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How to Draw a Flower Arrangement

A flower arrangement is a decorative arrangement of flowers. It can include any combination of colorful flowers and accessories. All types of flowers can be used for a flower arrangement including fresh, dried, silk, and even ceramic.

Flower arrangements are common in homes, offices, gardens, patios, decks, restaurants, spas and more!

Learn how to draw this flower arrangement.

In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above flower arrangement. You can draw this flower freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step.

Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray. Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to draw it.

Step 1: Lightly sketch a bowl with sides that have a gentle S curve. Give the bowl a rounded base. Near the bowl, sketch four circles and ovals for daisies. Show the centers with smaller circles. Sketch curved lines for the stems.

Above the daisies, sketch curving stems with small bell shapes for lilies of the valley. In the center, sketch a curving stem with a large semicircle for a rose. Above and to the left of the rose, sketch an oval and three shapes below it for an iris.

To the right of the rose, sketch three inverted bell shapes. The center one will be a rosebud. The other two will be tulips. Sketch in many leaves as shown. Sketch in another iris shape behind one of the leaves.

Step 2: Add a curved line to each side of the oval for the iris. Draw in the tulip petals using curved lines. Sketch several half-circles and curved lines to show rose petals.

For the rosebud, use curved lines to show tightly closed petals. Draw the daisy petals as long, oval shapes. Show that some petals overlap others by drawing some as arcs. Draw in some additional leaves.

Step 3: Draw in the flower stems. Draw in three tiny, pointed leaves at the bottom of the rosebud. For the lilies of the valley, give each bell shape a scalloped bottom.

Give a suggestion of more petals on the right-hand daisy with a scalloped edge. Draw another leaf behind one of the daisies and another daisy leaf near the bottom of the arrangement.

Step 4: Redraw the iris petals using wavy lines. Redraw the rose petals with many irregular lines. For the rosebud, show that the petals turn back by drawing a rough triangular shape at the tip.

Redraw the tulip petals so that the tips are slightly ruffled. Draw three of the leaf shapes with notched edges. Draw in the tops of the bell-shaped lilies of the valley.

Draw the centers of the daisies as irregular circles. Notch the ends of the daisy petals. Redraw the bowl, showing the back edge of it.

Step 5: Add a few more wavy lines to the iris. Put tiny dots and short lines in the center. Draw a V-shaped line in one of the leaves and draw a few short lines coming down from it.

Put thorns on the sides of the rose stems. Add ridges to each daisy petal with two lines down the center. Define the daisy centers with many small dots on one side.

Step 6: Draw leaf veins on the smaller leaves. For the long, pointed leaves, give them texture with many long lines. Follow the curve of the leaves.

Step 7: Shade the iris and tulip petals with short lines at their tips and near the stems. Shade the daisy petals with lines at their tips and near the centers. Shade the rose petals with short lines that follow the curve of the petals.

Make the lilies of the valley look rounded with a few very short lines on each blossom. Darken the center of the arrangement with crisscross lines. Shade the sides and base of the bowl.

Congratulations. You have just learned how to draw more than 20 flowers and plants. Well done! Keep practicing and before you know it, you'll be able to draw these and other flowers and plants from memory.


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