Spotts Dane - Hemi-Sync - Ultra Meditation Guide (j.angielski).pdf

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5-Level Transcendence
System PAGE 5
“Super Brain Power:
28 Minutes to a
Supercharged Brain”
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Get My New Book–FREE
“Super Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a
Supercharged Brain”
“It was August 27, 1987. I hit a turning
point. In a Southern California recording studio
experimenting with sound, phasing various
audio frequencies, I stumbled upon a
combination that was mind blowing to say the
least. Within seconds, I was sucked into a deep
meditative trance unlike anything I’d ever
experienced. Plugged into a Mind Mirror (an
EEG machine that measures brainwaves as well as
hemispheric synchronization), I was amazed to
see bursts of Alpha and Theta activity. I was
tripping into an altered state of
consciousness...big time.
It was late afternoon when I finished laying
down the final audio tracks of what was to become the Brain Supercharger ®
soundtrack. Walking out of that recording studio with the masters in hand,
I felt an inexplicable awe. The flat afternoon sun washed everything in a
surreal shade of twilight. I was acutely aware of my surroundings, and yet
I felt connected to a greater dimension focused somewhere in my mind. I
was alert and felt more alive than ever...a high level of energy surged
through my body. I kept thinking to myself... ‘If other people have the
same experience I just did listening to the final cut of this could change their lives .
About me and my business. At that point in time, I had no idea how
many people would even be remotely interested in the concept of mind
development, let alone plug-in their brains for 28 minutes each day. But it
was my passion, so I followed it. And I’ve been on this path ever since.
After the first Brain Supercharger ad appeared in OMNI magazine, I received
thousands of calls from people wanting to try it, paying up to $50 for a
single cassette tape. It was then that I began to realize the impact this was
going to have on people. Even then, my wildest expectations could not
envision the abundance of support I received from every part of the globe.
Since its debut in 1988, over 500,000 soundtracks utilizing the Brain
Supercharger ® technology have been distributed throughout the world.
Today, I believe the demand for mind development tools, meditation
programs, and personal growth technologies is stronger than ever. The
pursuit of self-improvement has gone mainstream .“
The above is from the opening of my new book— Super Brain Power: 28
Minutes to a Supercharged Brain . I want you to have a copy FREE just for
trying the Ultra Meditation: 5-Level Transcendence System which is reviewed
throughout this report.
Listen: The goal of my book and these CDs is not about improving your
IQ so you can score better on tests, or impress your friends with your
intellect. It’s about accessing a higher form of intelligence. Experiencing
peak moments of enlightenment, flooding your mind with flashes of
insight and wisdom that, in an instant, transform every aspect of your
being. For in that moment of cosmic illumination comes a new kind of
brain power, a kind of “super intelligence” that allows you to perceive the
world in a new way. And once you experience that moment, you will never
be the same again. What you’re about to experience is unlike any other
book or CD system that’s ever been published. Because this is more than
just a book, and it’s more than a CD. You don’t just read or listen—you
experience . This is a new media form. Designed not only to teach you
new ideas or processes in an external sense, but to literally take your brain
on a ride. An inner journey of self-discovery—to unleash a new power and
way of thinking. Read the book. Use the soundtracks. I believe an amazing
universe of possibilities will open up to you. I will do the best I can to
support you on your journey. Ultimately though, it’s about you and your
experiences. Enjoy the ride.
The publication you are reading is a promotional review for the Ultra Meditation: 5-Level Meditation System. All representations regarding the content
and use of these programs, CDs, tapes, books, or other materials in the Ultra Meditation System, are the opinions of the author(s) who is the source
of the ideas expressed. These products are for experimental purposes. As such the manufacturer and seller specifically disclaim its use will have any effect on cognitive, mental
functions, or skills, and makes no warranty, express or implied, of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or use. The personal experiences or endorsements expressed
herein are not typical for all consumers. Individual results vary. Further, because these products are experimental in nature, the purchaser understands they may not be suitable for
all applications or users, each of whom may be affected differently due to individual physical and emotional make-ups. This offer comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If
for any reason you are not satisfied with the program you may return it in resellable condition within 30 days for a full refund of your purchase price less shipping & handling costs.
TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-367-5226
Dane Spotts, Author
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By Dane Spotts
I’ve spent the last 20 years searching for tools that
could shift the energies of consciousness, and
unfold a state of enlightened awareness. What I’m
about to reveal may be the simplest, most powerful
technology for unleashing the hidden powers of the
human mind.
Listen: I did everything in the 70’s and 80’s, from retreats to
flotation tanks and brain tune-up machines. But none of it prepared
me for the power of the Brain Supercharger ® technology.
As I plugged it into my stereo player, I kept thinking, “It’s just a
recording.” Then I put on my headphones, flipped the switch, and
woosh...I was immediately transported into another time and
place. My body became extremely relaxed. My arms and legs felt
numb. I began to experience new things. I started having long
(Continued on Pg. 5)
Reprint of Chapter 7 from the
book Super Brain Power.
Reprint of Chapter 5 from the
book Super Brain Power.
Bonus 8 CD library incorporating
special musical forms and
sacred sounds for mind and
5 Ultra Meditation soundtracks
for altered mind states and
experiencing transcendence.
9 CD library of powerful
meditation soundtracks
incorporating ancient sounds
from around the globe.
1) Super Brain Power Book,
2) Super Intelligence CD, 3) A
Perfect Life, 4) Mind Power
Secrets, 5) Find Your Mission.
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Chapter 7: The Way
Of A Mind Warrior...
These kinds of statements by mystics are very difficult to understand for those
who have not had such an experience. Let me present you with a theoretical model
for what may be going on inside the brain, which I believe science is on the
precipice of discovering, and will be the opening of a new era in mind
Your Brain Is Really A Space-Time Machine
It is now well established that in certain altered states experiences especially
prolonged meditations, there is profound shift in brainwave rhythms associated
with peak experiences, those moments of illumination where the experience plugs
you into the “eternal moment” and connects you with the universe. What is not
really understood is how this process works and what it means. Here is one
The brain and its internal substructures give off magnetic fields of energy.
Although these energy fields are very subtle it is possible with sophisticated
equipment to detect and measure them. One of these instruments is called a
SQUID. It is a helmet sensor device that maps the brains energy, specifically tuned
to detect magnetic fields in the ultra low frequency (ULF) range. Using a computer,
these energy fields can be mapped and plotted on a graph. One scientist reported
hooking himself up to a SQUID helmet sensor while in an altered states experience.
Focusing this sensitive instrument on the mid-brain region (where the Thalamus-
Pineal glands reside) the geometry of this magnetic field when plotted on a three
dimensional graph had the same shape and appearance of an Einstein-Rosen space-
time bridge.
What’s an Einstein-Rosen space-time bridge? It’s a wormhole. A funny sausage
shaped structure that is able to tunnel its way through space-time. (A cosmic
wormhole is a gravitational field that warps time-space—connecting two
parallel universes or distant parts of the same universe. It derived its name
for the shortcut a worm takes by boring through an apple, rather than
crawling across it.) I’ll admit, a cosmic space-time bridge formed within
our brains (even one that is only a few centimeters long), is a pretty far
out idea. But if it turns out to be accurate it answers a lot of questions
and provides a biophysical basis for mystical states, and psychic
The human brain emits energy fields that resemble structures
and processes found in the cosmos. If this model is a correct
representation of what is going on inside our heads it could be
speculated that such a system would also act in
much the same way as a universe. In other words the
brain isn’t just a hierarchy of neural networks
processing and storing sensory inputs. It may also
function as a biological space-time energy transducer.
A mini-universe within the universe. The implications
are literally astronomical.
The ancient Chinese always believed this was
the case; that “the Tao (the universe) was in our
head.” According to Fritjof Capra in The Tao of
Physics , “The Eastern sages, too, talk about an
extension of their experience of the world in
higher states of consciousness, and they
affirm that these states involve a radically different
experience of space-time. They emphasize not only
that they go beyond ordinary three-dimensional
space in meditation, but also—and even more
forcefully—that the ordinary awareness of time is
transcended. Instead of a linear succession of
instants, they experience—so they say—an infinite,
timeless, and yet dynamic present.”
He goes on to state in the words of Louis de Brogile, “In space-time, everything
which for each of us constitutes the past, the present, and the future is given en
bloc...Each observer, as his time passes, discovers, so to speak, new slices of space-
time which appear to him as successive aspects of the material world, though in
reality the ensemble of events constituting space-time exist prior to his knowledge
of them.” Meditation according to the mystics allows us to transcend the space-
time experience and enter into a fourth dimension where space and time are
integrated into a whole, where all events are interconnected. Space-time becomes
unified in a four-dimensional continuum, where there is no “before” or “after,”
and so there can be no cause and effect relationships. It is only in our lower
dimension of reality that we experience a temporal sequence of events, moving
through time in a linear succession of cause and effect moments. Perhaps a
mechanism in our mind-brain entraps us into this denser reality construct, in
much the same way as physical forces in the universe operate to entrap and enclose
space. Through meditation and altered states experiences we are somehow able to
manipulate our consciousness and shift this energy field escaping the world of
cause and effect. The secret of...
( The following is a reprint from the beginning of Chapter 7 in the book Super Brain
Power . I apologize for the small type but I wanted to share as much of it as possible with
you now. Of course it is out of context, but the entire book [252 pages] will be included in
your kit and it will make more sense when you read it in its entirety. )
As the new millennium unfolds, it presents incredible challenges and
opportunities. Science will unlock the genetic code, and all disease will be curable.
Computers will connect everyone, everywhere, providing instant access to
everything. Free energy will be perfected. People will travel the world in minutes.
We will colonize space—journey to Mars and other planets. These things are within
our reach now.
The mastery of genetics, atomics and space travel are only side trips when
compared to the main human journey. Science and technology have become the
gods of Western society—the external world and its physical rewards the primary
focus of our attention. In the next millennium this will shift, and I predict so will
the direction of the human adventure. The biggest and most important
discoveries, will come not from the external world but from the journey within
Advances in science and technology will be marvelous and far reaching but not
as profound as the realizations that lie dormant, hidden within us all. My bold
predictions for the new millennium are: Mental telepathy, clairvoyance, psychic
healing, remote viewing and other extra sensory perception (ESP) abilities will not
only be accepted and commonplace, but taught and developed in schools. Devices
will be invented that will amplify our psychic powers; we will use the frequencies
of sound and light to heal our mind and body and manipulate matter. Brain
research will advance to a completely new level and reveal far reaching secrets
about the true nature of our minds. And my boldest of all predictions: The
“Mind Warriors” who pursue the development of their inner potential
will evolve consciousness at an ever accelerated rate; increasing their
mind power and leading the human race to a new era of enlightened
awareness. The third millennium—will become the millennium of
The Beginning Is Near
Mind is the true undiscovered country. The evolution of the
human brain was completed some fifty thousand
years ago and although its physical architecture has
remained virtually the same, its untapped potential
lays dormant, waiting to be awakened. Once we
unlock its secrets the destiny of mankind will be
forever changed. Let me take a moment and give you
a glimpse of what I think that is and your important
role in this.
The human brain is made up of three brains; a
brain stem often called the reptilian brain which
deals with involuntary responses. Surrounding
this is the limbic system or mid-brain as its
sometimes called, involved with expression
and emotional experience. The outer part is the
neocortex used for thinking, which as humans
developed, grew and expanded at an phenomenal
rate unprecedented in evolutionary history.
The three brains within a brain are all linked and
perform in a synergistic way. The current scientific
view on how the brain functions is through
hierarchically organized and interconnected neural
networks. This is essentially the bio-computer model. Some scientists however,
believe much more is going on than the mere storage and retrieval functions of a
sophisticated computer. We now know that memory is distributed over the whole
cortex in much the same way a hologram functions. Brainwaves as we’ve discussed
also play a significant role as it relates to states of consciousness, and especially
altered states. The exploration of these states through meditation, biofeedback and
other modalities seems to bring about an extraordinary acceleration in
psychological information processing, as well psychic phenomena, and peak
experiences. These brainwave states also seem to shift one’s personal space-time
experience. Why, and how?
Mystics talk of the altered states experience as the “eternal moment,” a sense of
“timelessness.” As D.T. Suzuki said in Essence of Buddhism ; “In this spiritual world
there are no time divisions as the past, present, and future; for they have
contracted themselves into a single moment of the present where life quivers in its
true sense...The past and future are both rolled up in this present moment of
illumination, and this present moment is not something standing still with all its
contents, for it ceaselessly moves on.”
(Continued in book)
TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-367-5226
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conversations with a voice inside my
head, experiencing vivid memories,
and a flood of creative ideas.
It seemed as if my mind and body
were in two separate places. Words can
hardly describe the experience but it
was like taking a two-week vacation in
28 minutes.
Perhaps one of the great untold
discoveries of our time is the
knowledge of how to manipulate the
energies of consciousness—to unleash
the true potential of a human being. For
thousands of years the only way to
achieve a state of enlightened
awareness was through meditation.
That’s where this new audio technology
steps in. And the results are confirming
what the ancient masters have
intuitively known for centuries. And
that is this...
Sitting in a cave chanting or staring
at a candle focusing your consciousness
—driving it inward—shifts the energy
in your brain, eventually unfolding a
state of enlightened awareness.
Level I: The Beginning
Theta Mind Experience
Close your eyes—feel your body relax. Your arms
and legs become limp as outside distractions melt
away. Attention is focused inward and you
experience profound feelings of peace and serenity.
As your awareness expands, your mind explores the
possibilities of this altered state known as “theta
consciousness.” Based on altered states research and
the study of meditation, this is a powerful tool for
shifting the energies of consciousness and unfolding a
state of meditative awareness.
“Last week I experienced a healing. This occurred on the fourth straight day of using Ultra Meditation I. I saw a
beautiful scene. My husband and I were standing in wedding garments. When I looked at the preacher it was Jesus.
He put a crown of flowers on both our heads. At this point in time I became a spectator. My husband and I then
blended into one person. We split apart again and Jesus put a white lily in my hand and spoke to me about the
meaning of Easter. Jesus handed my husband a scepter and said, "Lo I am with you always." The floor, ground,
behind us back to Jesus turned a florescent pink. I really was crying when I came out of the meditation. Then my
body experienced a quickening. This condition lasted about 15 minutes. I'm sure this was a healing for my marriage
and who knows what else. There is a question I'd like to ask: Four of my friends over a two day period had listened
to Ultra Meditation I. I didn't tell them any of my experiences. Each person, including myself, experienced some sort
of O.B.E. (out-of-body) situation. Two of the four broke out in the sweats. Question: Are you aware of this from others?
Does this happen often? Peace and Joy.” — B.C.
powers that cannot be accessed in their
normal waking state. We’ve all heard
and read about firewalking yogis who
can walk across a bed of burning coals
at temperatures that should have
reduced their feet to smoldering
stumps, yet at the end of their walk,
they suffer not so much as a blister. For
those new to meditation it is very
difficult to grasp the concept that our
so-called “normal” waking state is
neither the highest, nor the most
effective state of which the human mind
is capable. That in fact, there are other
states of much greater awareness where
one is able to enter into for brief periods
of time, and then return—enriched and
It is widely known by science that
only a small part of our total mental
activity takes place in the conscious part
of the mind. Science has no idea what
really goes on in the vast portion of
unconscious. This is unknown territory.
What we do know is that those who
make direct contact with their
unconscious mind through meditation,
find incredible personal insight and are
able to remove self-limiting blocks that
prevent them from achieving their goals
and finding happiness in life.
This is why people spend years
studying meditation practices. To empty
the mind so higher knowledge can be
revealed to them, to reach higher states
of consciousness, to access deep
mystical truths, unlock the mysteries of
the universe, and to unfold a state of
enlightened awareness .
Experienced meditators, such as
yogis and mystics, spend a majority of
their life learning to control these
physiological responses. After years of
practice, they develop an ability to tap
into the unconscious portions of their
minds and unleash creative and mental
Ultra Meditation Audio Matrix
The Ultra Meditation soundtracks were designed to open the
mind to greater levels of awareness, by driving consciousness
inward and feeding the brain with a steady flow of psychic
energy. As described in the book Super Brain Power:28 Minutes
to a Supercharged Brain it is “The ability to facilitate whole-brain
synchrony entirely through sound....By applying the use of certain
musical harmonics and sound frequencies mood can be shifted,
“right brain” awareness activated, and whole brain synchrony
promoted. It is also believed that people who enter this mind state
have a greater ability to rescript material on an unconscious level.
This represents a major breakthrough in safe, inexpensive and
effective psychotechnology.” [pg. 41] This is literally a new
technology for shifting the energies of consciousness using the
power of sound. One user who experienced transformation using
these soundtracks had this to say: “Using sound frequencies to
unleash the great power of the mind has got to be the most
phenomenal discovery of the decade.”
The difficulty with traditional
meditation practices is it takes years of
concentrated effort to train your brain
(Continued on Pg. 7)
(Continued from Pg. 3)
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