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Copyright (c) 1998 Westwood Studios, Inc.
All rights reserved.

"Westwood Studios" is a trademark of Westwood Studios, Inc.
"Dune" is a trademark and copyright of the Dino DeLaurentis Corporation.
Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, Inc.  All rights reserved.

August 8, 1998

For latest goodies, news and updates visit WWW.WESTWOOD.COM


1. General Information.

	1.1.	Microsoft DirectX.

2.	Troubleshooting.

	2.1.	Known Video Card Problems
		2.1.1. Error Message "Set Cooperative Level Returned - 2005532097"
		2.1.2. Display only appears in top 1/3rd of screen.
		2.1.3. Video Flicker during play.
		2.1.4. "Scratchy" or distorted display.
	2.2.	Known Sound Card Problems
	2.3.	Install Problems.
		2.3.1.	Lockup during "Registering Dune 2000 and creating shortcuts in Start Menu"
		2.3.2.	Lockup while "Installation Complete" is displayed.
	2.4.	Uninstalling Dune 2000.
	2.5.	Virtual Memory Settings.
	2.6.	Microsoft PowerToys.
	2.7.	Microsoft Home Mouse and Natural Keyboard.
	2.8.	Autoplay.
	2.9.	16 bit CD-ROM drivers.
	2.10.	Microsoft Office Toolbar.
	2.11.	Game or audio stutters after being paused.
	2.12.	Choppy movie performance.
	2.13.	Increasing performance on minimum spec systems.
	2.14.	Westwood Online.
		2.14.1.	Duplicate Channel columns.
		2.14.2. 4 Player Internet Games
	2.15.	Multi-player problems.
	2.16.	Power Saving Modes.
	2.17.	HP Pavilion Computers..
		2.17.1.	Background Applications
		2.17.2.	LT Win Modem
	2.18.	Game Updates and Patches.
	2.19.	Playing Without a Dune 2000 CD (spawning).

3.  Gameplay Notes

	3.1. 	Infantry Only Areas
  	3.2. 	Capturing Enemy Buildings - Part I
  	3.3. 	Capture Enemy Buildings - Part II
  	3.4. 	Spice controls the universe
  	3.5. 	Keep an eye out!
  	3.6. 	Turrets
  	3.7. 	Infantry
  	3.8. 	Use your strengths
	3.9.	Deviators
	3.10. 	Hot keys
	3.11	Multiplayer Handicapping

4.  Unit Comparisons

1. General Information.

	1.1. Microsoft DirectX.

The Windows 95 version of Dune 2000 is a Microsoft DirectX application. Version 5.0a of  
Microsoft DirectX is included on the CD and you have the option to install it when Dune 2000 is 

If you have difficulty running Windows 95 after these new Microsoft DirectX drivers have been 
installed, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary, or write:

	Microsoft Customer Sales and Service,
	One Microsoft Way,
	Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

	USA telephone: 1-800-426-9400
	International telephone: ++1-206-882-8080

All Microsoft DirectX drivers are located in the Dxsetup folder off of the root of the CD. To 
reinstall the Microsoft DirectX drivers go into the Dxsetup folder and run Dxsetup.exe. You can 
explore the CD by choosing the "Explore the CD" option in the Autoplay title screen.

Microsoft DirectX Direct Play.

If you already have DirectX version 5.0 installed and did not install the DirectX drivers from the 
Dune 2000 CD please ensure you install the Direct Play 5.0a patch from the Dxsetup folder off of 
the root of the CD. This patches some bugs in the original Direct Play 5.0 release and will not 
affect any other products you may have that use Directx.

2. Troubleshooting.

	2.1.  Known Video Card Problems.

Most video display problems can be corrected by installing the latest drivers for your particular 
card. Please consult your video card documentation for details on how to get the latest drivers for 
your card. Here are some hints and tips for specific video cards found while testing Dune 2000 
under Windows 95 and Windows 98.

		2.1.1. Error Message "Set Cooperative Level Returned - 2005532097"

This message will appear on older video cards that do not support hardware page flipping. To 
solve the problem create a shortcut and add the option "-f" to the command line. A shortcut is 
created by right clicking on the Dune2000 program icon and selecting "Create Shortcut". 
Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties". Click on the end of the "target" line and 
add the new command line option.

		2.1.2. Display only appears in top 1/3rd of screen.

If this happens please add the "-g" option to the command line for Dune 2000. Please refer to 
2.1.1 for details on how to do this.

		2.1.3. Video Flicker during play

If the video display flickers during the game every 20 seconds or so then this can be 
prevented by adding "-f" to the command line for Dune 2000. Please refer to 2.1.1 for details 
on how to do this
		2.1.4. "Scratchy" or distorted display.
If the video display looks scratchy and there is no static image then please use the "-g" 
command line to fix this. You can also make sure that the driver for your monitor is correct as 
the monitor being incorrectly set for display modes it cannot handle causes this problem.

	2.2  Known Sound Card Problems

Crystal PnP Audio System on Dell Dimension XPS R400
The factory sound card settings on this system appear to be incompatible with Dune 2000, which 
will drop back to the Windows desktop, sometimes with a dialog stating, "Unable to create Direct 
Sound object". We have found that the following adjustments allow Dune 2000 to work perfectly 
on this system:

Open the Control Panel under Settings on the Start menu.
Open the Multimedia applet
Click the Audio tab
Select CS4236/37/38 as the Preferred Device
Check the "Use Only Preferred Devices" option.
Close the Multimedia applet and the Control Panel. 

	2.3.  Install Problems

		2.3.1.  Lockup during "Registering Dune 2000 and creating shortcuts in Start Menu"

Should the install program lockup while registering the Dune 2000 application then you may 
want to run the install program with the "-a" option. However this means that to play Internet 
games you must register the WOLAPI.DLL manually. The easiest way to do this is to go to 
start -> find and find the file regsvr32.exe. Then open the folder containing the Westwood 
Internet components, the default is c:\westwood\internet. Drag the wolapi.dll onto the 
regsvr32.exe icon. Wolapi.dll will now be registered.

		2.3.2 Lockup while "Installation complete" is displayed.

If the message "Installation complete" does not go away and closing the window produces the 
error "Setup is incomplete ..." please restart the setup application with the command switch "-
b". To do this go to start->run, click browse and then locate the Dune 2000 CD. The setup.exe 
is on the root of the CD. Click OK and then add " -b" to the end of the line. It would look like 
this if your CDROM is your D: drive : "d:\setup.exe -b".

	2.4.  Uninstalling Dune 2000.

After running the Uninstall program, if the Dune 2000 group is still present, try rebooting your 
computer. This should clean up the Dune 2000 start menu folder.

	2.5.  Virtual Memory Settings.

Dune 2000 may need to use more RAM than is present on your system. Windows 95 
automatically takes care of this by using what is known as "Virtual Memory" - it uses space on 
your hard disk to simulate the memory it needs and swaps data back and forth from your hard disk 
as required. Windows 95 allows you to manually set the amount of hard drive space it uses for 
Windows 95 manage the Virtual Memory, go to the Windows 95 START menu, select 
SYSTEM\VIRTUAL MEMORY and then select "Let Windows manage my virtual memory 
settings (recommended)".

	2.6.  Microsoft PowerToys.

If you have the Microsoft PowerToys system extensions installed on your system (including 
QuickRes and FlexiCD) you may experience excessive accessing of the CD followed by system 
lockup. If this happens, you should remove the Microsoft PowerToys while playing Dune 2000.

	2.7.  Microsoft Home Mouse and Natural Keyboard.

If you are using a Microsoft Home Mouse, the Microsoft Natural Keyboard or are using 
Microsoft's IntelliPoint Tools and Controls Software, having the "Sonar" setting on under 
"Visibility" in the "Mouse Properties" section in the "Control Panel" can cause Dune 2000 to 
crash.  Please turn this setting off when playing Dune 2000. Using the 'point' feature of the 
Microsoft keyboard may cause mouse trails to be left on screen. Do not use this feature while 
playing Dune 2000.

	2.8. Autoplay.

If your CD does not Autoplay when inserted in the drive, you may have this feature disabled. To 
Enable Autoplay, right click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties' then 'Device Manager'. 
Select your CD-ROM drive and click 'Properties'. Select 'Settings' and check the 'Auto insert 
notification' box.

	2.9. 16 bit CD-ROM drivers.

Dune 2000 may fail to start if there is a 16 bit CD-ROM driver loaded from the 
AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS. If you have references to MSCDEX or equivalent drivers 
then try removing them from your autoexec.bat and config.sys files. Windows 95 does not 
generally need these drivers to work and in most cases will actually perform better without them.

	2.10. Microsoft Office Toolbar.

If you make use of this feature of Microsoft Office and it appears over the game screen when 
playing Dune 2000 then you will have to disable the Office Toolbar before playing.

	2.11.  Game or audio stutters after being paused.

If the game is left in the paused state with the game options menu up for an extended period of 
time, performance may be reduced for a while after play is resumed. This is due to Windows 95 
giving the game's resources to other tasks while it is not being played.

A possible symptom of poor video performance is that of the ...
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