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learned to read, he tried to ind sto-
ries about Communists or about the
family Han or about children with
little red lights. There were none to
be found.
glory. But someday it will have
that glory back and all the world
will see that we are still the Middle
Kingdom. And do you know who
will bring that glory back to Chi-
His father played with him several
times a day. He grew up with his
father’s loving hands caressing him,
cufing him playfully; he grew up
with his father’s smile. His father
praised him whenever he learned
something; it became Tzu’s endeav-
or every day to learn something so
he could tell Father.
“Who, Father?”
“My son, my little Master, Han
“Where did China’s glory go, so I
can bring it back?”
“China was the center of the
world,” said Father. “We invented
everything. All the barbarian king-
doms around China stole our ideas
and turned them into terrible weap-
ons. We left them in peace, but they
would not leave us in peace, so they
came and broke the power of the
emperors. But still the Chinese re-
sisted. Our glorious ancestor, Yuan
Shikai, was the greatest general in
the last age of the emperors.
Artwork by Jin Han
“You spell my name Tzu,” said
Tzu, “even though it’s pronounced
just like the word ‘zi.’ T-Z-U is
the old way of spelling, called ...
‘Wade-Giles.’ The new way is
by Orson Scott Card
“Very good, my Tzu, my Little
Master,” said Father.
“There’s another way of writing
even older than that, where each
word has its own letter. It was very
hard to learn and even harder to
put on computer so the government
changed all the books to pinyin.”
Han Tzu was the bright and shin-
ing hope of his family. He wore a
monitor embedded in the back of
his skull, near the top of his spine.
Once, when he was very little, his
father held him between mirrors in
the bathroom. He saw that a little
red light glowed there. He asked his
father why he had a light on him
when he had never seen another
child with a light.
“The emperors were weak, and the
revolutionaries were strong. Yuan
Shikai could see that weak emper-
ors could not protect China. So he
took control of the government.
He pretended to agree with the
revolutionaries of Sun Yat-sen, but
then destroyed them and seized the
imperial throne. He started a new
dynasty, but then he was poisoned
by traitors and died, just as the
Japanese invaded.
“You are a brilliant little boy,” said
“So now people give their children
names spelled the old Wade-Giles
way because they don’t want to
let go of the lost glories of ancient
“Because you’re important,” said
Father. “You will bring our family
back to the position that was taken
from us many years ago by the
Father stopped smiling. “Who told
you that?”
“The Chinese people were punished
for the death of Yuan Shikai. First
the Japanese invaded China and
many died. Then the Communists
took over the government and ruled
as evil emperors for a hundred
years, growing rich from the slav-
ery of the Chinese people. Oh, how
they yearned for the day of Yuan
Tzu was not sure how a little red
light on his neck would raise his
family up. Nor did he know what
a Communist was. But he remem-
bered the words and when he
“It was in the book,” said Tzu. He
was worried that somehow he had
disappointed Father.
“Well, it’s true. China has lost its
Shikai! Oh how they wished he had
not been slain before he could unite
China against the barbarians and
the oppressors!”
that our city of Nanyang and our
province of Henan are now leaders
in Chinese manufacturing.”
Tzu got to his feet and went around
the garden looking for things to
crush. He tried a stone, but it wasn’t
crushable. He broke a twig, but
when he tried to crush the pieces, it
hurt his hand. He crushed a worm
and it made his hands smeary with
ichor. The worm was dead. What
good was a crushed worm? What
was an enemy? Would it look like
this when he crushed one?
Tzu had heard of manufacturing.
“Does she make cars?”
There was a light in Father’s eyes
that made Tzu a little afraid and yet
also very excited. “Why would they
poison him if our glorious ancestor
was so good for China?” he asked.
“Your mother invented the process
that allows almost half of the light
of the sun to be converted directly
to electricity. That’s why the air in
Nanyang is always clean and our
cars sell better than any others in
the world.”
“Because they wanted China to
fail,” said Father. “They wanted
China to be weak among the na-
tions. They wanted China to be
ruled by America and Russia, by
India and Japan. But China al-
ways swallows up the barbarians
and rises again, triumphant over
all. Don’t you forget that.” Father
tapped Tzu’s temples. “The hope of
China is in there.”
He hoped his enemies were softer
than stone. He couldn’t crush
stones at all. But it was messy and
unpleasant to crush worms, too.
It was much more fun to let them
crawl across his hand.
“Then Mama should be emperor!”
said Tzu.
“But your father is very impor-
tant, too,” said Father. “Because
I worked hard when I was young,
and I made a lot of money, and
I used that money to pay for her
research when nobody else thought
it would lead to anything.”
Tutors began to come to the house.
None of them played with him for
very long at a time, and each one
had his own kind of games. Some
of them were fun, and Tzu was very
good at many of them. Children
were also brought to him, boys who
liked to wrestle and race, girls who
wanted to play with dolls and dress
up in adult clothing. “I don’t like to
play with girls so much,” said Tzu
to his father, but Father only an-
swered, “You must know all kinds
of people when you rule over them
someday. Girls will show you what
to care about. Boys will show you
how to win.”
“In my head?”
“To do what Yuan Shikai did, you
must irst become a great general.
That’s why you have that monitor
on the back of your neck.”
“Then you be emperor,” said Tzu.
“I am one of the richest men in
China,” said Father, “certainly the
richest in Henan province. But be-
ing rich is not enough to be emper-
or. Neither is being smart. Though
from your mother and me, you will
grow up to be both.”
Tzu touched the little black box.
“Do great generals all have these?”
“You are being watched. This
monitor will protect you and keep
you safe. I made sure you had the
perfect mama to make you very,
very smart. Someday they’ll give
you tests. They’ll see that the blood
of Yuan Shikai runs true in your
“What does it take to be emperor?”
So Tzu learned he should care
about tending babies and bringing
home things for the pretend mama
to cook, though his own mama nev-
er cooked. He also learned to run as
fast as he could and to wrestle hard
and cleverly and never give up.
“You must crush all your enemies
and win the love and obedience of
the people.”
“Where’s Mama?” asked Tzu, who
at that age had no idea of what
‘tests’ were or why someone else’s
blood would be in his veins.
Tzu made a ist with his hand, as
tight and strong a ist as he could. “I
can crush bugs,” he said. “I crushed
a beetle once.”
When he was ive years old, he
read and did his numbers far better
than the average for his age, and his
tutors were well-satisied with his
progress. Each of them told him so.
“She’s at the university, of course,
doing all the smart things she does.
Your mother is one of the reasons
“You’re very strong,” said Father.
“I’m proud of you all the time.”
Then one day he had a new tu-
tor. This tutor seemed to be more
important than all the others. Tzu
played with him ive or six times a
day, ifteen minutes at a time. And
the games were new ones. There
would be shapes. He would be
given a red one that was eight small
blocks stuck together, and then
from a group of pictures of blocks
he had to choose which one was the
same shape. “Not the same color --
it can be a different color. The same
shape,” said the tutor.
meaningless lists perfectly memo-
rized. It wasn’t funny after a while
to have the ball come out of the ish
which came out of the tree which
came out of the car which came out
of the briefcase, but he couldn’t get
it out of his memory.
the tutor playfully. Tzu hated it
when he acted playful.
“Mama to be home more. She never
plays with me.”
“Your mama is very busy. And
that can’t be the prize because the
people who give the prize aren’t
your mama.”
Once he had played them often
enough, Tzu became bored with
all the games. That was when he
realized that they were not games at
all. “But you must go on,” the tutor
would say. “Your father wants you
“That’s what I want.”
“What if the prize was a ride in a
spaceship?” said the tutor.
Soon Tzu was very good at inding
that shape no matter how the pic-
ture was turned around and twisted,
and no matter what color it was.
Then the tutor would bring out a
new shape, and they’d start over.
“He didn’t say so.”
“I don’t care about a ride in a
spaceship,” said Tzu. “I saw the
pictures. It’s just more stars out
there, the same as you see from
here in Nanyang. Only Earth is
little and far away. I don’t want to
be far away.”
“He told me. That’s why he brought
me here. So you would become
very good at these games.”
He was also given logic questions
that made him think for a long time,
but soon he learned to ind the clas-
siications that were being used. All
dogs have four legs. This animal
has four legs. Is it a dog? Maybe.
Only mammals have fur. This
animal has fur. Is it a mammal?
Yes. All dogs have four legs. This
animal has three legs. Is it a dog? It
might be an injured dog -- some in-
jured dogs have only three legs. But
I said all dogs have four legs. And I
said some dogs have only three legs
because they’re broken but they’re
still dogs! And the tutor smiled and
agreed with him.
“I am very good at them.”
“But we want you to be the best.”
“Don’t worry,” said the tutor. “The
prize will make you very happy
and it will make your father very
“Who is better? You?”
“I’m an adult.”
“If I win,” said Tzu. He thought of
the times that other children beat
him in races and wrestling. He usu-
ally won but not always. He tried
to think how they would turn these
games into a contest. Would he
have to make shapes for the other
child to guess, and the child would
make shapes for him? He tried to
think up logic questions and lists to
memorize. Lists that you couldn’t
put inside each other or stack
up. Except that he could always
imagine something going inside
something else. He could imagine
anything. He just ended up with
more stupid lists he couldn’t forget.
“How can I be best if nobody is
“We want you to be one of the best
of all the ive-year-old children in
the world.”
The tutor paused, considering. Tzu
knew that this meant he would
probably tell a lie. “There are
people who go around playing these
games with children, and they give
a prize to the best ones.”
Then there were the memoriza-
tion tests. He learned to memorize
longer and longer lists of things by
putting them inside a toy cupboard
the tutor told him to create in his
mind, or by mentally stacking them
on top of each other, or putting
them inside each other. This was
fun for a while, though pretty soon
he got sick of having all kinds of
“What’s the prize?” asked Tzu
Life was getting dull. He wanted to
go outside of the garden walls and
walk around the noisy streets. He
“What do you want it to be?” asked
could hear cars and people and bi-
cycles on the other side of the gate,
and when he stuck his eye right
up against the crack in the gate
he could see them whiz by on the
street. Most of the pedestrians were
talking Chinese, like the servants,
instead of Common, like Father and
the tutors, but he understood both
languages very well, and Father
was proud of that, too. “Chinese is
the language of Emperors,” said Fa-
ther, “but Common is the language
that the rest of the world under-
stands. You will be luent in both.”
Was she really this stupid? Tzu ran
to Mu-ren and said, “Wei Dun-nuan
needs a key to the gate.”
“I don’t want to be the best child,”
said Tzu. “I want to see what’s out-
side the gate.”
“She does?” said Mu-ren. “What-
ever for.”
“After you take the tests,” said
Father, laughing. “Plenty of time.
You’re still very very young. Your
life isn’t over yet.”
“So we can go outside and read.”
By then Mu-ren had caught up with
him. She shook her head at Mu-
ren. Mu-ren squatted in front of
Tzu. “Little master,” she said, “you
don’t need to go outside. Your papa
doesn’t want you out on the street.”
The tests. He had to take the tests
irst. He had to be best child before
he could go out of the garden.
So he worked hard at his games
with the tutors, trying to get bet-
ter and better so he could win the
tests and go outside. Meanwhile,
he also studied all the walls of the
garden to see if there was a way to
get through or under or over them
without waiting.
But even though Tzu knew Chi-
nese, he could hardly understand
what was said by the passersby.
They spoke so quickly and their
voices rose and fell in pitch, so it
was hard to hear, and they were
talking about things he didn’t un-
derstand. There was a whole world
he knew nothing about and he
never got to see it because he was
always inside the garden playing
with tutors.
That was when Tzu realized he was
a prisoner.
They come here and teach me what
Father wants me to learn. I’m sup-
posed to become the best child.
Even the children that come here
are the ones they pick for me. How
do I know if I’m the best, when I
never get to ind children on my
own? And what does it matter if
I’m best at boring games? Why
can’t I ever leave this house and
Once he thought he found a place
where he could squeeze under a
fence, but he no sooner had his arm
through than one of the tutors found
him and dragged him back in. The
next time that place had tight metal
mesh between the bottom of the
fence and the ground.
“Let’s go outside the walls today,”
he said to his Common tutor.
“But I’m here for us to read togeth-
er,” she said.
“To keep you safe,” Father ex-
plained that evening. Mu-ren or the
tutor must have told him about the
key. “You’re a very important little
boy. I don’t want you to be hurt.”
Another time he tried to climb a
box set on top of a bin, and when
he got to the top he could see the
street, and it was glorious, hundreds
of people moving in all directions
but almost never bumping into each
other, the bicycles zipping along
and not falling over, and the silent
cars crawling through as people
moved out of the way for them.
Everyone wore bright colors and
looked happy or at least interested.
Every single person had more free-
dom than Tzu did.
“Let’s go outside the walls and read
today,” said Tzu.
“I won’t be hurt.”
“I can’t,” she said. “I don’t have the
“That’s because you won’t go
out there until you’re ready,” said
Father. “Right now you have more
important things to do. Our garden
is very large. You can explore any-
where you want.”
“Mu-ren has a key,” said Tzu. He
had seen the cook go out of the gate
to shop for food in the market and
come back with a cart. “Pei-Tian
has a key, too.” That was Father’s
driver, who brought the car in and
out through the gate.
“I’ve looked at all of it.”
What kind of emperor will I be if
I let people keep me inside a cage
like a pet bird?
“Look again,” said Father. “There’s
always more to ind.”
“But I don’t have a key.”
So he tried to swing his leg up onto
the top of the wall, but once again,
before he could even get his body
weight onto the top, along came
a tutor, all in a dither, to drag him
down and scold him. And when
he came back to the place, the bin
was no longer near the wall. Noth-
ing was ever near the garden walls
“No,” said Guo-rong. “You must
always wait for the question to be
completely inished before you
Tzu turned and looked at them.
He didn’t know the test was from
soldiers. But now it became clear to
him. Father wanted him to become
a great general like Yuan Shikai.
The beginning of that would be to
enter the military. Not the Chinese
Army, but the leet of the whole
“That’s the rule of the game,” he
said. “If you answer any question
too fast, then the whole game is
over and you lose.”
But he didn’t want to go into space.
He just wanted to go out on the
Hurry up with the tests, then,
thought Tzu. I want to be out there
with all the people. There were
children out there, some of them
holding onto their mothers’ hands,
but some of them not holding onto
anybody. Just ... loose. I want to be
That was a stupid rule, but Tzu
obeyed it. “This is boring,” he said.
He knew Father would not want
him to ask about this, however.
So he smiled at the man and the
woman and bowed to each in turn.
They bowed back, smiling also.
“The test will be soon,” said Guo-
rong. “And you’ll be completely
ready for it. But don’t tell the
testers about any of your practice
with me.”
Then one day the newest tutor,
Shen Guo-rong, the one with the
logic games and lists, stood outside
Tzu’s room and talked with his fa-
ther in a low voice for a long time.
He came in with a paper, which he
looked at long and hard.
“Why not?”
Soon Tzu was alone in his play-
room with the two of them. No
tutors, no servants, no Father.
“It will look better for you if they
don’t know about me, that’s all.”
The woman spread out some papers
and brought out shapes, just like the
ones he had practiced with.
That was the irst time that Tzu
realized that there might be some-
thing wrong with the way he was
being prepared for the tests. But
he had little time to think about it,
because the very next day, a strange
woman and a strange man came to
the house. They had no folds over
their eyes and had strange ruddy
skin, and they wore uniforms he
recognized from the vids. They
were with the I.F., the International
“What’s on that paper?”
“Have you seen these before?” she
“A note from your father.”
He nodded.
“Can I read it?” asked Tzu.
“It’s not a note to you, it’s a note to
me,” said Guo-rong.
Then he remembered he wasn’t
supposed to talk about Guo-Rong,
so he just shrugged.
But when he set it down, it wasn’t
a note at all. It was covered with
diagrams and words. And that day,
all their games were chosen by
Guo-rong after consulting with the
“You don’t remember?”
“He’s luent in Common?” the man
He shrugged again.
It went like that for days. Always
the same answers, until Tzu knew
them all in order and could start
reciting them before the questions
were asked.
“Yes,” said Father -- Father was
home! Tzu ran into the room and
hugged his father. “This is a special
day,” Father told him as he hugged
him back. “These people are going
to play some games with you. A
kind of test.”
She explained the game to him -- it
was just like the one Guo-Rong
had played. And when she held up
a shape, it was the very one they
had practiced with, and he instantly
recognized it from the choices on
the paper. He pointed.
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