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IEEM 215 Manufacturing Processes I
Lab 7: Computer Aided Manufacturing
Objective : In this Lab, you will use a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) program to
generate GN-code (RS-274) that can control a milling machine to produce a part (an
Aluminum keychain with UST logo). The CAM function you will use is one of the
work-benches of CATIA; you will use the module called “Machining”. The input to the
CAM function is a Computer-Aided Model of the part; it is provided to you. Please follow
the steps below to complete this Lab exercise.
Step 1: Download the keychain model.
Step 2: Define Rough Stock & Working coordinate frame
Step 3 Create machine tool paths by using Pocketing and Profile Contouring
i) Define machine tool path
ii) Pick the machining region
iii) Define the cutting tool
iv) Define the cutting conditions
v) Manage safety factors
Step 4 Generate NC code
Step 5 Verify your code
Step 6 Use the Arix™ CNC Milling machine in the lab to produce the part.
Step 1: Download the keychain model.
1.1. Download the keychain model from the IELM 215 Web site
1.2. Start CATIA.
1.3. File Æ Open… Select your downloaded IGS file.
1.4. Start Æ Machining Æ Advanced Machining
Step 2: Define Rough Stock & Working coordinate film
2.1 Define Rough Stock:
Click rough stock , select the model in both , Destination box and Part body box. Input
the parameters as below.
Note: Rough Stock is the initial material that will be machined. A 60mm x 50mm x 3.5mm
aluminum plate is provided to you as a rough stock.
2.2 Define working coordinate frame:
Double-Click “ Default reference machining axis for part Operation.1 ” (The green coordinate
frame) on the screen. Click the origin (red dot) in the dialog box. Select the Left corner point
of the top face of the rough stock as shown as the following figures.
Note: You must use the same coordinate frame when you setup the part on the CNC machine.
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Default reference machining axis for part Operation.1
Step 3 Create machining tool paths by using Pocketing and Profile Contouring
3.1 Pocketing:
From the CATIA menus, Insert Æ Machining operations Æ Prismatic Machining operations
Æ Pocketing
Complete the specifications in the five main categories to finish the pocketing, as below.
i) Define machining tool path.
1.) Select the Radial Tab, Select Stepover ratio from Mode .
2.) Set Percentage of tool diameter to 30.
3.) Set Overhang : to 30.
4.) Select the Axial Tab, Select Maximum depth of cut, set its value as 0.3mm
5.) Select the Finishing Tab
6.) Select Side finish last level from Mode; set value the of “Side finish thickness” =
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Note: Stepover ratio is the percentage of tool diameter engaged with the material.
Note: Maximum depth of cut and Stepover ratio are directly proportional to the total contact
area between cutting tool and the material.
ii) Pick the machining region.
1.) Pick the top plane of the rough stock as top plane .
2.) Pick the bottom plane of any pocket as bottom .
Hints: You can press up/down buttons to select the hided region.
iii) Define cutting tool.
You will use a 3mm Diameter flat end mill to do the pocketing.
1.) Set the tool Diameter ( D ) to 3mm.
2.) Set the Corner Radius ( Rc ) to 0mm since we are using flat end mill.
iv) Define cutting conditions
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Input the parameters as shown in the figure below.
v) Manage safety factors.
You will set the methods for tool approaching and retraction here. The distance of clearance
must be specified as well.
1.) Select Approach from the Macro Management
2.) Choose Ramping in Mode and set the vertical safety distance to 3mm.
3.) Select Retract from the Macro Management
4.) Choose Axial in Mode, and change the value to 3mm.
5.) Select Clearance from the Macro Management
6.) Choose Distance in Mode, and change the values to 3mm
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