1974_Dwelling Together In Unity (Wspólnie mieszkać w jedności - zrew.).docx

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"Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! - Psalm 133:1.


To be read by all persons living in Bethel homes, both at headquarters and in the branches. As you progress with the reading, please look up and read every scripture cited. This booklet is the property of the Society and may not be taken away from the home in which you reside.


Revised and Effective September 1, 1974

Printed by the WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, U.S.A.

Made in the United States of America





COMING into one of the Society's homes will mean a change in your lifea big change. But we at Bethel want to make that change as easy as possible for you. Friendship with our brothers and sisters is the aim of every one of us living here in these homes.

Now, how can this best be achieved? Lets start at the beginning. When you first learned the truth, you began to make your mind over. You started to fill your mind with new ideas. You got these ideas from reading God's Word, the Bible, and you enjoyed them. These new truths thrilled you. Now you knew the right thing to do. You accommodated yourself to new ways of living. You quit being fashioned after the old system of things and you found out that, by making your mind over, a pleasant, happy new way of living was yours. You heard and believed the truth, and it was wonderful. Now your desire is to live in the new system. You are working to that end, so you continue to take in knowledge of Jehovah and his Son, because you know that this means everlasting life.Rom. 12:1, 2; John 17:3.

Being here at Bethel will be a new experience, also a new way of living and a pleasant one. We will admit right from the start that it isn't like living at home with your father and mother, yet it is still one of the very best places on earth to be living right now. In many places throughout the world our Bethel homes are big, our families large, larger in numbers than your natural family, but we are still one family and we dwell together in unity. In some places our families are small and it is easy for all of us to get acquainted with one another. But the point is this: We want you to feel at home since arriving; we want you to succeed. Always remember that brothers have been living here before you came and they have been getting along together in unity for many years. Bethel homes have been in operation a long time, and the occupants have contentment with their godliness. (1 Tim. 6:6 8) We have learned certain routines and habits, and they are good habits because they are based on God's Word and we ac- complish much work as a result. We like it this way.

You are now a newcomer and certainly you don't expect the Bethel family to change its ways of living and re- arrange them to accommodate each newcomer in the home; therefore you may have some changes to make. You're like a baby here. You're new in our family and we all


love you and we want to get acquainted with you. We know that you want to get acquainted and accustomed to us too. We want you to love Bethel as we do. So let's get acquainted right away.

The Brooklyn Bethel is a large home and hundreds of people live here. Since the Brooklyn Bethel family is so large, we may, when we see you, think you are just one of the many visitors that come in each day. We may think that you have some friend who is looking after you; so, not wanting to intrude into someone else's business, we go right ahead with our busy routine of life. We do not know that you are a new arrival. So would you please introduce yourself to us as you meet us at different places in the home, the factory or at a congregation? Thank you!

We are scattered all around in the home and factory and offices. In some Bethel homes the family is not quite as scattered, because it is smaller. But, believe us, we want to know you. Sometimes, though, we are so busy with our routine in the home, factory or office, or with the house- to-house service and Bible studies, that we find ourselves with barely enough time to say Hello. So stop us and say, "Hello, I am a new member"; and we will try to learn your name, tell you ours and get acquainted. Please, try to get acquainted with us right from the start and help us to meet you. You are a part of our Bethel family.

Now for a little bit of information about us. We may work in an office, do housework, work in the laundry, print magazines and books, and cook wholesome meals; we also study our Bibles. Some of us work on farms; all of us go to school. And in all of this, we are really full-time servants of God's kingdom. We have a lot of preaching to do. We enjoy our family Watchtower study. We go to our congre- gation meetings and share in them, and we want you to get the full benefit of these meetings with us. We want you to enjoy your place in this big theocratic organization. We want you to do your part, and we want to help you to do it. When you know us as a busy, active family, you are going to be happy in our Bethel home. So be sure to get acquainted right from the start, the first day and the first week; let us know you are here. Thanks a lot!


We know that a Christian must keep on taking in spiritual food. This is true with regard to our family just as much as it is for any other Christian family. As a family we have our own weekly Watchtower study. Every member of the family should set aside this evening for study with the family. Nothing should interfere with it. Feeding on the things that Jehovah provides on his table is essential to


gain life; don't neglect this study. This Bethel family study of The Watchtower is exclusively for the family; no out-siders are invited to attend unless they are overnight guests in the Bethel home.

The Watchtower study is followed by the Theocratic Ministry School. All who are members of the family are enrolled and all should take part in this meeting too. We are sure you realize that everything Jehovah provides through his organization is important and necessary. So come to both meetings; make comments. Feel at home.

You will probably find it is a little difficult to get up in front of the Bethel family to give your first talks. But all of us went through that ordeal and lived; it will do you good. You may feel that everyone here is so experienced and has been at Bethel so many years that you should not even try. That is the wrong idea. We want you to be an experienced, mature person in our family. So you need this training as all of us do.

You will also be assigned to a local congregation. You will attend the congregation book studies, Theocratic Ministry School and service meetings, as well as the public talks and Watchtower studies, under the supervision of the local congregation with which you associate. It certainly is for your good to attend these meetings. The more knowledge you take in during your youth, the happier you will be when you become of more mature years. All of us can tell you from experience that what you learn when you are young you will be very grateful for later on in life. Right study habits will work to your advantage!

You should arrange for some time during the week to study privately. You should read The Watchtower and Awake! as soon as you can after you get them in your room. Read all the new publications of the Society and keep abreast of the things that the Society knows to be important for the blessing of all of Jehovah's witnesses.

Usually all Bethel homes have a study room or library, and this is provided for the use of the family. Concordances and files of The Watchtower and other publications are kept by the Bethel home in a place convenient for all. Also a good dictionary should be on hand in every Bethel home and available to the members of the family so that they can improve their language, learning to pronounce and to use words correctly every day as well as when giving talks. The branch office should mark in the front of all its library books that they are the property of the branch. Someone should be appointed to look after the library so that it will always be in a tidy condition.



Jehovah has blessed his organization, as you well know. It certainly has grown rapidly in the last few years. Many new Bethel homes have been set up throughout the world at the various branch locations. We feel sure that Jehovah is pleased with the praises we are bringing to him day by day and we take great joy in carrying on true worship. Everyone who works in a Bethel home or a branch office shows interest in his brothers who are sharing in the worldwide witness work. He has a privilege of service that many other publishers do not enjoy; he is in this special service full time and can work in the interests of all his fellow workers in the country where he serves, helping to supply them with the things they need. We need you; that is why you were called. You will learn a lot, and the more years you spend at Bethel the better servant you will be. Yes, you said, "Here I am! Send me." (Isa. 6:8) Now you have a special appointment in Jehovah's organization.

We are not high-minded, feeling superior to someone else because of our service, but we do appreciate the organization and our part in it. In the same way as the eye is important to the body, and as the ear would not say to the hand, "I have no need of you," we need you, and that is why we called you to Bethel.

Jehovah's witnesses have land, buildings, furnishings, machinery, household equipment, linen, food everything that goes to make up the equipment that is committed into our care. We who have made expression of wanting to live in the Bethel home and who have been called to such a place certainly feel a responsibility in using these things. So in these various dwelling Places we want to use the property and equipment in the best way to praise Jehovah. We all look after it and hold it in trust for Jehovah and his theocratic organization.

As you know, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania is a Pennsylvania corporation, while Watch- tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., is a New York corporation. The International Bible Students Association is a British corporation, and we have throughout the world a number of other corporations that are used by Jehovah's witnesses. The president of the above-named three corporations has general supervision and control over all the business interests of the Society and is very much interested in the welfare of all those in Bethel homes everywhere. He wants to see the work move along well in all of the branch offices and on the farms and in all other places that come under the direct supervision of the office of the president.


So that all of us may dwell together in unity in these homes, it is necessary to set out some instructions that will help us all to get along well together. (Prov. 15:22, 23; 19:2) All of us know that everyone who becomes a member of one of these many families has dedicated himself to Jehovah, and, according to his application, has told us that he has symbolized his dedication by water immersion. (Matt. 16:24; 28:19, 20) From what you have told us we know that you are in full accord with the Society's teachings and that you accept the Bible as the Word of God. (John 8:32; 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) We know, too, that the truth is advancing more and more as we approach the perfect day; so it is necessary for us to keep on studying. An under- standing of God's Word and of his principles of truth and righteousness is more to be desired than fine gold. Ps. 19: 7-11.

The reason we have come to the Bethel home is that we love Jehovah God above everything else. Loving him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength would certainly re- quire that we love our brothers too. In fact, Jesus said: '" You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:29-31; 1 John 4:20, 21) If we keep these two commandments, loving God first and our neighbors as we do ourselves, we certainly will not have any difficulty in getting along with our brothers and sisters in the home where we are living. In fact, if we would carry out all the principles of truth and righteousness that God sets forth in his Word, we would not need this booklet of counsel, which sets out some helpful advice as to how we can get along together in unity. But we make mistakes, and so that we shall under- stand one another and what we may expect from one another, the Society publishes this booklet. If we really love our neighbor as we do ourselvesand certainly we do love ourselves, because we are always looking after ourselves we shall get along just fine with everyone.

So, now that you are a new member of the family, let's see what you can expect of us as the organization moves along and, at the same time, what we may expect of you in order to make our life happy and contented here in our daily service to Jehovah.

First of all, we should appreciate that Jehovah God is the Great Theocrat. We recognize him as supreme and we have full faith that he is directing his organization through his Son, Jesus Christ. We should realize that organization instructions come from the head down and not from the bottom up. We who are young and new in these homes certainly want to find our right place in the organization and be contented. We should have confidence in Jehovah's organization and that Jehovah places the members in the


body or organization as it pleases him. We should be de- lighted to do whatever is required. Some of us act in the capacity of branch overseers, factory overseers, Bethel over- seers, teachers or special servants, and in numerous other assignments, but every one of us is a publisher of Jehovah's kingdom.1 Cor. 12:18, 28, 29; Ex. 18:21

Our brothers who are in charge of various departments of work have had experience in those departments and can help you and teach you much if you are willing to learn. After you have mastered the work in the way you have been taught and can do it excellently, then it will be time enough if you have suggestions for improvements to talk to those elders in charge about such improvements that you think will help all concerned. It is good first to follow the training given. You learn more quickly that way. We believe that everyone in the Bethel home is working to advance the interests of the Kingdom. We will keep on believing that unless someone proves otherwise. "By their fruits you will recognize them."Matt. 7:16.

We feel confident that Jehovah will keep his organization clean and will take out all those who cause others to stumble or who assume the attitude of a boss who is trying to lord it over the brothers. It is good to extend mercy and to be patient with such persons for a while. Maybe they will change their course of action when given some counsel and reproof. But if they do not have God's spirit they just cannot last at Bethel. All in Jehovah's organization must be diligent workers. Those who are placed in positions of responsibility as elders should be the best examples to all their fellow workers in word and in deed.1 Pet. 5: 1-3.

The president of the Society appoints overseers in Bethel and has the privilege and responsibility of making any changes that he sees fit. The president of the Society ap- points the Bethel overseer who looks after the interests of the Bethel home, the office overseer in charge of the office management, the factory overseer who looks after general production and the shipping of factory production, the farm overseers who look after the farms and homes in connection with each and the branch overseers in charge of the work in general in the various countries. In some instances these overseers may hold more than one position. For example, the branch overseer may be the office overseer as well. Other appointments of brothers over divisions of work are usually made by the branch overseer, but he should make recommendations to the president before any selections are made of overseers to look after certain divi- sions of work. Thus if it becomes necessary to appoint someone to look after the pressroom as an assistant to the branch overseer, or if someone is to be put in charge



of the kitchen and will have Jurisdiction over other persons, or if someone is to be appointed to look after the service desk with considerable responsibility in connection with the handling of congregation matters, or if someone is to be appointed to do the translating of the Society's publications into another language, such appointments should always be brought to the attention of the president for final approval. The president may have someone else in mind. Every member of the Bethel family, no matter where he is located in Jehovah's organization, should feel perfectly free to register a complaint if he is mistreated by another individual. These complaints may be registered with the branch overseer or directly to the president, but I would like to say now that, whenever possible, such differences should be settled privately between the brothers involved. It will save you a lot of heartaches and bring you great happiness if you can gain your brother without calling in others. (Matt. 5:21-24; Luke 17:3, 4) If you have difficulties with your brother, it is always best to go to him first before you bring someone else in. Don't gossip about your trouble. Handle it yourself, or, if you must, go to an older brother, an elder, if you can't straighten it out. Don't carry bitterness in your heart. (Eph. 4:31, 32) If you can't settle it after you have taken this course of action, then, of course, you can write to the president about your difficulties, but you ought to supply the other brother in your complaint with a copy of your letter. Remember that we want to dwell together in unity. If we follow God's Word, we will; but we forget to do this some- times and so have trials and difficulties. Problems will arise in the Bethel home just as they do anywhere else in Jehovah's organization, because we are born in sin and shaped in iniquity. But if we keep on making our minds over and follow Jehovah's admonition, there should be less trouble. Let us always be contented and happy, living together as a family.



It is left to the discretion of the overseers appointed by the president to assign the members of the family in various homes and factories to their work. We do not ask individuals to select their jobs, but we feel that the proper spirit to have is that of Isaiah: "Here I am! Send me." We feel, too, that if you are asked to do a job, the one asking you believes that you can do it. Even though you feel that you do not have the natural ability, try to do it with all your heart and mind and ask Jehovah's blessing on your efforts. Have in mind, too, that you may be moved from place to place, but don't think we are displeased. Perhaps


we haven't found the right kind of work for you to do, so we keep trying. Of course, if you are lazy and indifferent toward your privileges you will probably be told, but you will be told for your own good. Jehovah is not pleased with a slug- gard. (Prov. 6:6; 13:4, AV) We should be happy to work hard and to serve God wherever we are. Remember, being in Jehovah's organization and having any work at all in that organization is an honor and a privilege.


Every member of the Bethel family receives a small allowance monthly; it makes no difference if he is the president or some other individual. The president of the Society determines what the allowances will be for all those working in the branches.


A Christian should have good morals. Jehovah is displeased with immoral persons and such will not inherit the kingdom of God. There are a few things that I would like to say here in this connection. I am sure you know them, but this will serve to refresh your memory. Jehovah has no pleasure in a thief, an evildoer or a busybody in other men's matters. (1 Pet. 4: 15) No one needs to use filthy language to express his thoughts. The vocabulary available in all languages is sufficient to get our ideas across without nasty, filthy words. If one has had the bad habit of using filthy language before learning the truth, it is high time for him to get such words out of his mind and make his mind over. A person can be emphatic, if necessary, without using bad language. Our speech should be positive and up- building and, if it is, we will be in harmony with the Christian organization's way of doing things. Jas. 3:10, 11; 1 Tim. 6:3-5.

Proper respect for persons of both sexes must always be maintained. Politeness and kindness are always appreciated. (1 Cor. chap. 7; Rom. 1:20-32) Men are given places of responsibility, and those placed in such positions should be respected by all. The women should always keep their proper place and recognize Jehovah's arrangement as to their position in His organization. (1 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:11-13) Filthy habits and bodily uncleanness will not be tolerated at Bethel. All should keep hygienically clean and care for their own health. (2 Cor. 7:1) Drunkenness is condemned by Jehovah and will not be allowed. (Prov. 23:21; 1 Cor. 6:10) It is expected that all who become members of a Bethel family have ceased any filthy and unscriptural habits that they might have engaged in prior to learning the truth If anyone needs help- along any of these lines,


talk to an elder at Bethel and he will be glad to help you from the Scriptures. Jehovah's organization must remain clean; those who do not want to practice good conduct, but who want to live in the way of the old system will, when discovered, be dismissed from the family.2 Tim. 3:1-7.

Wine and liquors may be used in moderation by the members of the family if any so desire. But when such beverages are brought into the home they should be used in such a way as not to stumble others.1 Pet. 4:3. Those who have dedicated themselves to Jehovah should never give anyone cause to point the finger of reproach at Jehovah's organization. Never act improperly in public or in private. What you do that is observed by others will cause them to believe that the rest of the family act the same way. While this may not be true, still an organization is judged by those that represent it. Let your actions be based on the principles of truth and righteousness. Love your neighbor as you do yourself. If you ~o this, you will conduct yourself properly toward your brothers and all people. Gal. 5:19-26; Eph 5:1518; 1 Pet. 4:24.


A clean person and a clean room will bring you happiness and contentment. It will contribute to good health. There is no reason for anyone to be dirty. Ample provisions are made for taking baths and keeping one's body clean. It is a good practice to bathe daily. Do not only keep yourself clean, but clean up after yourself; rinse out the washbasin after you use it. Keep things tidy in your room; remember, your roommate lives there too. Things decorative or ornamental may be displayed in your room; however, papers, magazines, books left lying around and clothing that is not put away only detract from the appearance of the room and make more work for those cleaning your room. Also keep your desk, working tables and machinery clean at work. You will be able to use them better and the machinery will run more smoothly.


Remember that you are a member of a family and you are expected to keep confidence with the family and the organization. Many things that are said to the family by the one at the head of the Bethel table or by the one in charge of the home are for the family only. No one should communicate with brothers outside the Bethel home concerning new publications that may be manufactured or letters that are being printed, or send out reports about matters discussed at the Bethel table that strictly involve


our family. These are confidential to the family. Compare Matthew 17:9.

Information that the Society desires to communicate to the brothers outside the Bethel home will be given them in due time through The Watchtower, Awake!, Kingdom Ministry or by letters mailed by the Society. Letter writing, of course, is a fine thing. Encouraging words and helpful suggestions can be given to relatives, others in the full-time service and publishers on the outside. However, we should never include confidential matters and especially not gossip in our letters; neither should we gossip within the family. Prov. 17:4; 26:2~22.

Remember, your mother and father, especially if they are Jehovah's witnesses, are very much interested in you. There is a natural family bond of love. They would like to hear from you once in a while. Why not write your mother and father once a week. There are many things that you can write them about your experiences in the field service, your congregational meetings, experiences related to the Bethel family by travelling representatives, and personal activities, aside from the details about work that you handle at Bethel. They spent a lot of time with you and cared for you daily before you came to Bethel. They miss you. A letter will help them.

Details about the individual work assigned to you as a member of the family are confidential. What you are given to do is your business. You are requested not to communicate information from your department to another department. If we wanted you to know the details of the other persons' work we would have assigned that work to you. Married couples serving in different departments should not discuss confidential details of their work when at home. If you have problems, take them up with the elder in charge. The same is true concerning roommates. Confidential Society matters received in the mail should be handled confidentially. Information to be announced generally will be presented by the one in charge of the home or the factory. If you are to know what is going on in other departments, you will be told through the proper overseer.

We are interested in the welfare of our brothers, but working hours are not for visiting. That is the time to work. If we find that we haven't enough to do, then we should report to the overseer in charge of where we work. When we waste time talking unnecessarily to other people, it is a waste of their time as well as ours.


A capable, sympathetic person should be assigned to first aid. First-aid equipment should be available to all who


may get hurt or bruised. If they need someone to help them with their wounds, then the one assigned should be told immediately. If a major accident occurs, the one in charge of first aid should get in touch immediately with the over- seer in charge of the branch or home, who will see that the injured person is cared for properly. If necessary, the overseer will call a doctor or send the injured person to a hospital. A full and accurate report on the accident should be typewritten for future reference. If there was any carelessness on the part of the individual or on the part of the management in not guarding moving parts of the machinery, these things should be corrected.

Keep in mind that there is always danger near moving machinery. Therefore, care should always be taken by those operating machines when working or cleaning around them. It would be better to stop the machine if some adjustments need to be made. Do not use rags to clean machinery except when it is stopped and the power is off. Machine parts can be purchased, but we can't buy fingers and hands; so please be careful and do not take chances. Always be careful around machines in motion. Your safety is what you should be interested in as well as that of your brothers.


Brothers brought into the family are believed to be strong and healthy and, according to their applications, there is nothing seriously wrong with them. The Society will try to keep its members healthy. We do so by providing them with clean rooms, comfortable sleeping quarters, wholesome food and good conditions under which to live and carry on their daily routine. If an individual gets sick and it is believed necessary to call a doctor, the brother in charge should not hesitate to do so. If the branch office can make arrangements with dentists or optometrists or other specialists to get reduced rates for the care of the teeth and eyes of the family, this should be done. If the branch overseer can arrange for free treatments for members of the family, then the members of the family can be called from their work at various intervals for checkups or treatments. If it is during working hours, please notify the brother in charge of your department before going for medical attention. It is a good thing for members of the family who are not feeling well to report that to the one in charge of first aid. Maybe some advice can be given to the individual that will help him to get over a cold or other difficulty. Getting to bed early in the evening right after supper when feeling ill is better than going out. Rest and sleep are the best healers. It may be necessary to isolate a sick person and restrict visitors to


keep the ailment from spreading. Those who get sick will be given needed treatment.

If one of the brothers in the home is a barber, arrangements can be made for him to cut the hair of the other brothers and sisters. A schedule should be drawn up and the brothers called according to the schedule to have their hair cut.


Remember that the money the Society spends is not furnished by us. It was contributed by those who want to see Kingdom interests advanced. We should not waste food, electricity, water, supplies or equipment. All of us should be careful and economical. When you are given machinery to operate or tools to use, you should take good care of them. Be sure to oil and clean your machines according to the schedule established by the branch overseer or the one in charge. Waste in Jehovah's organization should be at a minimum. Prov. 18:9; John 6:12.

All lost equipment should be reported immediately. Any- one deliberately destroying equipment will be required to pay for it. Lights should not be left on when not needed. Be sure to turn water faucets completely off. There are many ways in which you can help to avoid needless expenses by just being careful. Things needing repairs should be reported in writing. The Society's buildings are kept in good condition inside and out But after you report in writing the need of repairs, the responsibility is no longer yours. It becomes the responsibility of the brother in charge if you have made the written report to him.

In the Society's buildings where there are elevators, those who need to climb more than three nights of stairs or descend more than six flights of stairs are permitted to use the elevators. Those who are infirm or those over thirty- five years of age may use the elevators at any time.

- HEATI...

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