Hitman - (Banned Book).pdf

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Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors
A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors
Originally published by Paladin Press
Written by Rex Feral
Scanned by Overthrow.com
In 1993, a triple murder was committed in Montgomery County by a man who
was alleged to have used this book, Hit Man, as his guide. He was caught and
convicted and sentenced to death. Wanting to profit from their loved one's
murder, and realizing that the murderer himself was too poor to be worth
suing, the family of those killed by the hit man sued Paladin Press , the
publisher of the book Hit Man, saying Paladin Press "aided and abetted" the
May 21, 1999, Paladin Press settled the case, giving the families of those killed by the hit man several
million dollars, agreeing to destroy the remaining 700 copies of the book in their possession, and
surrendering any rights they have to publish and reproduce the work. While the families were successful
in profiting from their loved one's death, they have not been successful in stifling the book. With the
surrender of the publishing rights by Paladin Press , the book has entered the public domain, and is being
published on the Internet here at Overthrow.com in its entirety this weekend, May 22-23, 1999.
The book was initially published in 1983. 13,000 copies of the book are now in existence. There has only
ever been one case where the book was associated with a crime, in that case the criminal had recently
finished a lengthy prison sentence and had a history of prior violent crime. It is our opinion this book has
never incited a murder, that the settlement of the Paladin Press case was wrong and forced by the
insurance company, and that this book, and no book, should be banned. We invite the public to judge for
That said, here is Hit Man ...
To Those Who Think,
To Those Who Dare,
To Those Who Do,
To Those Who Succeed.
Success is nothing more than taking advantage of an opportunity.
5959306.002.png 5959306.003.png
IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO manufacture a silencer without an appropriate license
from the federal government. There are state and local laws prohibiting the possession of
weapons and their accessories in many areas. Severe penalties are prescribed for
violations of these laws. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes responsibility for
the use or misuse of information contained in this book. For informational purposes only!
Mental and Physical
Selection and Purpose
A Poor Man's Access to A
Rich Man's Toy
Chapter Four
The Direct Hit Is Not Your
Only Alternative
Mapping a Plan And Checking
It For Accuracy
Finding Employment, What To
Charge, Who To Avoid
Why The Described Hit Went
Down The Way It Did
Chapter Eight DANGER! EGO, WOMEN AND PARTNERS Controlling Your Situation
Enjoying the Fruits
A WOMAN RECENTLY ASKED HOW I could, in good conscience, write an instruction book
on murder.
"How can you live with yourself if someone uses what you write to go out and take a human
life?" she whined.
I am afraid she was quite offended by my answer.
It is my opinion that the professional hit man fills a need in society and is, at times, the
only alternative for "personal" justice. Moreover, if my advice and the proven methods in
this book are followed, certainly no one will ever know.
Some people would argue that in taking the life of another after premeditation, you act as
God -- judging and issuing a death sentence. But it is the employer, the man who pays for
the service, whatever his reason might be, who acts as judge. The hit man is merely the
executioner, an enforcer who carries out the sentence.
There are many, many instances when atrocities are committed that the law cannot or will
not pursue. and other times when the law does its part but the American legal system is so
poor that real justice is not served. In those cases, as in cases of personal revenge and
retribution, a man must step outside the law and take matters into his own hands.
Since most men are capable of carrying out their threats and wishes only in their heads, it
becomes necessary for a man of action to step in and do what is required: a special man for
whom life holds no real meaning and death holds no fear ... A man who faces death as a
challenge and feels the victory every time he walks away the winner.
Some men could not kill under any circumstances. Other could kill only in self-defense or
to protect what they hold dear. One man learns to kill in times of war and spends the rest
of his lie trying to forget the horror, while his brother may consider all his wartime
efforts a justifiable part of his past having no effect on his present.
How many times have you shared a few beers with a group of macho buddies who
eventually turned the subject of conversation form women and sports to that of guns,
ammunition, wars, and the killing?
It seems that almost every man harbors a fantasy of living the life of Mack Bolan or some
other fictional hero who kills for fun and profit. They dream of living by their reflexes, of
doing whatever is necessary without regard to moral or legal restrictions. But few have
the courage or knowledge to make that dream a reality.
When the bragging and boasting starts, I just sit back and smile as one after the other
talks of what he would do, and how he would be., if it weren't for family obligations,
mortgages and corporate jobs.
You might be like my friends -- interested but unsure, standing on the sidelines afraid to
play the game because you don't know the rules. Within the pages of this book you will
learn one of the most successful methods of operation used by an independent contractor.
You will follow the procedures of a man who works alone, without backing of organized
crime or on a personal vendetta. Step by step you will be taken from research to
equipment selection to job preparation to successful job completion. You will learn where
to find employment, how much to charge, and what you can, and cannot, do with the money
you earn.
But deny your urge to skip about, looking for the "good" parts. Start where any amateur
who is serious about turning profession will start -- at the beginning.
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