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{1}{100} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{81}{141}*Danger,you're|never outta reach *
{144}{173}* From the hood *
{176}{219}* Even at the beach *
{221}{271}* Compton, Long Beach,|Malibu Adjacent *
{274}{356}*You're always in danger|when the hood's a-ragin' *
{359}{431}* C.P.T. or M.A.D.J. *
{434}{491}* Rememberthat the hood|is neverfar away *
{494}{539}* 'Dis the hood *
{542}{598}* And it's here to stay *
{625}{671}*Yeah *
{673}{700}The Bird.
{770}{803}What doyou want?
{806}{859}Jamaica St. Croix.
{861}{919}You too good for us|now thatyou left the hood?
{922}{967}We had a good thing|together.
{994}{1047}Still got that|crippled hand, Bird?
{1078}{1103}Whyfix it?
{1106}{1168}I'd only have|to change my name.
{1171}{1200}What doyou|want from me?
{1203}{1228}I leftyour posse.
{1231}{1276}I said no to gangbanging|a long time ago.
{1279}{1331}Baby, I got a phat shipment||coming in...
{1334}{1404}but the D.E.A. is scoping for my boat.|Ain't that right?
{1407}{1449}Shut up!
{1452}{1548}So I'm having someone swim out|to Fuego Island and make the score.
{1551}{1605}And that someone is you.
{1608}{1653}Jackin' trade|foryou, Bird?
{1656}{1719}Here's what I think|ofyour plan.
{1752}{1796}Cell phone!
{1862}{1909}Maybe this|will convinceyou.
{1912}{1949}[Woman ]|Jamaica, don't do it!
{1952}{2005}Don't listen to him!|I'll be OK!
{2008}{2054}Thatwas my sister,|Montego Bay!
{2056}{2122}I needed a little...|collateral.
{2202}{2275}Hoochie, I'm giving you 24 hours|to rejoin the posse...
{2278}{2347}oryou can say good day|to Montego Bay.
{2350}{2395}Ha ha ha ha!
{2481}{2540}Come on, suck!|Suck hard!
{2543}{2621}Yeah, that's it, that's it!|Keep sucking! Don't stop!
{2624}{2660}You go, girl!
{2663}{2703}Keep sucking!|Ah, that's good.
{2706}{2753}Good, B.J.!|Good, B.J.!
{2756}{2785}That's it.|You go, girl!
{2788}{2829}Get it all!|Get it all!
{2832}{2888}Ah! Excellent, B.J.!
{2937}{2966}You see, gang...
{2968}{3022}the secret to saving|a snakebitevictim...
{3024}{3106}is drawing out the vennum|as quickly as possible.
{3108}{3178}Uh, Notch?|I know I'm new here, but...
{3180}{3265}doyou really think there are|poisonous snakes on the beach?
{3268}{3305}Kimberlee, you can't|be too careful.
{3308}{3353}After all, Arizona|is only one state away.
{3356}{3422}What about me?|Can I have a try?
{3424}{3457}It's all yours,|Chip.
{3540}{3598}OK, I hope|I don't blow it.
{3632}{3674}OK, suck...|suck hard!
{3676}{3701}Yeah, that's it,|Chip.
{3704}{3754}That's it.|Keep sucking! Keep sucking!
{3756}{3820}Yeah, tha-- Oww!|Watch the teeth!
{3820}{3821}Yeah, tha-- Oww!|Watch the teeth!
{4497}{4543}[ Announcer]|Tonight's episode--
{4676}{4738}Guests of Son OfThe Beach|stay at their friends' houses.
{4740}{4774}That's good.|OK, very good.
{4776}{4818}Nice job, Chip.|Nice job.
{4820}{4904}OK, Kimberlee...|you're up.
{4995}{5065}Notch, I have an important|announcement to make.
{5068}{5092}Yes, but--
{5095}{5151}And that announcement is...|the police report...
{5153}{5221}a sudden influx of|homeless men to the beach.
{5224}{5295}Tell me about it.|Yesterday, I turned around...
{5297}{5364}and one ofthem was|eating my Chalupa.
{5367}{5419}OK, everyone,|let's hit the beach.
{5542}{5614}Chief, uh--|Well I was, uh--
{5617}{5654}Chip, it's like|snake poison--
{5657}{5687}Just spit it out.
{5689}{5731}I was hoping to get|the week off...
{5733}{5774}to train for the|Mr. Pec Pageant.
{5776}{5840}The Mr. Pec Pageant?
{5843}{5902}Best uppertorso|on the beach...
{5905}{5939}for a man.
{5941}{6023}In 1 976, my friend Gunther|was Mr. Pec.
{6025}{6112}I would do anything|to follow in his goose-steps.
{6115}{6149}Thinkyou've got|the chops, Chip?
{6152}{6197}I don't know.|You tell me.
{6255}{6310}Well, not bad,|my bosom buddy...
{6312}{6379}but let's see ifyou can|keep upwith this.
{6667}{6726}[ Sigh ] I'd enter|the contest, but...
{6729}{6802}I pulled my groin last night|watching television.
{6805}{6878}Chip, I'm gonna giveyou|theweekoffto train.
{6881}{6935}- I only ask one favor.|- What's that?
{6937}{6994}Win. Win it for me.
{6996}{7023}Danke, Notch!
{7025}{7073}I would love|to beyourwiener.
{7315}{7347}Mother, I wanna look!
{7350}{7379}Now, Kody, dear...
{7382}{7431}I'm the judge of|the Mr. Pec Pageant.
{7434}{7459}I have to look!
{7462}{7507}No! I have to look|for other reasons!
{7510}{7551}Ooh! Gimme the|damn binoculars!
{7553}{7590}Fine, take them.
{7593}{7687}But I was about to askyou|to go get Chip for me.
{7689}{7759}Oh, Mother...|you're delicious!
{7878}{7951}See, Chappy, you can use|the bag to pick up trash...
{8056}{8093}you can use it|as underwear.
{8096}{8147}Notch,just|give him the bag.
{8150}{8203}Ah, why bother? There ain't|enough garbage to go around...
{8205}{8265}with all the nouveau homeless||moving in.
{8268}{8340}Oh, Chappy...|you've owned this beach foryears.
{8343}{8375}It's time to share|the wealth.
{8378}{8435}And the police saythe new guys|won't be here long.
{8437}{8459}Good, good.
{8526}{8577}Jamaica, you look like|you're out ofbreath.
{8580}{8632}I just saw something|I neverwanna see again.
{8635}{8674}- Cellulite?|- No.
{8676}{8715}Even worse.
{8718}{8767}The leader of|my old gang--
{8770}{8811}the Bird.
{8813}{8843}You were|in a gang?
{8845}{8891}Yes, she was,|Kimberlee.
{8894}{8954}What was the Bird|doing here?
{8956}{8994}Hewant me to mule|his junk...
{8996}{9034}but I don't wanna|be a mule!
{9036}{9060}What's a mule?
{9063}{9111}B.J., a mule|is an animal...
{9114}{9151}with long,|funny ears.
{9154}{9223}He laughs at most anything he hears.|His legs--
{9226}{9319}Notch, in this case, a mule is|a person who smuggles contraband.
{9321}{9391}And now he's|kidnapped my sister.
{9394}{9427}IfI don't do|what hewants...
{9430}{9460}he gonna ice her!
{9463}{9546}Iceyour sister?|Oh, that is cold!
{9549}{9587}I'm so proud|ofher.
{9590}{9662}She's number one in her class|at medical school.
{9665}{9698}She's gonna be|a doctor?
{9700}{9736}No. An X-ray|technician.
{9739}{9771}An X-ray technician?!.
{9774}{9825}Then, damn it,|we have to do something...
{9828}{9883}otherwise, your sister|will never know the joy...
{9886}{9958}of pressing that button|and running out ofthe room.
{10086}{10133}I called you here today|because, as you know...
{10135}{10198}I'm the sole judge|ofthe Mr. Pec Pageant.
{10200}{10245}What an honor|to be the judge...
{10247}{10293}for such an|important contest.
{10295}{10337}In 1 976,|myfriend Gunther--
{10339}{10393}I was thinking,|sinceyou're a local boy...
{10395}{10471}wouldn't it be wunderbar|ifyou went homewith this?
{10507}{10533}The Golden Nipple!
{10535}{10637}"Erderes gewinnt|die brustwarze...
{10639}{10696}er obert die welt. "
{10699}{10789}I had a wild notion|of an exercise you could do...
{10791}{10849}that would guarantee|your clinching the Nipple.
{10851}{10897}Really? I'll try||any exercise.
{10899}{10970}We could do this exercise...|together.
{10972}{11043}But I already have|a workout partner-- Gunther!
{11046}{11091}And he has 4 Nipples!
{11094}{11151}No, you cute dumbbell.
{11154}{11236}I'm saying ifyou and I have|a little rendezvous...
{11239}{11305}I'll guarantee|you win the pageant.
{11307}{11398}Rendezvous?|As in sodomy? Fornication?
{11400}{11457}And doing the|bare-ass boogie?
{11459}{11495}[Thud ]
{11498}{11546}All that and more.
{11635}{11672}Here's the plan.
{11675}{11729}Tonight at 9:00,|room 1 4...
{11731}{11768}the Lazy "I" Motel.
{11915}{11973}You know how to use a key,|don'tyou, Chip?
{11975}{12082}You just stick it in|the hole and...rotate.
{12199}{12204}Here,Jamaica...|this will calm you down.
{12204}{12265}Here,Jamaica...|this will calm you down.
{12267}{12329}It's a St.John's Wort|smoothie.
{12331}{12382}You peoples just|ain't gettin' it!
{12384}{12435}The Bird wants|an answer by tonight...
{12438}{12485}or my sisterwill be|pushing up concrete!
{12487}{12525}Hey, you listen|to me, man!
{12527}{12587}I'm not afraid|of...big Bird!
{12590}{12671}But first, we have to get|some information.
{12674}{12763}Yeah,Jamaica. Tell us more about|this posseyou were in.
{12766}{12843}These mothers|are bad news.
{12846}{12871}But I got out.
{12874}{12923}I picked myselfup|by mySpeedo straps...
{12926}{12986}and I joined the|high-school-equivalency swim team.
{12988}{13075}How did you get mixed up|in all this to begin with?
{13078}{13119}It started out|as fun.
{13122}{13185}We has this singing group|called H.B.U.
{13218}{13273}Yeah-- "Hot Bitches|in Underwear."
{13275}{13351}[ Moderate R&b Tempo ]
{13354}{13390}* Baby, baby *
{13393}{13451}* Baby, baby, baby, baby *
{13453}{13475}* Baby, baby *
{13477}{13543}* Baby, baby, baby, baby *
{13545}{13594}* Baby, baby *
{13596}{13655}* Baby, baby, baby, baby *
{13657}{13686}* Baby, baby *
{13689}{13755}* Baby, baby, baby, baby *
{13819}{13847}* Baby, baby *
{13850}{13907}* Baby, baby, baby, baby *
{13910}{13939}* Baby, baby *
{13942}{13973}* Baby, baby, baby... *
{13975}{14050}Word up, dog.|You bitches had your funk on.
{14053}{14082}Yeah, we were tight.
{14085}{14131}Until the Bird|came along.
{14133}{14223}He made us...|turn to a life of crime.
{14226}{14270}[ Sobbing ]
{14424}{14515}Look at him.|He's the next Gunther--
{14518}{14543}Strong arms...
{14546}{14623}firm, poutingyabbos...
{14625}{14679}and his sun-kissed|buttocks!
{14682}{14742}How can I compete?
{14745}{14791}I'll be letting down Notch.
{14793}{14871}And worse, I'll be letting down|mei n Fatherland--
{14873}{14934}I mean, my country.
{14937}{14999}I guess I only have|one choice.
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