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Ex 1 Fill in the sentences.

meat, grass, fruit, leaves, bugs

  2. A lion eats meat.

3.                  A tiger eats ....................................................

4.                  A giraffe eats ................................................

5.                  An antelope eats grass .................................

6.                  A monkey eats .............................................

7.                  A frog eats ...................................................

Ex 2 Fill in the sentences.

meat, grass, fruit, leaves, bugs


  1. Lions eat ..............................................
  2. Fish eat .................................................
  3. Giraffes eat ..........................................
  4. Koalas eat ............................................
  5. Birds eat ...............................................
  6. Monkeys eat ........................................

Ex 3 Create sentences from these words.

  1. frog, bugs, eat ..............................................
  2. leaves, giraffes, eat ..............................................
  3. antelope, grass, eats. an ......................................
  4. eats, a bugs, frog ..............................................


Ex 4 Write the sentences in English.


  1. Psy jedzą mięso. ..............................................


  1. Koty jedzą ryby. ..............................................


  1. Leniwiec je owoce i liście. ..............................................


  1. Kangury jedzą trawę.  ..............................................
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