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                      |                                |
                      |  TURING PROGRAM TUTORIAL FILE  |
                      |                                |

The purpose of this file is to provide a tutorial lesson on some of the basic
features of the program called TURING.  While it is possible to learn how to
use the program by reading all the built-in help screens contained within
each menu, if you are a first-time user, we suggest you read this tutorial
while first running the program, and then later you can digest all the
information contained in the help functions within each menu in the program.
You can import this file, TURING.TXT, into any word processor and then print
it so you can read the hard copy output while you run the program.

To begin the tutorial you must have the program file TURING.EXE and the three
corresponding demonstration program files called TDEMO1.TXT, TDEMO2.TXT, and
TDEMO3.TXT.  We assume these four files are in the current directory on the
currently selected disk drive.



As part of this tutorial we need to give directions on which keys to press on
your keyboard.  We will enclose in angle brackets single keystrokes that you
should type.  For example, if we ask you to type the first three letters
of the alphabet we will show <A> <B> <C>.  If we ask you to press the control
key, the alternate key, the backspace key, the space bar, or the enter (or
return) key, we will show <CTRL>, <ALT>, <BACKSPACE>, <SPACE> or <ENTER>.

Each enclosure in angle brackets should refer to exactly one keystroke or one
character.  On most keyboards, to type in a left or right parenthesis requires
using a <SHIFT> key in conjunction with another key.  We will NOT show the
shift key as a separate keystroke in this tutorial because we consider
entering a parenthesis as entering a single character.  Other characters like
<+> or <*> can be entered in two different ways on some keyboards, one way
uses the <SHIFT> key, the other way does not.  In general, we would only show
the single character in angle brackets and we leave it up to you to decide
whether or not the <SHIFT> is needed to enter the character.

These keyboard conventions should make clear exactly how many and which keys
you press.  If it is necessary to press two keys simultaneously we will show
a connecting plus sign between the keystrokes.  This is done primarily with
the Control key <CTRL>, and the Alternate key <ALT>.  For example, when we
show <ALT>+<X> it means you should press both the Alternate key and key X at
the same time.  <ALT>+<X> is used in the Main Menu to exit from the program.


This tutorial file assumes you have the mathematical background required to
understand the features that will be demonstrated.  You may find some sections
more applicable to novices than experts, or vice versa, depending on your
background and experience.  If you encounter an example that is beyond your
understanding, you can either skip that example, or you can press the keys and
view the results, even though you may not fully comprehend the output.  This
tutorial does not discuss techniques on how to best use or apply the available
features.  It only serves to demonstrate the basic features and capabilities
which you can learn to apply to solve problems that are of interest to you.


To begin running the TURING program type the command:

                       <T> <U> <R> <I> <N> <G> <ENTER>

The program called TURING simulates what is called a Turing Machine.  Such a
machine is an abstract model used to study the fundamental aspects of digital
(logical) computations.  A simple Turing machine is all that is required to
model any digital computation on any computer, past, present, or future!

Alan Turing was a British mathematician who conceived the idea in 1935, long
before computers were established.  Turing also helped design and build the
machines which were used to break the secret German Enigma spy codes in World
War II.  Turing committed suicide in 1954 after having been exposed as a

There are three major components in the Main Menu screen.

At the top of the screen is a representation of a recording tape which has
numbers recorded on it.  Initially all the numbers are 0 and each position on
the tape is delineated by a little box.  The boxes are numbered from 1 to 999
and only a portion of the middle of the tape is shown.  The only two numbers
that are allowed to be recorded on the tape are 0 and 1.  The tape used in
the abstract model of a Turing machine is infinite in length in both the
left and right directions, but we will find it convenient to label (number)
each position on the tape.  This recording tape is the first major component
of the Turing machine.

Numbers are read or written on the tape at the position marked by what we call
the Read/Write Head.  This appears as a solid-white rectangle which covers the
tape.  The number which is on the tape under the Read/Write Head can also
be seen.  Any number which is read or written must pass through the Read/Write
Head.  The Read/Write Head is the second major part of the Turing machine.

The third major component is what is called the State Transition Table.
Essentially this table contains the directions for telling the machine how
to operate, much like a paper roll is used to control a player piano.
To understand how this table operates in conjunction with the recording tape
is to understand the basics of a Turing Machine.  If you have never seen a
Turing Machine before, when you finish reading this tutorial and running the
examples, you should have gained an appreciation of the concept.  You may even
be ready to write some simple Turing Machine programs that you create on your


The first program we will run is the default program that has already been
loaded into the State Transition Table.  This is a very simple program that
increments a number by 1.


First we have to explain that numbers written on a Turing machine tape have
a very simple representation.  These numbers are NOT BINARY, in fact they
are sometimes called unary.  Everyone should be familiar with making
tallies by writing vertical slashes on a piece of paper.  Unary numbers are
loosely analogous to tallies.  For example, four consecutive vertical marks
written like

                                   | | | |
                                   | | | |
                                   | | | |

could represent the number 4.

In traditional tallying, when you mark a fifth tally you draw it across the
previous four tallies.  So a stick representation of five tallies might
look something like this

                                    | | | |
                                    | | | |

Well the analogy breaks down here.  On a Turing machine tape each unary number
is represented by a series of consecutive 1's.  The number 4 would be
represented by four consecutive ones like

                                    1 1 1 1

but a number like 7 would be represented by seven consecutive ones like

                                 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In traditional tallying a number like 7 would be represented by a group of
five, plus two additional tallies.

                               | | | |   | |
                              -+-+-+-+-  | |
                               | | | |   | |

On a Turing machine tape, there is no crossing allowed.  Just count
consecutive 1's and you know what the number is.


The initial State Transition Table should appear as follows:

                         | S# | R || W | M | N# |
                         |  1 | 0 || 0 | R |  1 |
                         |  1 | 1 || 1 | R |  2 |
                         |  2 | 0 || 1 | R |  3 |
                         |  2 | 1 || 1 | R |  2 |
                         |  3 | 0 || 0 | H |  3 |
                         |  3 | 1 || 0 | H |  3 |

The five column headings represent the following.

  S# = the current State number
  R  = the symbol which is Read from the tape (must match table R-value)
  W  = the symbol which is Written back on the tape
  M  = the direction of Movement. R=right L=left H=halt
  N# = the New state number

Each line in the table has an interpretation.  For example, the first two
lines in the table can be interpreted as saying:

  If you are in state 1 and a 0 is read from the tape, then write a 0 back
  on the tape, move the tape to the right and remain in state 1.

  If you are in state 1 and a 1 is read from the tape, then write a 1 back
  on the tape, move the tape to the right and enter into state 2.

The double vertical line in the table serves the purpose of separating the
input (S# R) in the two left columns from the output (W M N#) in the last
three columns.

The following shows the same table with comments to the right o...
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