Mantak Chia - DL-B24 Tan Tien Chi Kung (j.angielski).pdf

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Tan Tien Chi Kung
Empty Force,
Perineum Power
and the Second Brain
Mantak Chia
Edited by:
Colin Campbell
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Copy Editor: Colin Campbell
Editorial Assistance: Jean Chilton, Spafford Ackerly
Design and Production: Saniem Chaisarn, Siriporn Chaimongkol
Illustrations: Udon Jandee
Project Manager: W.U. Wei
© North Star Trust
First published in 2002 by:
Universal Tao Publications
274/1 Moo 7, Luang Nua,
Doi Saket, Chiang Mai, 50220 Thailand
Fax (66)(53) 495-853
Web Site:
ISBN: 974-90161-8-1
Manufactured in Thailand
First Printing, 2002
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission from the author, with the exception of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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Contents ................................................................................ iv
About the Author .................................................................... vii
Acknowledgments ................................................................... ix
Words of Caution .................................................................... xii
Introduction ............................................................................. xiii
Chapter I
Power of the Inner Smile ..................................................... 15
Tan Tien Chi Kung and the Alchemical Process.................. 20
Second Brain and Lower Tan Tien Consciousness............. 22
Lower Tan Tien as the First Brain ....................................... 23
Tan Tien Chi Kung and Natural Breathing .......................... 24
Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Tai Chi Chi Kung .......................... 27
Chapter II
Squatting Chi Kung ............................................................. 28
Practice Squatting ............................................................... 32
Chapter III
Tan Tien Chi Kung ................................................................ 36
Our Body and the Body of the Universe .............................. 36
Getting in Touch with the Universe ..................................... 39
Chi Kung: the Unconsciousness and Wonderment............ 41
Dancing and Bone Chi Kung .............................................. 44
Chapter IV
Empty Force .......................................................................... 50
Dragon and Tiger Breath ..................................................... 52
1. Dragon Breath ............................................................. 52
2. Tiger Breath ................................................................ 54
Perineum Power.................................................................. 55
Development of Chi Pressure in the Tan Tien through
Tan Tien Breathing ........................................................... 59
Anus and Perineum ............................................................. 60
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Tan Tien Chi Kung Practice for Chi Pressure................... 60
Practice of Anus and Perineum Power............................ 66
A. Lower Tan Tien: Ocean of Chi Hai ........................... 69
B. Pelvic Area — Bladder Uterus Area ........................ 74
C. Solar Plexus — Above the Navel ............................ 77
D. Both Sides of the Front Part of the Tan Tien ........... 82
E. Left and Right Sides of the Body ............................ 85
F. Left and Right Kidneys............................................ 87
G. Door of Life ............................................................. 89
H. Chest ...................................................................... 91
I. Total Tan Tien Breathing with Inhale........................ 93
J. Total Tan Tien Breathing with Exhale ..................... 94
Exercises to Bring More Chi Pressure and Energy
Vibration in the Tan Tien ................................................ 95
Releasing the Tension in Diaphragm.................................... 98
Chapter V
Tan Tien Chi Kung Postures ............................................... 102
Practice................................................................................ 102
Tan Tien Chi Kung Warm Up ............................................... 103
Ending Exercise for All Eleven Animal Postures................. 107
Tan Tien Chi Kung Postures ............................................... 113
1. Rabbit (Front Tan Tien) ............................................ 114
2. Crane (Both Sides of the Tan Tien).......................... 116
3. Bear (Back Part of the Tan Tien and the whole
Back/Spine)............................................................... 119
4. Swallow (Left and Right Tan Tien) ......................... 125
5. Dragon (Left, Right and Middle Tan Tien)................. 129
6. Eagle (Lower Tan Tien)............................................. 133
7. Monkey (Lower and Upper Tan Tien) ...................... 135
8. Elephant (Left and Right Kua and the
Lower Tan Tien) ....................................................... 139
9. Rhinoceros (Left and Right Tan Tien) ...................... 142
10. Horse (Upper Tan Tien and the Solar Plexus)........ 145
11. Bull (Back Tan Tien)................................................ 147
Finishing Tan Tien Chi Kung ........................................... 150
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