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The Recreational Warfare version 1.0 Manual

Instant Action

  If you don't like manuals, do this:
  - Start the game
  - Check if 'Bots' is set to more than 0
  - Hit the top left button
  - Press up and down to ac- and decelerate, left and right to steer
  - Press Ctrl to shoot, and Shift to change your weapon
  - Search and destroy! (repeat at will)
  - If you die, just hit Ctrl
  - Had enough? Press Esc to stop


  Recreational Warfare is basically a top-down vehicle oriented shooter. The gameplay is more or less Grant Theft Auto meets
  Liero (if you don't know Liero, download it somewhere). Some of RecWar's features are:
  - Three different vehicles with eight weapons (and a self-destruct mechanism)
  - Three modes of play: Deathmatch, Team war and Capture The Cow
  - Splitscreen and network play possible. Even both at the same time (handy if you're in the same team)
  - More than two teams possible
  - Host automatically sends levels if necessary
  - Configurable taunts
  - A level editor

Keyboard Commands

  Player 1 keyboard commands
    up:			throttle
    down:		brake/reverse
    left/right:		steer
    Ctrl:		fire
    Shift:		change weapon
    Enter:		drop mine
    \:			self destruct
    < en >:		rotate turret
    Backspace:		horn
    0-7:		pick a weapon (not during split screen)
    F5-F8:		Taunt
    Numpad 0-9:		Show command menu ->
    			Select team mate to command ->
    			Give orders (only for Capture The Cow game mode)

  Player 2 keyboard commands
    e:			throttle
    d:			brake/reverse
    s/f:		steer
    z:			fire
    a:			change weapon
    x:			drop mine
    c:			self destruct
    w en r:		rotate turret
    q:			horn
    0-7:		pick a weapon (not during split screen)
    F1-F4:		Taunt
    0-9:		Show command menu ->
    			Select team mate to command ->
    			Give orders (only for Capture The Cow game mode)

  General Keyboard commands:

    Esc:		Switch between action and main menu
    p: 			pause (not during network game)
    n:			toggle names
    F9:			ping to host (synchronizes gameplay)
    F12:		Quickly close RecWar (for when your boss/teacher walks in)


Q. When playing on a network, do all players need the same levels?
A. No! The levels that will be used are those chosen by the host. If you don't have the level the host chose (or the level is
   a bit different), the host will send it to you. It will then be saved on your harddisk. Levels with the same name won't be 
   overwritten but renamed.

Q. When I switch my weapon fast, Windows nags about some copy function. What can I do about it?
A. To my knowledge this is a Win2K/XP issue. When pressing shift five times a 'one key at a time' copy paste thing pops up.
   In this popup screen you can disable this function. If you want to keep the function enabled (because you only have one 
   finger or something), just assign a key other than shift to weapon changing.
Q. I assigned Alt (or F10) as a control key. But when I use it I switch back and forth between the menu and the actual game,
   or it seems to hang/unhang. What's wrong and how can I avoid this?
A. Alt and F10 are the standard Windows menu keys. Since the action screen has no menu, Windows does the next 'best' thing:
   it switches to the menu screen. I have no idea how to disable this, so the only thing that's left to do is just not
   assign Alt and F10 to any controls. If you have any idea how to disable this in Delphi 3, please let me know at

Q: Network play is a bit jerky. Can I improve this?
A: That depends on the cause of the problem. There are some causes, like for example:
   - network synchronization is poor. To set the gametime right again, just ping the host by pressing F9. If you don't know
     what all this means, just hit F9 ocasionally if it seems to help.
   - you have a slow network. Solutions: - get a better network.
                                         - Decreasing the server rate might help decrease network loads. When your network 
                                           is fine, decreasing the server rate will make the game jerkier though.

Q: I can't ping!
A: You're not in a network game or you're the host. Pinging goes to the host and pinging yourself would give nasty effects 
   and is completely redundant. 

Q: RecWar hangs all of a sudden without an error warning.
A: You just found a bug in either Windows or RecWar. If the latter is the case: sorry about that.

Q: Can I kill the cows?
A: No, and why would you want to, you cruel person?

Q: How do I switch teams?
A: Teams are determined by colors. So change your color to the color of the desired team. To change your color easily to a 
   team color, use the colored bar with the up and down buttons that's located next to the name box. So when you're playing,
   press Esc for the main menu, change your colors (and pattern) and return by pressing Esc again. If you are assigned to a 
   different team, your vehicle will be disabled and your score will be reset to zero.

Q: If I change to a different vehicle while playing, nothing happens.
A: That's right. You can't change vehicle types, just colors. You can't change AI colors either in a network game.

Q: Can I destroy buildings?
A: Nope, they're really solid. You may try though...

Q: How do I taunt someone?
A: The first step is: kill 'em. Then, within three seconds, hit a taunt button (F5-F8 for player 1 and F1-F4 for player 2).
   Now the insult of your choice appears below the 'You were killed by' message of your victim. If you are slower, the taunt
   will only appear in the top left list and no-one will notice.

Q: How do I block mature taunts?
A: Pressing F12 or Alt+F4 will block mature taunts for the rest of the session.

Q: How do I uninstall RecWar
A: Just delete the directory. No files or registry entries will remain on your system.

Q: I can't drop mines anymore!!!
A: You probably already dropped 10 mines. You can only drop 10 mines, cause else people would continuously drop mines making
   the game as much fun as an actual minefield. When a mine is blown up, you can drop it again. Mines selfdestruct after one
   minute (so they're actually very humane compared to most real mines).

Q: My hovercraft turret won't turn any further than half way. Why?
A: The propulsion fans are in the way (look closely).

Q: The hummer won't turn when it doesn't move.
A: It's a car. Ever see a car turn on it's place without some showroom table thingie underneath it?

Q: The hummer steers different when backing up.
A: Vehicles with steering wheels do that. Try it in a car, and you'll see.

Q: The tank/hovercraft steers different when backing up.
A: Tracked and fan-propelled vehicles do that. Try it in a real tank, and you'll see.
   Actually, fan-propelled vehicles don't do that, but the hovercraft is hard enough to control already.
Q: When ordering my teammates, in the menu sometimes I see their current orders and sometimes I don't. What is wrong?
A: You can't see your teammates' orders while playing a network game. Network games usually involve humans, and it can't
   be known what orders they actually are following.

Q: Why is my name mutilated for network games?
A: Network games only support spaceless names with 16 characters or less. If you have spaces in your name, they'll be
   converted to underscores. If your name is too long, it'll be truncated. So the name 'Hello my name is player 1' will be 
   mutated to 'Hello_my_name_is'.

Q: Are there any cheats?
A: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer, you wuss.

Q: What can I do about those annoying computer taunts?
A: There's several ways you can change them. If you want to be insulted every time you are killed, just open the 
   'settings.dat' file in any text editor and change the number above the taunts (line 14) from 30 (default) to 100.
   If you don't like the taunts, the simplest thing to do is: don't get killed. Apparently this has been a problem
   for some people, so you could also change the last four taunts in the 'settings.dat' file to 'I like bunnies' or
   'Pink is a pretty color' or something. If this still doesn't satisfy you, just change the number above the taunts (which
   is the computer taunt percentage) to 0.

Q: I want to get out of the vehicle and walk around and take other vehicles. Can't you put this in the game?
A: That's going to be in RecWar 2. That is, if I get a budget and a development team, and I have plenty of time.
   Meanwhile I suggest you enjoy the GTA (TM) series.

Q: Why capture a cow?
A: A banana wouldn't make sense.

Q1: My computer broke down. I suspect it's RecWar's fault. What now?
 Q2: I have RSI. Thanks. I blame you. What now?
 Q3: I neglected my job/study. Now I have debts everywhere and/or will be kicked from school. I blame you. What now?
 Q4: I ate a copy of RecWar. Now I feel sick. It didn't have a disclaimer saying I shouldn't eat RecWar.
     I want to sue you. What now?
A:  I am not responsible for any of the above, as stated in the licence agreement or something like that.
    If you ask nicely though, you might get your money back.


  This game has been made possible by:
  Copyright(C)1996-1998 Hiroyuki Hori
  For more credits, play the level...

Known Issues

  Network clients have no bullet impact sounds.
  After just joining a network game you might miss BFGs, unguided rockets and suicides if they were triggered before you 
  Numlock is turned on by RecWar and not turned off after closing RecWar.

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