meeting 2.doc

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Clickings – empty sound of bashing beetween two things

Clickings – empty sound of bashing beetween two things

Infestation – to appear in great number // wpaść w dużej liczbie

Locusts – insects that live in huge numbers, and often eat crops from fields//szarańcza

Myriad – a great deal of something // dużo czegoś

Shoved aside

Anachronistic - someone or something that seems to belong to the past, not the present // staromodny

Lens- he part of a camera through which the light travels before it reaches the film//soczewki

Vacuumed – to be swallowed by something // być pochłoniętym czymś.

Instamatic –instant and automatic// szybko i automatycznie

Step aside – to move from somewhere , not to stand in some1’s way // przesunac sie

Focussing – to adjust parameters of camera to get good photo // ustawić aparat

Bide their time - to wait until the right moment to do something// poczekać na dobr moment

Black-ringed – with black ring around lens//z czarna obwódką

Take it for granted - to believe that something is true without making sure // wieżyc ze cos jest oczywiste.

Peculiar - strange, unfamiliar, or a little surprising:/zaskakujące

Wrench- to twist and pull something roughly from the place where it is being held// wyciągnąć

Unleash - to suddenly let a strong force, feeling etc have its full effect // wypuścić , wyswobodzić

Accomplished – to success in doing something. //ukonczyc z sukcesem

Captured – to catch something and let it stay in captivity.//złapany


Blank – empty //pusty

Temple – a place where ppl pray//  świątynia

Shrink - to get something smaller // kurczyć się

Strech of rocks -  long narrow chain of rocks // pasmo gór

Verity - an important principle or fact that is always true//fakt prawdziwy

Domesticateto make an animal able to work for people or live with them as a pet -udomowić

Appropriate - correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose – odpowiednie

Leaning against - support yourself in a sloping position against a wall or other surface // opierać sie

Bosoms – // zaczerwienić sie, biust

Arouse- wzbudzać

Immense – ogromny//niezłomny

Emerge – wynurzyć się

Cliched -

Albeit - albeit

Envy - envy

Squeal- piszczeć

Spike - kolec

Hoot - titać

Minarets -minarety

Pounces – jump after some time 

Infinitesimal - znikomy

Surge - przepływ

Mosque - meczet

Haunts – siedziby

Obliterated – zrównać z ziemią

Twist - skręcić

Aerials - anteny

Retain -

Exclude - wyłączyć

Shift - ustawić

Summit – podsumowanie


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