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Personal safety isn’t just for young children and women. It is for everyone.
Children, teenagers, men and women can all find themselves vulnerable to a crime
of violence, whether because of their own circumstances, location, age, sexuality,
personal beliefs or ethnic origin. The chances of becoming a victim may be very,
very low, but just one crime is one too many.
Traditionally, personal safety advice has tended to consist of comments such as
“don’t go with a stranger” or “don’t go down dark pathways at night”. There is a lot
more to personal safety than that.
In the pages of this guide you will find many suggestions to help reduce your
chances of becoming a victim of crime. It is intended to be thought provoking to
get you to examine your lifestyle. You do not have to live in fear, wary of everyone
and everything. You should simply take precautions so that you are not at risk. In
this way you improve your quality of life, not restrict it.This booklet outlines
possible measures that could reasonably be taken to reduce opportunities for crime.
The recommendations are based on current best practice.
Any crime risk assessment should be based on crime trends and patterns.
Measures to reduce crime should be reasonable, practical and cost-
There can never be any guarantee that crime will be reduced.
It is strongly recommended that other statutory requirements are
considered, such as Health and Safety, Local Authority planning
requirements, Fire prevention, and so on.
A ny reference to the law contained in the booklet is not meant to be an
accurate statement of the law, but to offer guidance only. You would not
be able to rely on it to provide a defence to any criminal charge or civil
Courtesy of Greater Manchester Police
Text:- Chris MacKenzie
Although the guide is divided into sections, remember that more than one chapter
may apply to you. Don’t restrict your options by reading only one section; some
advice may be relevant to everyone but is not repeated in every chapter.
Avoiding the Situation
Fear of Crime .........................................................................................
The Victim.............................................................................................
Transport ...............................................................................................
Be Brave .................................................................................................
Driving Alone ........................................................................................
Breakdown .............................................................................................
Survival Bag ...........................................................................................
In Traffic ................................................................................................
Self Defence ...........................................................................................
What if... ................................................................................................
Weapons ................................................................................................
Buying Time...........................................................................................
Self Defence and the Law ......................................................................
Nuisance Phone Calls ............................................................................
Less Vulnerable......................................................................................
Keep in Control .....................................................................................
Further Advice.......................................................................................
Young Children......................................................................................
Teenagers ...............................................................................................
Public Transport ....................................................................................
Phone Home ..........................................................................................
If You’re Attacked .................................................................................
Wise Up! ................................................................................................
Out & About .........................................................................................
At Home & Baby Sitting .......................................................................
Doorstep Crooks ....................................................................................
Bogus Workers .......................................................................................
Bogus Dealers.........................................................................................
Bogus Officials .......................................................................................
Look Before You Open ..........................................................................
Door Viewer...........................................................................................
Door Chain ............................................................................................
In Summary .........................................................................................
Racist Incidents......................................................................................
Racial Harassment .................................................................................
Report It! ...............................................................................................
What Happens Next? ............................................................................
Who Else Can Help?..............................................................................
Gay & Lesbian Hate Crime ...................................................................
Report It! ...............................................................................................
Some Special Note About... ..................................................................
Domestic Violence.................................................................................
Sexual Assault........................................................................................
In Conclusion.........................................................................................
Further Reading & Advice ....................................................................
Fear of Crime
The actual fear of a crime can be far worse than the crime itself. If you’re not
careful you can end up worrying about something that will, probably, never happen.
The trick is to be aware of the problem and take sensible precautions, but without
worrying too much about it.
Violence on the street is fortunately still rare. The odds of being attacked could be
compared to winning the pools or lottery - there’s very little chance of it happening
to you. But, you still go out of your way to fill in the coupon, taking time and
investing a little money. You then imagine what would happen if by a rare chance
these odds did come up! You don’t let it take over your life, you just prepare.
It is therefore wise to “complete the coupon” by taking sensible precautions to
ensure you are safe.
This is the same for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 20 stone fellow who gets
mistaken for Arnold Schwarzenegger, it still applies to you!
The Victim
Recent studies considered the sort of person who becomes a victim of sexual assault
or robbery (theft using or threatening violence). People who had projected an air of
self-confidence and walked with purpose were not chosen by the offenders
questioned. Instead, they picked on people who looked timid, shy and vulnerable;
in other words, an easy target.
Taking simple precautions to reduce the opportunity for attack, such as wearing a
shoulder bag with the flap facing you and the strap over both your arm and head
rather than just the arm, could reduce the chances. If you frequent clubs and pubs,
drinking out of bottles (and those opened in front of you) will reduce the
opportunity of someone putting a drug in you drink.
Although the chances of an attack are still low in most areas, one incident is one
too many. So if you find yourself trying to get home alone late at night, take
It is always sensible to arrange a lift home with a friend, husband, wife, or that
universally free transport service for teenagers, the family car.
If you have to telephone for a taxi, always try to use a firm you know. Don’t get a
private hire taxi (they look like a normal car) unless you’ve booked the car first.
Only hackney carriages (traditional black cabs) are insured to carry passengers who
have flagged them down. Always sit in the back, preferably behind the driver.
Book the cab by phone, and ask for the driver’s name, and the make and colour of
car. When the cab arrives ask for the driver’s name and company and the name of
the customer they have come to collect. Don’t volunteer the information first.
On public transport, try to sit near the driver, avoiding an empty upper deck on
buses and vacant compartments on trains. If you are pestered by a someone,
complain to the driver or guard. They can get help by radio, telephone or alarm
depending on the type of transport and the nature of the incident.
If you have no choice left but to walk alone at night, remember the advice you were
given when you were young. Walk in the centre of the pavement, avoiding short
cuts through dimly lit deserted areas.
It is wiser to walk facing the oncoming traffic where you can be seen and avoid the
surprise of a vehicle approaching from behind. It’s also very difficult for motorists to
pester you if they drive alongside, they have to do it in reverse!
Victims attacked or robbed while walking usually say “He (or she) came from
nowhere!”. Of course the attacker didn’t suddenly materialise out of thin air, it was
simply that the victims were not watching what was going on around them. Their
mind was probably elsewhere and not observing people or dangerous situations.
For this reason some people do not like large hoods on coats which restrict vision.
Try to cover jewellery. Wearing a lot of jewellery when you go out may make you a
If you have to carry money, carry only you need. Keep cheque and credit cards
separate from cheque books.
Do not leave bags unattended. Keep purses and wallets in an inside pocket.
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