honest bond of 
love had developed between Guenhwyvar and Drizzt. 
    The cat slumped against a star-trimmed tree and issued a low growl that 
observers to this astral spectacle might have taken as a resigned sigh. 
    Deeper still would the cat's sigh have been if it knew that Artemis Entreri, 
the killer, now possessed the figurine. 
Book 1: 
Halfway to Everywhere
Tower of Twilight
    "A day and more we have lost," the barbarian grumbled, reining in his horse 
and looking back over his shoulder. The lower rim of the sun had just dipped 
below the horizon. "The assassin moves away from us even now!" 
    "We do well to trust in Harkle's advice," replied Drizzt Do'Urden, the dark 
elf. "He would not have led us astray." With the sunshine fading, Drizzt dropped 
the cowl of his black cloak back onto his shoulders and shook free the locks of 
his stark white hair. 
    Wulfgar pointed to some tall pines. "That must be the grove Harkle Harpell 
spoke of," he said, "yet I see no tower, nor signs that any structure was ever 
built in this forsaken area." 
    His lavender eyes more at home in the deepening gloom, Drizzt peered ahead 
intently, trying to find some evidence to dispute his young friend. Surely this 
was the place that Harkle had indicated, for a short distance ahead of them lay 
the small pond, and beyond that the thick boughs of Neverwinter Wood. "Take 
heart," he reminded Wulfgar. "The wizard called patience the greatest aid in 
finding the home of Malchor. We have been here but an hour." 
    "The road grows ever longer," the barbarian mumbled, unaware that the drow's 
keen ears did not miss a word. There was merit in Wulfgar's complaints, Drizzt 
knew, for the tale of a farmer in Longsaddle - that of a dark, cloaked man and a 
halfling on a single horse - put the assassin fully ten days ahead of them, and 
moving swiftly. 
    But Drizzt had faced Entreri before and understood the enormity of the 
challenge before him. He wanted as much assistance as he could get in rescuing 
Regis from the deadly man's clutches. By the farmer's words, Regis was still 
alive, and Drizzt was certain that Entreri did not mean to harm the halfling 
before getting to Calimport. 
    Harkle Harpell would not have sent them to this place without good reason. 
    "Do we put up for the night?" asked Wulfgar. "By my word, we'd ride back to 
the road and to the south. Entreri's horse carries two and may have tired by 
now. We can gain on him if we ride through the night." 
    Drizzt smile...
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