Never Can Say Goodbye 2010.pdf

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The Katherine Jackson Story
A Vintage Pop Media Group LLC. Production
20434 S. Sante Fe Ave. Long Beach, CA 90810
This book is dedicated to the loving memory of
my son, Michael Jackson. These pages contain
photographs from our private family collection,
and are illustrated with my personal stories
about Michael from his early childhood, right up
through his remarkable career. Over the course of
Michael’s life, I’ve reserved my comments about
my son. Now, after his death, I have decided to
share my story for two reasons.
Michael was generous, kind, considerate, funny,
intelligent, warm and extremely humble. His acts
of kindness and generosity were something he
hardly spoke about; when in fact he was truly
one of the greatest philanthropists of our time.
At one point, he was active in 39 charities, and
breaking his spirit. Michael loved children and
he worked diligently and passionately to better
the lives of the less fortunate … the last thing he
would do is harm an innocent child.
Copyright© 2010 Vintage Pop Media LLC, and Vintage Pop Inc., All rights reserved.
Published by Vintage Pop Media Group LLC 2010
recognized him for
his donations in the philanthropic world. Michael
often saw the good in people and trusted many in
the early part of his career, sometimes leading to
pain and betrayal in his life.
The second reason for writing this book is to
celebrate the remarkable artist my son Michael
was, and to acknowledge the contribution he
made throughout his life to music, arts, people,
and the planet. Michael was a true artist with a
vision to heal the world through music. Being on
stage was what he loved to do, and I am happy
that he shared his gifts with his fans who he loved
very deeply.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address: Vintage Pop Media Group LLC.
20434 S. Sante Fe Ave. Long Beach, CA 90810
First hardcover edition June 2010.
Firstly, I hope this book sheds insight into
the person that Michael truly was, the person
who I’ve always known him to be. Sharing my
memories with Michael’s fans is my way of
passing on his message and legacy in a way that
he would approve. And it is my hope that his fans
come to know ‘the real’ Michael, rather than the
person that the media portrayed him to be. Those
who knew my son well will attest that Michael
was one of the best persons you’d ever want to
meet and be around. He loved everyone; he was a
good father and a very good son.
Most of what I’ve read or heard about Michael
in the media was not the truth - especially the
allegations of child abuse.
Created by Howard Mann & Sonia Lowe
Publisher: Howard Mann c/o Vintage Pop Media Group LLC
Creative Director/Designer/Editor: Sonia Lowe c/o Vintage Pop Media Group LLC
Beyond our hardships, our family loved Michael
dearly, and each of us shares a special bond with
him. Through our memories, we will always
cherish Michael.
Narration: Katherine Jackson
Evan Chandler, the father of Michael’s first
accuser, recently committed suicide. Though
I can’t comment on why, I want to believe his
conscience finally caught up with him and he
was not able to live with himself after
destroying an innocent person’s career and
Co-Publishers: Michael Klipper & Robert Creel
Copy Editors: Jim Tykoliz, Denise Holtby, Alexis Ungerer
Print Production/Editing: Bryan Hughes c/o Zigbot Media
Logo/Branding: Miguel St Giovanni
Artist (Katherine Jackson Painting): Ronald S. McDowell
Special thanks to: Lowell Henry, Trent Jackson, Joe Jackson and The Estate of Michael Jackson.
Katherine Jackson
Manufactured in the United States of America
ISBN 978-0-9828000-0-3 5559
Vintage Pop Media LLC holds exclusive license to the assets of Jackson Communications Inc., which combines photos, videos, music, personal items and memorabilia assets, purchased by way
of bankruptcy liquefication before a United States court. Attempts to plagiarize, unlawfully reproduce or copy will result in prosecution.
Original MJ art: “Bubbles Chair”, “Key III”, “Happy Gate” and “We The People” (Pgs. 5,45,85 and 123) are exclusive property of Jackson-Strong Alliance and are not for reprint, duplicaton or
subsequent commercialization. All rights reserved. Jackson-Strong Alliance and the beneficiaries of the Michael Jackson Estate.
Guinness Book of Records
Bubbles Chair ~MJ
“You are so beautiful to me” ~ Michael Jackson
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always felt that Michael had talent, but I had no
idea that he would achieve the level of success
he did. Both myself and my husband Joseph
grew up with a great love for music. As a child, I
enjoyed singing with my sister, and Joe performed
in a band with his brother. Soon after we got
married, our home in Ga ry, Indian a was buzzing to
the harmony of country, blues and jazz, all of which
our nine children took a liking too.
With his background
in music, and my days playing clarinet in my high
school band, Joe and I always had instruments
lying around the house. Our kids were encouraged
to experiment with music at a young age.
It was Tito’s talent that got noticed first. He would
borrow the guitar to practice on while Joe worked
late shifts at the steel mill. The boys took turns
on the instruments, intuitively learning how to
compose music and vocals.
The Temptations.
Michael was born with rhythm. As a baby, it was
obvious that he loved music and dance. We had
a broken down washing machine that made a
racketing sound when set to a rinse cycle. Michael
would sit on top of the machine with a bottle in
his mouth, bopping and grooving to the rhythmic
racket. Even before he could say his first words, he
responded very well to sound. I knew then that the
music was in him.
with our three oldest sons, Tito, Jackie and Jermaine
on lead vocals. Marlon and Michael soon became
old enough to join their brothers on back-up vocals
and percussion. Joseph renamed the boys
The Jackson Brothers
Jackson Five
in 1964.
After realizing the talent that was brewing, my
husband reduced his shifts at the mill so he could
dedicate more time into developing the group.
Michael’s vocal range was evolving naturally
toward what is now known as the signature sound
of the group. At the time, Joseph was hesitant to let
his young son bear the weight of center stage, but
with my persuasion, he eventually allowed Michael
to assist Jermaine on lead vocals.
Ours was a musical family. It was not unusual to
find Joseph and I singing country songs around
the house when we were newlyweds. We didn’t
have much money to entertain ourselves back
then. I remember the time our television set broke
down. We could not afford to get it fixed, so to
entertain the kids, we encouraged the family to
sing together with influences of popular musical
acts like
It was not long before Joseph discovered his sons’
talents and decided to form
Left: Joe, Randy and Michael; Middle: (clockwise): Jackie, Tito, Michael, Marlon, Jermaine; Right: Michael (center) and family.
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