allowed supposed.doc

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Not allowed to / not supposed to

‘not allowed to’ is used when the speaker is giving a definite rule: We’re not allowed to go in the theatre.

‘not supposed to’ is often used when talking about a rule which people sometimes break: You’re not supposed to block the street.

In the positive: allowed to = have permission to, but supposed to = have an obligation to.


Write restriction and rules for the following places or situations.

1. in an aeroplane

2. in a petrol station             

3. on a motorway

4. in a library

5. visiting people in hospital

6. in your school


Look at the signs below and state the rules connected with them using not allowed to and not supposed to.


No right turn                Don’t drop litter! $20 fine                   Thank you for not smoking in this office

No parking between 8.00 and 18.30                         Please do not talk to the driver

It is illegal to travel without a ticket                  Please keep our city clean. Don’t drop litter


Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin