Pirates of the Spanish Main Ship Combat.pdf

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Initiative: Deal each ship one card. The difference between face
values x 50 is the distance between any two ships (Jacks count
as 11, Queens as 12, etc.). Ships on the same initiative card are
considered to be 25 inches apart.
Speed: If a ship's top speed exceeds opponent’s, add the difference
to opposed Boating rolls.
Attacks: Everyone aboard a ship acts on that ship's initiative.
Each round, a ship may fire a quarter of it's cannon (half of one
side) at any particular target.
Damage: Damage that exceeds a ship's toughness forces the
captain to make a Boating roll or go Out of Control. Each raise
also inflicts one wound. Each wound causes a -1 penalty to the
captain's Boating rolls. Each wound also causes a Critical Hit.
When a ship takes its final wound it is wrecked and the captain
must make a boating roll or go Out of Control.
Out of Control. Roll 2d6. On a roll of 2 or 12, the ship dips and
1d10 crew lost. Otherwise take -2 penalty to next Boating roll.
M anoeuvres
Broadside. Make a Boating roll. On a success, the ship may fire
half it's cannon (one whole side) at a particular target. The target
may instantly return fire with half its cannon.
Boarding. Must be on same initiative card as target. Make an
opposed Boating roll. On failure, go Out of Control. On success,
crew make immediate group Throwing roll to grapple the target.
Opposing crew can make Throwing roll opposed with at least the
same number of crew.
Crossing the T. Must be within short range. Make opposed Boating
roll. If succeed, can fire half the ship's cannon at a target.
Flee. Make an opposed Boating roll against the enemy with the
highest top speed. Succeeding for 3 consecutive rounds allows
Force. Must be on same initiative card as target. Make an opposed
Boating roll. If succeed, choose one of the following options:
- opposing captain must make a Boating roll (with a -2 penalty if
the Force was won with a raise) or hit an obstacle (shoal, reef,
sandbar, rocks, etc.)
- opposing captain must make Boating roll or go Out of Control
- draw 1 card (or 2 for a raise) and replace the target's initiative
card for either this round or the next with a card of your choice.
Hard About. Roll Boating with a -2 penalty. Draw 2 cards on a
success, 3 on a raise. Replace current initiative card with one of
the cards drawn. On a fail, the ship goes Out of Control.
Steady As She Goes. Keep current initiative card for next round.
Shearing. Must be on same initiative card as target and target must
have oars. Make an opposed Boating roll with a -2 penalty. If
succeed, roll 3d6 damage vs. opposing ship's base toughness
(no armour) and, if successful, half their oars are destroyed,
reducing top speed by half and allowing them to only turn left or
C ritical H its
2 Scratched the Paintwork. No additional effect.
3-4 Mast/Oars. One mast or side of oars are destroyed. Reduce
the ship's acceleration and top speed proportionally (losing 1
mast on 3 masted ship reduces acceleration/top speed by 1/3)
5 Rudder. Ship can only turn left or right. -2 to Boating rolls.
6-8 Hull. Roll 1d6. On a 6, a fire starts (see 50 Fathoms p.34).
9-10 Crew. 2d6 crew killed. If dice come up doubled, PC or named
character is also hit (ship’s armour protects if below decks).
11 Weapon. A single weapon is destroyed.
12 Wrecked. Ships without cannon begin to sink. Ships with
cannon suffer a hit to the central magazine. The resulting
explosion kills 90% of the crew and causes 4d6 damage to
every named character. Ships grappled or on the same initiative
card suffer 2d6 + ship's base toughness in damage.
Ship Combat GM-Screen Insert by Voidstate - www.voidstate.com/rpg - feedback welcome to rpg@voidstate.com - content and graphics © Great White Games
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