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points. You must remember though, that your Strength and
Dexterity Scores must never exceed their initial value
determined by the throw of the dice at the beginning of each
ou are about to enter a strange and fantastic world of
long ago. Weird creatures, mysteries, dangers and
magic abound. As an adventurer of some experience, you are
strong, wise, courageous and agile. You will need all of these
qualities if you are to succeed in your next quest. You may
also need a little luck!
Make a careful note of all information learnt about
Panash, however trivial it may seem at the time, during
your quest. Your success, or even your survival, may
depend on a chance overheard remark or good powers of
Testing your Fate: Your Initial Fate/Fortune score is
decided at the beginning of your adventure by rolling one
dice and adding 6 to the score. During the course of your
quest, you may lose or gain FATE points—you add or
subtract these to whatever your current Fate/Fortune
score is. When you “Test your Fate”, you throw two
dice: if the score is the same as, or less than your current
Fate/Fortune score, you have been lucky. If the numbers
add up to more than your Fate/Fortune score, you have
been unlucky. In the text, you will be told which section
to turn to in either case.
Before you begin the quest take two dice, a pencil and a
few sheets of paper on which to map your progress. As you
will have to fight many battles along the way, you must first
determine your level of dexterity and strength.
Rules for Fighting
On the way you will meet people and creatures you may
choose or be forced to fight. Each will have its own Dexterity
and Strength scores given in the text.
To resolve a battle:
1. Roll two dice and add this to you opponents Dexterity
Score. This is its Fighting Power.
2. Roll two dice and add this to your Dexterity Score.
This is your Fighting Power.
3. If your Fighting Power is greater, you have scored a
blow and wounded your opponent. Subtract two points from
its Strength Score. If your opponent’s Fighting Power is
greater, it has wounded you. Subtract two points from your
current Strength Score. If both scores are the same, you have
parried each other’s blows. Neither loses points.
The next round of battle proceeds in exactly the same way.
Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 until either your score or your
opponent’s is zero. A zero means death.
Losing and Gaining Points
Sometimes you will be awarded extra points during the
adventure. Add these to your score but remember you can
never exceed the initial value set at the beginning of
the adventure . You may also lose points due to some
difficult activity. Simply deduct these from your current
Dexterity and Strength
Roll one dice, add six to this number and make a note of it.
This is your Dexterity score and shows your skill in
Now roll two dice, add twelve to this number and make a
note of it. This is your Strength score.
These scores will alter as you go along. You may, for
instance, lose strength points in battle. You may restore your
strength by eating a meal. One meal restores five strength
Replenishing Strength
As you read on you will discover what weapons, additional
equipment, money and rations you may take on your
journey. There will be sufficient food for a set number of
meals. Make a note of each meal you eat, each piece of gold
you spend and each object you find. Use your rations, money
and equipment wisely. You have a long and difficult road
Ahead of you stretches the port of Alfanzar like a sleek
white cat with extended paws waiting to leap upon its
victims. White walls, flat roofs, ominous towers and
gleaming domes dominate the bay and the two paw-like
jetties. Beyond the walls the sea glitters in the noonday
sun. Seagulls wheel and scream their hoarse cries, the
sky is a miraculous blue and the scent of flowers along
the dusty road fills the air with perfume; but you stride
on choking with black rage, shaking with the fury of
anger and sorrow and despairing determination.
You hardly notice the animated scenes about you, the
white port of Alfanzar, the blue glittering sea, the galleys
riding at anchor. You are barely aware you’ve tramped
twenty miles since dawn. Your mind is drenched with
scarlet memories, hideous memories.
You see your native village of Millhaven, you see it as
you’ve never seen it before, as you never dreamed you
could ever see it. The houses still burn in the cool of the
dawn air. Corpses lie sweltering in their own blood and
you can still taste the charnel house stink. Everyone
there is slain; but although you’ve been away adventur-
ing you see there are people of the village family you
remember well missing from the slaughter. You can only
hope that by a miracle they escaped and fled into the
As you stride on you stumble over a stone and stagger
like a drunken fool, so fierce is the power of the awful
memories. You see your father sprawled with his arms
protectively enfolding the dead body of your mother. He
tries to speak, his mouth filled with blood, near to death.
“Our Talisman . . . One Ear . . .” The blood pours
from his mouth and he is dead, dead like the rest in your
home. And the family Talisman has vanished, the golden
disc ripped from around your father’s neck. No matter
that some of the children might have escaped; without
the family Talisman they will never succeed in life on the
beautiful but cruel world of Konkordia.
“One ear!” you snarl to yourself, striding on. “A
damned pirate with one ear! And he’s stolen our Talis-
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