Jack McDevitt - Moonfall.pdf

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By Jack McDevitt
Scanned, formatted and proofed by BW-SciFi
Ebook version 1.0
Release Date: September, 9 th , 2003
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ISBN 0-06-105112-8
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For Fran and Brian Cole,
the Clearwater Desperadoes
I am indebted for assistance, advice, and encouragement to: Franklin R. Chang-
D íaz of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Ted Dunham and Bruce Koehn of the Lowell
Observatory; Terry Gipson, St. Louis Science Center; Sergei Pershman, University of
Pennsylvania; Eileen Ryan, Kitt Peak National Observatory; Jim Sharp, formerly of the
Smithsonian Air & Space Museum; George Tindle, U.S. Customs Service; and Judith A.
Tyner, California State University, Long Beach.
The manuscript also profited from the guidance of Fred Espenak of NASA
Goddard, both directly and from his excellent book, Fifty Year Canon of Solar
Eclipses: 1986-2035 (Sky Publishing Corp., Cambridge, MA, 1988). Thanks to Ben
Bova for permission to use his version of Moonbase, the details of which were
derived particularly from Welcome to Moonbase (Ballantine Books, 1987).
Geoff Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory and science fiction writer Walt Cuirle
of the Isaac Asimov Seminar were subjected to constant harassment during the
production of this book. They bore up patiently and both are, I believe, still talking to
Maureen McDevitt helped the manuscript through several incarnations, and Caitlin
Blasdell provided her usual good judgment at HarperPrism. Thanks also to Dolores
Dwyer for editorial assistance.
Ron Peiffer assisted with the Coast Guard segments, and Lewis Shiner brought the
duct tape.
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