Energy Efficieng Voltage Scheduling for RTOS.pdf

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Energy Efficient Voltage Scheduling
for Real-Time Operating Systems
Trevor Pering
Prof. Robert Brodersen
EECS Department
EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94704
Berkeley, CA 94704
This paper applies the concept of real-time process
scheduling to a Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) micropro-
cessor. DVS allows a microprocessor to save energy by oper-
ating at the optimal voltage for the task at hand. Efficient
operation requires a new class of algorithms which we term
voltage schedulers . The necessary foundation for these algo-
rithms is presented along with the foreseen implementation
1. Introduction
The microprocessor is a significant power drain in many
portable systems. For CMOS design, the energy-per-opera-
tion of a microprocessor is given by the equation
quency does not impact functionality because the system
was originally 50% idle. Our model assumes the processor
consumes no energy when idle.
It is important to understand that merely changing a pro-
cessor’s clock frequency is not an effective technique for
reducing energy consumption. Reducing the clock frequency
will reduce the power consumed by a processor; however, it
does not reduce the energy required to perform a given task.
Lowering the voltage along with the clock actually alters the
energy-per-operation of the microprocessor, reducing the
energy required to perform a fixed amount of work.
Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) is a technique that
allows a voltage scheduler routine to alter a microprocessor’s
operating voltage at run-time. The voltage scheduler analy-
ses the state of the system and determines the optimal target
voltage. One possible technique for the voltage scheduler is
to use task deadlines, a concept common in real-time operat-
ing systems, to determine the extent to which a task can be
This paper applies the fundamentals of real-time dead-
line scheduling to the voltage scheduling problem. Tasks
considered are aperiodic and specified by { S i ,C i ,D i }
where S i indicates the task start time, C i the computational
resources required, and D i the task deadline. Start times and
deadlines are specified as absolute times; computational
resources required are specified as execution time with the
processor running at full speed.
2. Voltage Scheduling Graphs
This section describes Voltage Scheduling Graphs
which are used to depict the interaction between voltage
schedules and tasks.
On a voltage scheduling graph, shown in Figure 1, the
X-axis represents time and the Y-axis represents processor
speed. With these axes, the computation required by a task is
proportional to the ‘area under the curve’ for that task. Pro-
cessor speed is normalized to the range [0...1].
The height of a task (processor speed) and work per-
formed ( C i ) determine its energy consumed, E i . Figure 2
contains two tasks with identical computation requirements:
their areas are equivalent. Task T 1 executes at a higher pro-
cessor speed and voltage than Task T 2 , as a result it con-
sumes more energy.
CV 2
E op
where C is the switching capacitance and V is the operating
voltage. There are three ways to reduce the energy consumed
by a microprocessor: reduce the number of operations per-
formed, reduce the switched capacitance of each operation,
and reduce the operating voltage. This paper discusses the
framework for reducing energy by run-time optimization of
the operating voltage.
The maximum clock speed of a microprocessor is given
by the relation
f max
where V is the operating voltage from the previous equation
and c is a constant. Combining these two equations, assum-
ing a constant capacitance, yields
E op
f max
E op
This equation states that there is a trade-off between energy
and delay: we can decrease the energy consumed by slowing
the processor clock and reducing the operating voltage [1].
A simple example of the energy/delay trade-off starts
with a system that operates at 100 Mhz, 3.3V, and 50% pro-
cessor utilization. Reducing the operating voltage to 2.4V,
necessitating a clock reduction to 50 Mhz, would decrease
the energy consumption by 47%. This reduction in clock fre-
S 1
D 1
S x
D 1
D 2
D 3
C 1
C 1
C 2
C 3
Figure 1: The Voltage Scheduling Graph
Figure 3: Optimal coincident task scheduling
C 1 = C 2
E 1 > E 2
Extending this algorithm to the general case where
is non-trivial. A simple modification of the
above algorithm, which considers a task only if and
re-evaluates at any time , has the drawback of ini-
tially under-estimating the resources required, as in Figure 4.
This greedy algorithm also has the potential to schedule
tasks such that they no longer meet their deadlines by ini-
tially running too slowly.
S i
S k
S i
C 1
C 2
Figure 2: Task energy vs. computation
For simplicity, we discuss voltage schedules in terms of
processor speed and not voltage settings. It is important to
remember, however, that a change in processor speed implies
a corresponding change in operating voltage.
Because relationships with respect to voltage are nonlin-
ear, E i is not simply C i multiplied by the processor speed. For
our purposes, fortunately, it is sufficient to realize that a flat
schedule, i.e. one where all tasks are scheduled at the same
speed and voltage, will be more efficient than one with vary-
ing speed settings. The concept is similar to a sum-of-
squares optimization with X i representing the scheduled pro-
cessor speed: given the constraint
S 1
S 2
S 3
D 1
D 2
D 3
C 2
C 3
C 1
Figure 4: Greedy algorithm under-estimation
Voltage scheduling specifies the speed at which a pro-
cessor should run for a given interval, not necessarily which
task should run when. Vertical layering, shown in Figure 5,
is used when several tasks are potentially scheduleable dur-
ing the same time interval. One of the standard thread sched-
uling techniques, such as earliest-deadline-first or time-
sliced, can then be used to schedule the tasks within that
interval. The vertical ordering of tasks is not significant.
X i
, the quantity
X i 2
is minimized when
X 1
X 2
X n
3. Voltage Scheduling Basics
We define an optimal voltage schedule to be one for
which all tasks complete on or before deadline and the total
energy consumed is minimized. Multiple identical tasks,
where and with for all tasks,
are optimally scheduled by a constant processor speed
. This is an extreme case; real systems will rarely,
if ever, have tasks with identical start times and deadlines.
Figure 3 depicts three tasks with and differing
deadlines. For such a schedule, with ordered deadlines
, the optimal voltage schedule can be found
with the following algorithm, which runs in O( n ) time to
schedule n tasks. The intermediate workload, W i , determines
the optimal schedule for all tasks with deadlines at or before
D i . P i calculates the processor speed to use such that future
deadlines are not violated.
S 1
S 2
D 1
D 2
S i
D i
aC k
C 2
C 1
S i
D i
D k
Figure 5: Vertical Layering
4. Optimal Scheduling
We have developed a proof of optimality for voltage
schedules. A complete description of the proof is beyond the
scope of this paper; the important result, however, is summa-
rized by the following lemma:
For a region spanned by a given task specification,
each point in time will either be scheduled at the
minimum speed spanned by that task or else the
task will not be scheduled to run at that point.
D i
• Let
W i
C k
• Let
• For any time T , find the minimum j s.t.
P i
TD j
; schedule
the processor at speed P j .
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Figure 4 is therefore not an optimal schedule because tasks
T 1 and T 2 are not always scheduled at the minimum speed
spanned by their start and deadline times.
Algorithms are currently under development to opti-
mally schedule a given set of tasks. Our current working
algorithm incrementally adds a new task to an existing
schedule in O( n 2 ) time, resulting in an overall complexity of
O( n 3 ) to schedule a n tasks. This algorithm has not yet been
fully implemented and it is unclear if it will be a tractable
solution. Appendix A gives an example of this algorithm
being applied to a simple voltage schedule.
5. Task Specification Variance
The work presented in the previous section assumes a
complete and accurate task specification. In a real system,
however, these two assumptions may not be valid. First, prior
knowledge of a task’s start time may be unavailable. Second,
the computational resources requested by a task will only be
an estimate of the actual resources required.
Heuristic estimates can be applied to reserve computa-
tion for unspecified future tasks being introduced into a
schedule. For the greedy algorithm, the intermediate work-
load, W i , could be increased by an estimate based on the
expected processing needs of blocked tasks. Our optimal
algorithm can be augmented by inserting predicted place-
holder tasks. Both these techniques will unavoidably pro-
duce sub-optimal schedules due to the variance of task spec-
ification estimation.
The computational resources requested by a task, C i , are
only an estimate of the actual resources required. Variance
can be introduced, for example, by cache behavior, code
behavior, and interaction with other threads. In a system
without DVS, such variance is not always a crucial consider-
ation: functionality is not affected as long as the processor is
fast enough. Typical real-time systems specify C i as a worst-
case computation time. A DVS system using worst-case
specifications, however, will typically schedule tasks at
higher than necessary speeds, increasing their energy con-
Specifying C i as the average computation time for soft
real-time systems is desirable to minimize energy. Some-
times, then, a task will miss its deadline. In such situations it
is necessary to determine the fate of the task: does it continue
execution, and if so, at what speed? A method for communi-
cating the desired behavior is needed as the ‘correct’ behav-
ior is application dependent.
For hard real-time systems missed deadlines are unac-
ceptable. In this case, the worst-case computation time can
be used, resulting in a schedule that meets timing constraints
but is not always energy-optimal.
6. Related Work
[5] first presented the idea of voltage scaling within the
context of general-purpose microprocessor systems. Their
algorithms use interval based scheduling: each fix-sized time
interval runs at a constant processor speed. The processor
speed used is based on the activity of previous intervals. This
technique has the advantage of an easy implementation, but
the disadvantage of sub-optimal results.
In [4], we apply cycle-level simulations of the algo-
rithms of [5] to several deadline-based applications, such as
MPEG and audio stream processing. Our results indicate that
interval-based voltage scheduling is effective, realizing up to
a 70% reduction in system energy. However, some applica-
tions fall significantly short of optimal. Additionally, the effi-
ciency realized is extremely dependent on the interval
length, making it difficult to choose one interval such that all
applications are scheduled effectively.
[3] presents the design of a processor core which uses
voltage scaling to run at the minimum voltage necessary for
operation at a given input clock frequency. Their design
demonstrates the feasibility of voltage scaling, but does not
allow direct software control over the processor speed.
Our research group is currently under development of a
DVS microprocessor with silicon expected September 1998.
We estimate our processor will consume 1.8mW at 8MHz/
1.1V and 220mW at 100MHz/3.3V in a 0.6
m process. We
implement the ARM8 instruction set with a 16kB unified on-
chip cache.
In our system, a voltage scheduler can set the target
clock frequency through the co-processor at a resolution of
1 MHz. The operating voltage is then set by a feedback loop
which compares the current and target frequencies. Expected
transition time is ~10
s, worst-case.
7. Summary
This paper presents a foundation for energy-efficient
Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) microprocessors using con-
cepts found in real-time operating systems. Several algo-
rithms, both sub-optimal and optimal, are discussed for the
voltage scheduling problem. We plan to implement these
algorithms on a DVS microprocessor that is currently under
Implementation details, such as the variance in task
computation times, are discussed. Voltage scheduling intro-
duces additional variance into the completion time of a task
which impacts the performance of soft and hard real-time
This work was funded by DARPA and made possible by
cooperation with Advanced RISC Machines Ltd (ARM). The
authors would like to thank Eric Anderson for his help on,
and proof of, the optimal scheduling algorithm.
T. Burd and R. Brodersen, “Energy Efficient CMOS
Microprocessor Design,” Proc. 28th Hawaii Int’l Conf.
on System Sciences, Vol. 1, Jan. 1995.
[2] A. Burns and A. Wellings, Real-Time Systems and Pro-
gramming Languages, second edition, Addison-Wesley,
[3] T. Kuroda, et. al., “Variable Supply-Voltage Scheme for
Low-Power High-Speed CMOS Digital Design,” IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits , Vol. 33, No. 3, March
[4] T. Pering, T. Burd, and R. W. Brodersen, “The Simula-
tion and Evaluation of Dynamic Voltage Scaling Algo-
rithms,” Int’l Symp. on Low Power Electronics and
Design , August 1998.
[5] M. Weiser, “Some computer science issues in ubiqui-
tous computing,” Communications of the ACM , Vol. 36,
pp. 74-83, July 1993.
Appendix A: Voltage Scheduling Example
This section gives an example of our current algorithm
for creating an optimal voltage schedule. It is based on the
discussion in Section 4. The task block placed below the
time axis represents the new task, or portion thereof, that has
yet to be scheduled. Complexity analysis:
n tasks to schedule
•O( n ) speed settings to consider for each task
•O( n ) linked tasks requiring adjustment for each setting
• Total complexity: O( n 3 )
S 1
S 3
D 1
S 2
D 3
D 2
C 3
C 2
C 1
Remaining to add:
C 3
Step 2: Increase the speed of linked tasks ( T 2 , T 3 )
to the minimum speed of adjacent task T 1 .
Link T 1 to T 3 because it is spanned by T 3
and scheduled at an equal speed.
S 1
S 3
D 1
S 2
D 3
D 2
C 3
C 1
C 2
Remaining to add:
C 3
Step 3: Increase the speed of linked tasks ( T 1 , T 2 ,
T 3 ) until T 2 is completely pushed-out of the
range spanned by T 3 . T 2 is no longer consid-
ered ‘linked’ to T 1 .
S 1
S 3
D 1
S 2
D 3
D 2
C 1
C 2
S 1
S 3
D 1
S 2
D 3
D 2
New task to add:
C 3
C 1
C 3
C 2
Step 0: Initial schedule and new task ( T 3 ) to add.
Remaining to add:
Step 4: Increase the speed of linked tasks ( T 1 , T 3 )
until T 1 is completely pushed-out of the
range spanned by T 3 . T 3 is then no longer
linked to any other task.
S 1
S 3
D 1
S 2
D 3
D 2
C 1
C 3
C 2
S 1
S 3
D 1
S 2
D 3
D 2
Remaining to add:
C 3
C 3
C 1
C 2
Step 1: Fill in idle time spanned by T 3 . Link T 2 to
T 3 because T 2 intersects T 3 and they are
scheduled at the same speed setting.
Step 5: Add remaining computation to schedule.
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