Power Rangers - 01x36 - Birds of a Feather [DVD-Rip].txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  640x480 25.0fps 174.1 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1499}{1590}Ready, 1, 2.
{1564}{1636}3, 4, 5.
{1644}{1696}6, feet together, bow!
{1741}{1780}That's great, guys!
{1769}{1860}Cameron, I'd like you to go|through the new kata for us.
{1860}{1912}Are you sure you|don't want Josh to do it?
{1917}{1943}Yeah, I'm sure.
{1951}{2042}Trusting your instincts and skills|is what Martial Arts is all about.
{2042}{2107}Class. I'll do it with you.
{2536}{2575}With a little more concentration,
{2593}{2645}you'll be great in the|competition this weekend.
{2639}{2730}Yeah, if your giving|out prizes for geeks.
{2749}{2840}I don't remember you being|an expert in this Martial Art.
{2835}{2913}It involves self discipline,|control, knowledge.
{2922}{3000}I'll tell you what I know.|My protege, Biff,
{3007}{3124}is going to crush your|wimpy dude in the competition.
{3145}{3197}Show 'em, Biff!
{3525}{3639}Ha ha! Now that Finster|has sent my monster
{3639}{3717}down to earth, the Power|Rangers will be destroyed
{3707}{3772}once and for all.
{3772}{3850}Once Hatchasaurus has|stopped Dragonzord
{3850}{3915}the Power Rangers won't|stand a chance.
{3928}{3967}They'll be crushed.
{4058}{4110}Feet together, bow!
{4136}{4175}Okay, see you tomorrow.
{4175}{4240}Yo, Cameron, come here.
{4266}{4318}I want to talk to|you about something.
{4329}{4394}Look man, don't let Biff|psichyc you out just
{4392}{4420}because he's bigger than you.
{4433}{4459}But what if he cheats?
{4459}{4498}He'll be disqualified.
{4521}{4573}I couldn't have done|this without you, Zack.
{4567}{4593}Yeah, you could.
{4593}{4684}You just remember to do all|the cool dance stuff in between.
{4684}{4749}Hey, just remember, I'll be|in your corner if you need me.
{4774}{4840}- Thanks.|- Let's do it!
{4918}{5009}Welcome to the Angel Grove|Junior Martial Arts competition.
{5009}{5087}First round competitors get ready.
{5087}{5139}Alright, Cameron, that's you, buddy!
{5146}{5229}Hey, Zack! I'm really not|sure about those new moves.
{5230}{5334}Hey, have confidence in your skills.|I know you'll make me proud.
{5334}{5386}I will.
{5542}{5594}- Hey, guys!|- Hey.
{5892}{5931}I read you, Zordon.
{5924}{5963}Rita has sent a monster to Earth.
{5966}{6015}Teleport to the|Command Centre right away.
{6023}{6075}Right. I'll get the other Rangers.
{6140}{6179}Hi, Jason!
{6192}{6296}Guys, trouble, we've got to go.
{6309}{6374}- Oh, man! Why now?|- Sorry.
{6556}{6608}Cameron, I've got to go!
{6608}{6673}- What?|- It's an emergency.
{6673}{6764}You can't leave, it'll ruin everything.
{6764}{6829}I can't do it without you, Zack.
{6842}{6920}Believe in yourself.|You can do it!
{7154}{7180}Zordon, what's happening?
{7180}{7258}Rita has buried a bird like|monster called Hatchasaurus
{7258}{7362}in the ground near the powerplant.|Observe the Viewing Globe.
{7557}{7622}Man, that has got a serious|case of the uglies.
{7635}{7694}Don't be fooled by it's|appearance, it is controlled
{7696}{7778}by an over intelligent|internal computer called Cardiotron.
{7787}{7891}Your mission is to get inside|Hatchasaurus and disconnect Cardiotron.
{7892}{7928}Get inside that thing?
{7930}{7956}Oh, gross!
{7953}{7979}How can we do that?
{7983}{8087}Have confidence in your skills.|I know you will find a way.
{8075}{8127}Good luck, Power Rangers!
{8135}{8187}It's Morphin Time!
{8205}{8244}- Mastodon!|- Pterodactyl!
{8257}{8309}- Triceratops!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{8374}{8426}We need Dinozord Power now!
{8556}{8595}Log on!
{8584}{8623}In the groove and ready to move!
{8630}{8669}All systems on line!
{8669}{8708}Powered up and ready to go!
{8708}{8747}Alright, let's get do it!
{8937}{8976}I think we could do with some help.
{9509}{9561}Hey, look! It's attacking.
{9904}{9969}Dragonzord's got him,|let's finish him, guys!
{10029}{10068}Locked on target|and ready to fire!
{10081}{10107}Yeah, let's blast him!
{10107}{10120}Finish him!
{10133}{10172}And crush him!
{10492}{10557}Tyrannosaurus, fire!
{10809}{10848}Wow, whee, did you see that?
{10856}{10895}The Hatchasaurus is a goner.
{10905}{10973}The Power Rangers blew him|into a zillion pieces.
{10977}{11048}He's isn't finished yet,|right, my Queen?
{11082}{11121}Bring the Power Rangers|here at once.
{11129}{11186}The Earth is still|endangered by Rita's monster.
{11194}{11233}Ai yi yi!
{11318}{11344}Zordon, what's wrong?
{11348}{11400}The Hatchasaurus has|not been defeated.
{11400}{11452}I thought we totally|shredded that thing.
{11463}{11528}You must still destroy Cardiotron.|It's computer.
{11534}{11573}Observe the Viewing Globe.
{11742}{11794}This is impossible!
{11885}{11937}I think we're going to need|the Mega Dragonzord
{11937}{12002}to take this one out.
{12013}{12080}I'm finally going to red rid|of those brats today.
{12092}{12139}Thanks to my Hatchasaurus.
{12140}{12166}Oh, yeah!
{12154}{12219}But won't the Dragonzord inferfere?
{12224}{12315}No, the Dragonzord is|easy for me to stop.
{12310}{12388}Dragonzord, gone is your energy,
{12388}{12492}my spell will make you weak,|as you hear me speak.
{12544}{12635}My spell will make you weak|as you hear me speak.
{12804}{12934}If we don't stop this thing,|it's going to destroy the Earth.
{13010}{13103}Remember, there is only one|way to defeat Hatchasaurus.
{13103}{13181}We must disconnect|the Cardiotron.
{13181}{13259}Guys, it's Morphin Time!
{13254}{13293}- Mastodon!|- Pterodactyl!
{13301}{13353}- Triceratops!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{13764}{13842}You want to fight?|You've got it!
{13907}{13998}- Ahha! He's winning.|- No doubt about it, he's a stinker.
{13998}{14102}As usual your plan|was brilliant, my Queen.
{14102}{14193}Yes, he's destroying those|Power Rangers just like I said.
{14193}{14284}- Yes, highless.|- I did it! Ha ha ha!
{14284}{14323}You've had it, birdbrain!
{14513}{14591}He's tough, but we're together.|Now it's our turn.
{15059}{15137}Brace yourselves, guys,|he's heading straight for us.
{15405}{15457}We need Dragonzord Power now!
{16016}{16120}Something wrong? Dragonzord|should be here by now.
{16144}{16235}Something's interfering with|his Megareceptors.
{16292}{16357}Oh, man!|We need the Power Sword now!
{16970}{17022}Our power's down by 50%.
{17017}{17069}Keep it steady, guys.
{17108}{17147}It's time we finished this, dude.
{17809}{17926}So the Hatchasaurus is|going to destroy them.
{18043}{18082}Looks like we've got to|finish him again.
{18348}{18439}There's something wrong?|Billy, check it out!
{18489}{18595}There's an outside energy|source working against the Zords.
{18634}{18738}Rita's got it locked in a spell.|Looks like we've on our own.
{18946}{19011}Oh no!|Jase, what are we going to do?
{19011}{19050}I've got to disconnect|that computer.
{19102}{19128}Here goes.
{19206}{19258}- Oh, man!|- Jason!
{19323}{19401}A visitor, how nice.|A pity I must destroy you.
{19427}{19518}It's over, Cardiotron.|I'm going to break you down.
{19570}{19700}I'm afraid that the only one who's|going down is you, my little friend.
{19700}{19791}Since I have nothing better|to do, I'm going to break you
{19791}{19869}into teensy weensy little pieces.
{20114}{20192}Here he come again, hang on!
{20782}{20808}He's helpless.
{20807}{20873}Jase, the Dragon Flute.
{21289}{21419}It's no use. Your silly little flute|is no match for Rita's evil power.
{21432}{21510}Want to bet. Dragonzord power!
{21718}{21809}Ooh, those Power Brats got lucky.
{22186}{22212}Wow, look at that!
{22215}{22241}It's Cardiotron!
{22248}{22287}You will not defeat me!
{22293}{22332}Oh, yeah.
{22527}{22592}You are a worthy oponent,|Power Rangers,
{22592}{22644}a pity I must destroy you.
{22649}{22779}Yeah, well your about to feel|the strength of Dragonzord power.
{23260}{23338}Yeah, so much for Cardiotron.
{23338}{23429}Now for that geek with the beak.
{23497}{23575}I call on the power of Titanus|and the Ultrazord.
{23640}{23692}Ultrazord, power up!
{24472}{24524}Lock on and fire!
{24745}{24823}Ah, I hate the Power Rangers!
{24966}{25122}Yes, yes, yes! Cameron made it|to the highest Martial Arts level.
{25187}{25239}I just hope he's not too mad|at me for leaving yesterday.
{25246}{25285}Ah, chill.
{25480}{25545}Cameron man, hey, you made it!
{25584}{25636}I'm sorry I had to bail on|you yesterday.
{25647}{25725}I promise I'll be here for the|rest of the competition. Okay.
{25725}{25777}Yeah, okay.
{25803}{25855}You'll do great! I know you will.
{25855}{25907}In your dreams.
{25907}{25985}Biff will make mince meat|out of that cream puff.
{25985}{26050}Yeah, mince meat!
{26050}{26089}Don't let them psych you, Cam.
{26089}{26154}You call this a psych.
{26167}{26206}Show 'em, Biff!
{26661}{26752}You just stick to the fight plan.|You'll do great.
{27049}{27129}He's going to get him, with the|new moves I taught him.
{27497}{27549}- Say Uncle.|- Never!
{27549}{27614}Cameron, use the new leg move.
{28173}{28212}Break, centre.
{28485}{28537}Time, the round is over.
{28537}{28576}Judges call.
{28628}{28680}Winner, Cameron.
{28849}{28888}Nice match!
{28901}{28940}Yeah, you too.
{29057}{29096}You were great!
{29096}{29161}Why didn't you use the secret|weapon move I showed you?
{29161}{29265}You mean this one?|I'm getting a new coach.
{29304}{29369}So did I make you proud, Zack?
{29358}{29436}Absolutely, proud because|you believed in yourself.
{29553}{29605}Captioned by Grantman Brown
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