2012. 2009. HQ. TeleSync. LiNE. XViD. READNFO-FUSION.txt

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{692}{764} Pozdro P-I-X-I
{2339}{2371}Watch out, watch out!
{2500}{2529}Welcome my friend!
{2535}{2590}Great to see you!|- Thank you
{2623}{2652}This can't be Ajit.
{2652}{2716}He's a little man|already. Unbelievable.
{2716}{2752}I hope you're|hungry, Adrian.
{2755}{2806}I'm famished. How|are you, Aparna?
{2807}{2847}I made that fish|curry you love.
{2856}{2887}I can't wait.
{2897}{2942}She gets more beautiful|every time I see her,
{2942}{2962}Why is that?
{2962}{2990}Strange, isn't it?
{2990}{3055}But her fish curry|is still awful.
{3081}{3127}You were mysterious|on the phone.
{3127}{3163}Why didn't you attend|the conference?
{3168}{3204}I will show you, Adrian, sir.
{3204}{3257}Satnam. Stop sir-ing me.
{3424}{3463}How deep do we need to go?
{3474}{3507}11.000 feet.
{3526}{3573}Searched all over India|for this dig.
{3602}{3653}Used to be the deepest|copper mine in the world.
{3773}{3829}Remember my brother Gurdeep?|He's a student now.
{3836}{3874}Namaste, Dr Helmsley, sir.
{3884}{3925}Adrian. It's just Adrian.
{3997}{4039}Just don't pour too much, okay?
{4102}{4140}How do you work|in this heat?
{4165}{4201}You've come on a good|day, my friend.
{4201}{4256}Sometimes it can|be 120� F.
{4294}{4331}I want you to meet|Dr Lokesh?
{4337}{4394}Fellow of Quantum Physics|at the University in Chennai
{4394}{4435}- Namaste|- Dr Helmsley
{4509}{4565}So, what are we|looking at?
{4565}{4644}These neutrinos are|acting normally. No mass,
{4644}{4697}no electrical charge.|They pass through
{4697}{4740}ordinary matter|almost undisturbed.
{4740}{4771}Your message said|the count doubled
{4771}{4822}after the last|solar eruptions.
{4828}{4863}That was last week.
{4903}{4944}But this happened|two days ago.
{5067}{5143}The biggest solar eruptions|in human history.
{5150}{5194}Causing the highest|neutrino count
{5194}{5223}we've ever recorded.
{5244}{5286}My God.
{5364}{5414}That's not what|worries me, Adrian.
{5428}{5470}For the first time ever
{5508}{5571}the neutrinos are causing|a physical reaction
{5628}{5666}That's impossible.
{5780}{5834}That feels very good!
{5864}{5916}Please, follow me.
{6021}{6051}You wont believe this.
{6109}{6180}This water tank goes|down another 6000 feet.
{6216}{6275}It looks like the neutrinos|coming from the sun
{6279}{6348}have mutated into a new|kind of nuclear particle.
{6534}{6583}They're heating up|the Earth's core.
{6606}{6658}And suddenly act|like microwaves.
{6920}{6990}Ladies and gentlemen.|As promised:
{7006}{7063}No speech!
{7072}{7121}Just a "thank you".
{7121}{7189}Because tonight, with your|extraordinary generosity,
{7192}{7297}we have raised|1.7 million dollars.
{7402}{7445}It's okay.
{7445}{7502}- I work for the White House.|- I don't care who you are, sir
{7502}{7544}This is a black tie event.
{7603}{7666}Hey, Adrian, I thought|you were in India
{7666}{7688}What's going on?
{7688}{7729}- I need your jacket|- What?
{7732}{7754}I gotta speak|to Anheuser
{7754}{7789}- I don't wanna give...|- Give me your damn jacket!
{7789}{7827}Take it, please.
{7978}{8044}Easy! That's a|600 dollar jacket.
{8068}{8101}Mr Anheuser?
{8115}{8150}Mr Anheuser?
{8175}{8212}I need to talk to you.
{8293}{8317}Do I know you?
{8317}{8362}Sorry sir, my name is|Dr Adrian Helmsley
{8362}{8397}I'm a deputy geologist|at the Office of
{8397}{8450}Science and Technology Policy
{8476}{8515}Excuse me, fellows.
{8533}{8586}You know that this|is a fund-raiser,
{8586}{8617}not a frat party, right?
{8618}{8657}It's extremely|important, sir.
{8657}{8700}It always is. Here is|what I want you to do:
{8700}{8746}Make an appointment|or even better,
{8746}{8811}Have your boss bring it up at|the quarterly science briefing
{8812}{8844}There's a good plan.
{8867}{8926}I just traveled 20 straight|hours to get here, sir.
{8926}{9003}I haven't slept in two days.|You need to read this, sir.
{9003}{9045}You need to read it now!
{9179}{9255}Let me guess.|National geology crisis?
{9288}{9317}Excuse me.
{9749}{9778}Who do you|report to?
{9783}{9815}Lico Vasos
{9815}{9853}Not anymore.
{9922}{9965}Al, bring the car around.
{9994}{10038}You may wish you|took a shower.
{10038}{10078}You're about to meet|the president.
{10087}{10114}What's going on?
{10123}{10167}Get that to the office.
{10884}{10916}Good morning.
{10918}{10958}I would like to|meet privately
{10958}{11003}with my fellow|heads of state.
{11063}{11133}Mr <name> wishes to have|his interpreters present.
{11133}{11212}Mr President,|I can assure you
{11212}{11272}Your English is more|than sufficient
{11272}{11326}for what I have to say.
{11798}{11842}Mr President.
{11926}{12013}Six months ago, I was|made aware of a
{12013}{12119}situation so devastating|that at first
{12119}{12171}I refused to believe it.
{12229}{12287}through the concerted efforts
{12287}{12352}of our brightest scientists,
{12359}{12444}we have confirmed its validity.
{12500}{12629}The world|as we know it
{12629}{12686}will soon come|to an end.
{12740}{12795}CHO MING VALLEY, TIBET
{12897}{12979}This dam project will create|many new jobs.
{12990}{13109}The Party and Country will|assist in your re-location.
{13166}{13204}Grandma, give me|your hand.
{13204}{13238}But where are|they taking us?
{13238}{13275}It'll be alright.
{13432}{13493}Grandma, I will send you money.
{13634}{13674}Who can write?
{13677}{13715}Who can read?
{13752}{13793}Who can weld?
{14561}{14597}Has His Highness|had an opportunity
{14597}{14650}to study the dossier?
{14755}{14861}You must understand|I have a big family, Mr...
{14909}{14984}One billion dollars is|a lot of money.
{14991}{15062}I'm afraid the amount|is in Euros,
{15062}{15103}Your Highness.
{15181}{15238}MUS�E DU LOUVRE, PARIS
{15477}{15579}I put a lot of faith into|your organization.
{15610}{15675}It's a perfect|replica, Roland.
{15675}{15737}There are too many|fanatics out there
{15737}{15772}that could damage her.
{15772}{15817}Just think about|the beautiful
{15817}{15888}Buddha statues they|blew up in Afghanistan.
{15888}{15969}Our Heritage Organization|has already made selections
{15969}{16072}from the British Museum|and Hermitage.
{16234}{16308}I guess she'll be safe now,|tucked away.
{16310}{16442}Hidden, in some bunker|in Switzerland.
{16460}{16524}Perfectly safe, Roland.
{16552}{16636}Only infrared analysis can|reveal the difference.
{16657}{16709}But it's still a fake.
{17037}{17123}<i>This mass suicide was actually|discovered by a documentary crew
{17123}{17182}<i>here in the ancient|Mayan city of Takal
{17182}{17232}<i>Now the victims,|and we've seen many,
{17233}{17290}<i>are said to have adhered|to the Mayan-Quiche calender,
{17291}{17345}<i>which predicts the|end of time to occur
{17345}{17407}<i>on the 21st December|of this year,
{17407}{17466}<i>due to the suns|destructive forces.
{17466}{17487}<i>Thank you, Mark.
{17490}{17563}<i>Strangely enough, scientific|records do support the fact
{17563}{17626}<i>that we are heading for|the biggest solar climax
{17626}{17675}<i>in recorded history.
{17827}{17895}<i>Many people believe|that the Mayan Calender
{17895}{17971}<i>predicts that there's supposed|to be a galactic alignment...
{17976}{18009}I'm a dead man.
{18307}{18398}Hey, Kate, I'm practically|on the freeway right now.
{18400}{18485}Yes, I'm rolling towards|you as we speak.
{18498}{18572}Would you relax?|I'll be there any second.
{18596}{18670}You know it's a vacation and not|a doctors appointment, right?
{18670}{18710}It's supposed to be fun.
{18710}{18762}You remember fun,|don't you Kate?
{18762}{18785}Do you remember|where you were
{18785}{18842}when it stopped|being fun for you?
{18892}{18921}Got it.
{19040}{19064}Bug spray?
{19071}{19141}Oh yeah, cause it's mosquito|season in Yellowstone.
{19141}{19237}I got a whole bunch. I gotta go,|I'm in a bad reception area.
{19411}{19484}Woah, man. Would you|look at that?
{19661}{19704}Merrill, I told you.
{19704}{19777}We have to move back|to Wisconsin.
{19779}{19868}<i>These little mini-quakes are|really getting on my nerves, Randy.
{19868}{19931}<i>Come on, a little surface crack, you're|not gonna be inconvenienced by that
{19931}{19990}<i>Surface cracks, I've got a|plastic surgeon for that
{19990}{20073}<i>No kidding. Thank God for|those shake-proof coffee mugs.
{20073}{20121}<i>They show the true nature|of us Californians.
{20121}{20216}<i>We'll not bow to these little|inconvenient things like surface quakes.
{20216}{20263}<i>Do you have a funny mini-quake|story and want to share it?
{20263}{20287}<i>Call Lisa & Randy at 555...
{20524}{20564}- Hi daddy!|- Hi baby
{20564}{20621}- How are you sweety?|- Good
{20621}{20696}Jackson, what is this?|- Please don't call me that.
{20696}{20736}I'm your dad.
{20774}{20827}Taking them camping|in a limo?
{20840}{20921}Okay, great. What happened|to your temp job?
{20938}{20987}Better hours, more|time to write.
{20998}{21052}What about sleeping, have you|been doing that lately?
{21052}{21102}I've said it a|thousand times.
{21102}{21168}No lipo on Fridays.|It's too messy.
{21168}{21197}Hold on.
{21197}{21229}- Morning Jackson.|- Hi
{21229}{21275}- Nice ride.|- Thanks.
{21275}{21360}Have a nice trip. Remember,|watch out for the bears.
{21362}{21412}- Bye, Gordon|- Love you, Honey.
{21434}{21508}Okay, so...|- You tell him.
{21519}{21543}Tell me what?
{21543}{21612}She needs to put these on every|night before she goes to sleep.
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