Kopia The Prisoner Epsd 12 A Change Of Mind.txt

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{3450}{3494}(Six ) ´Where am I?´
{3516}{3586}(Two ) ´In The Village.´
{3598}{3637}(Six ) ´What do you want?´
{3638}{3676}(Two ) ´Information.´
{3695}{3745}(Six ) ´Whose side are you on?´
{3746}{3802}(Two ) ´That would be telling.
{3803}{3867}´We want information...
{3996}{4043}(Six ) ´You won´t get it.´
{4120}{4191}´By hook or by crook...we will.´
{4255}{4336}- ´Who are you?´|- ´The new Number Two.´
{4350}{4405}(Six ) ´Who is Number One?´
{4406}{4477}´You are Number Six.´
{4521}{4624}(Six ) ´I am not a number,|I am a free man!´
{4625}{4681}(Number Two laughs )
{5848}{5932}- Training for the big break?|- Why not use the village gymnasium?
{5933}{6005}Perhaps I prefer privacy.
{6006}{6101}That could be taken|as being anti-social.
{6156}{6193}Some setup.
{6194}{6276}Keeping it all to yourself,|Number Six?
{6321}{6391}Not the action|of a public-minded citizen.
{6458}{6544}- The committee wouldn´t like that.|- Certainly not.
{7306}{7372}You´ll face the committee for this.
{7465}{7572}(PA) ´The council chamber|considered your case, Number 93,
{7574}{7640}´and there´s disharmony|in your behaviour.
{7640}{7779}´You seem reasonable, but you don´t|want to work for the community.
{7798}{7883}´The court has several cases|to be dealt with.
{7884}{7995}´Number Six needs help,|and we want to do something for 42.
{7997}{8089}´She´s in a permanent state|of depression, always in tears.
{8132}{8283}´Your duty, 93, is to prove you are|a suitable member of society.
{8285}{8370}´The only way to regain the respect|of your fellows
{8372}{8436}´is to acknowledge your shortcomings.
{8437}{8512}´Go to the rostrum and confess.
{8540}{8625}´We will tell you what to say.
{8637}{8705}- ´They´re right, of course.´|- They´re right, of course.
{8705}{8753}-´Quite right.´|- Quite right.
{8753}{8844}- ´I´m inadequate.´|- I´m inadequate.
{8846}{8912}- ´Disharmonious.´|- Disharmonious.
{8912}{8966}- ´I´m truly grateful.´|- I´m truly grateful.
{8966}{9052}- ´Believe me.´|- Believe me.
{9057}{9090}´Believe me...Believe me.´
{9091}{9140}Believe me!
{9149}{9190}´Believe me... Believe me.´
{9192}{9222}BELIEVE ME!
{9224}{9274}(Applause )
{9352}{9419}´Number Six, enter.´
{9636}{9686}(Applause )
{9744}{9848}You have completed the written|questionnaire of confession?
{9849}{9937}Of course... Naturally.
{9938}{10013}(PA) ´Please do not be hostile.|We´re here to help.´
{10015}{10083}Do sit down. Tell us about yourself.
{10085}{10180}I take it you have checked my file -|regarding hostility.
{10181}{10237}´Your files are not our concern.
{10238}{10297}´Information on you|is with Number Two.´
{10331}{10403}The committee deals with complaints.
{10404}{10445}- Complaints?|- ´Your complaints.´
{10446}{10499}I have several.
{10500}{10661}´A charge has been made against you|about your attitude to your peers.´
{10662}{10734}´We deplore your disharmony.´
{10735}{10829}A common complaint around here.
{10830}{10887}Discretion, Number Six.
{10889}{10960}´Everything is being recorded.´
{10960}{11018}As evidence against me!
{11020}{11092}´This is an impartial committee.´
{11093}{11194}Number Six, you´re not here|to defend yourself.
{11194}{11263}´All we ask is for your confession.´
{11264}{11393}I´m sure you will cooperate.|Gentlemen, it´s time.
{11394}{11506}We are ready for a tea break.
{11507}{11600}The Group and medical reports|will be considered
{11602}{11661}at the resumed hearing|of this committee.
{12647}{12722}(Man on PA)|´They´re right, of course.
{12723}{12809}´They´re right, quite right.´
{12884}{13012}´I´m inadequate. Inadequate.|I´m inadequate, disharmonious.´
{13017}{13156}´I am grateful, truly, truly|grateful, truly, truly grateful.´
{13157}{13257}´Believe me, believe me,|believe me...´
{13573}{13647}Beautiful day, Number 61.
{14634}{14696}I might´ve guessed. EnJoy the show?
{14698}{14772}"The slowest mule´s|nearest to the whip."
{14774}{14867}"He who digs a pit|will one day lie in it."
{14869}{14933}Is Number Two above investigation?
{14933}{15041}Nobody is. Non-cooperation|makes one an outcast.
{15042}{15097}No more taxis, no more credit.
{15098}{15169}It could be only a beginning.
{15170}{15218}You should know.
{15233}{15307}You don´t think|I´m a member of the committee?
{15307}{15374}Of course not. Never.
{15375}{15489}No matter what significance|you hold for me,
{15490}{15638}to The Village and its committee,|you´re merely Citizen Number Six,
{15639}{15746}who has to be tolerated|and shaped to fit.
{15770}{15830}Public enemy Number Six?
{15832}{15958}If you insist. But public enemies|can´t be tolerated indefinitely.
{15959}{16058}Do not defy this committee.
{16060}{16191}If the hearings go against you,|I´m powerless to help you.
{16295}{16397}Number 86 has had valuable|experience with the committee.
{16397}{16479}- As a member?|- I had the shame of being posted.
{16480}{16525}- Disharmonious.|- How terrible(!)
{16526}{16582}The hearings were fair. I was wrong.
{16583}{16730}Sir, Number Six has a busy schedule -|the Social Group, then the medical.
{16736}{16778}Of course. Do carry on.
{16779}{16846}- No time for tea?|- No. Only your future.
{16847}{16940}First, your frivolous attitude|to the committee.
{16942}{17053}The hearings are televised. That is|why your behaviour is so important.
{17053}{17196}The Social Group is your one hope.|I too have been attached to it.
{17197}{17260}- Most fortunate.|- Do try to cooperate.
{17262}{17317}- I will.|- Join in the Group´s spirit.
{17351}{17411}- Only they can help you.|- Naturally.
{17417}{17470}Come, we are already overdue.
{17509}{17682}If she makes one mistake, we could|lose Number Six. You hear? Lose him.
{17704}{17816}There can be no mitigation.|We must all stand together.
{17817}{17878}I don´t contest the complaint but...
{17880}{17935}No exceptions.
{17946}{18015}All right. You say you´re a poet.
{18016}{18104}You were composing and didn´t hear|Number 10´s greeting.
{18105}{18143}Neglect of social principle.
{18144}{18229}- Poetry has a social value.|- He´s trying to divide us.
{18231}{18341}His intentions|are to stop us helping this girl.
{18358}{18447}You´re trying to undermine my|rehabilitation. Disrupt my progress.
{18448}{18511}Strange talk for a poet.
{18520}{18573}- Reactionary!|- Disharmonious!
{18574}{18689}(All) Rebel! Reactionary!|Rebel! Disharmonious!
{18824}{18884}Time for your medical, Number Six.
{18886}{18928}Yes, of course.
{19018}{19098}My medical. Splendid, let´s go.
{19332}{19413}First rate, Number Six.|Life here suits you.
{19414}{19448}Are you finished?
{19449}{19510}Just the patella reflexes.
{19748}{19819}Excellent. Fit for any contingency.
{19820}{19867}Anything specific in mind?
{19868}{19986}My dear chap, how suspicious|you are of us all. Be seeing you.
{20168}{20202}(Doctor) Next!
{21038}{21081}Relax, fellow. Relax.
{21090}{21197}- Are you his keeper?|- So excited, rushing and shouting.
{21199}{21301}- You ever been in there?|- Not in there.
{21302}{21336}That´s odd.
{21338}{21379}Not odd, please.
{21408}{21471}- Different, maybe.|- Different?
{21473}{21556}I´m one of the lucky ones. I was...
{21647}{21693}I was unmutual.
{21719}{21827}The fellow analysis report|submitted by the Social Group
{21829}{21874}leaves us no choice.
{21875}{21995}We are bound to classify you|as unmutual.
{22007}{22117}We must warn you, if any further|complaint is lodged against you,
{22118}{22197}it´ll be necessary|to give you the treatment -
{22198}{22280}"instant social conversion".
{23489}{23527}(PA) ´Your attention, please.
{23528}{23577}´Here is an important announcement -
{23578}{23670}´Number Six|has been declared unmutual.
{23695}{23761}´Any unsocial incident|involving Number Six
{23762}{23833}´should be reported|to the Appeals Sub-committee.
{23871}{23916}´Thank you.´
{24573}{24629}We represent|the Appeals Sub-committee.
{24631}{24689}Quick off the mark - Number 42?
{24690}{24767}Appeals Sub-committee already?|You get around.
{24769}{24921}Do not sneer at Number 42.|Social work requires moral courage.
{24922}{24961}Risk of infection?
{24963}{25041}Bitterness will not help you,|Number Six.
{25042}{25080}You´ve brought misfortune|on yourself.
{25081}{25200}Nevertheless, ladies,|I´m sure you will help me.
{25201}{25303}It is premature to look for|contrition in the poor creature.
{25729}{25843}Now, let´s see how our loner|withstands real loneliness.
{25844}{25955}And for his sake,|I hope it will not be for long.
{25956}{26070}Did you hear that?|For his own sake. (Sniggers )
{27569}{27616}(PA) ´Attention, please.
{27617}{27697}´Weather -|continuing warm and sunny,
{27698}{27784}´with a danger of sudden storms.|A reminder.´
{27785}{27820}Coffee, please.
{27821}{27936}´Incidents about Unmutuals should|be reported to the Sub-committee.
{27937}{28001}´Thank you for your attention.´
{28582}{28650}Unmutualism, Number Six.|More than a game.
{28651}{28760}They´re socially conscious citizens|provoked by an Unmutual.
{28761}{28797}They are sheep.
{28798}{28918}He reJects our help. There remains|but one course open to us.
{28999}{29053}(Phone bleeps )
{29134}{29224}´I warned you.|The community won´t tolerate you.´
{29225}{29361}You need a scapegoat - "citizens|unite, denounce this menace".
{29362}{29473}A scapegoat?|Is that what you think it is?
{29475}{29554}Let me assure you,|that after conversion,
{29555}{29648}you won´t care w...
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