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O&O Defrag Pro v14.1 Build 425 (64 Bit)
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7

Pre-Activated. Just install and use.

Never allow to phone home


O&O Defrag is a replacement for the standard Windows defragmenter, that offers a much advanced set of features.
It puts fragmented files together and maximizes your system speed and offers five different defragmentation strategies, as well as OneButtonDefrag technology for automatic adjustment of the settings best fitting for your system.

The program can defragment drives manually, or fully automatic in the background, keeping your system at peak performance by avoiding build-up of file fragmentation. Defragmentation jobs can also be scheduled, using various criteria.

Additional features include status reports, cluster inspector, command line interface, optional MMC integration, boot time defragmentation, special support for mobile systems and more.
O&O Defrag solves the performance and stability problems of Windows workstations and servers caused by fragmented hard disks.

Fragmentation is the main cause of significant losses in performance in Windows.
Due to the fact that the hard disk is the slowest component of a computer, its optimization is an especially important issue.
By using O&O Defrag, files can be read and written much more quickly.
What at first seems to be lost performance can easily be rediscovered and realized again with O&O Defrag, giving you the peace of mind that your hardware is in good health and operating optimally.

The new O&O Defrag 14 Professional Edition unleashes the hidden performance of your computer.
O&O Defrag optimizes your hard disk and effciently packs fle fragments together again.
O&O Defrag 14 is everything superior defragmentation software should be: it gives you fully automatic defragmentation for the home user as well as expert-level professional setting options.

* Zone filing for optimal organization of fles
* Advanced control of Zone Filing
* Optimize Solid State Drives (SSDs)
* Power Management for Netbooks and Notebooks
* Three additional defragmentation methods (eight methods in all)
* Even better at eliminating high levels of fragmentation
* Background monitoring: your system is constantly kept at its peak
* Screen Saver Mode: optimizes your PC whenever it?s not being used
* OneClickDefrag for fully automatic configuration
* Visual display of background monitor activity in the Tray Icon
* Compatibility update for older systems
* Automatic background monitoring and defragmentation
* Dynamic resource usage
* Comprehensive job assistant with time scheduler
* Permanent system optimization
* Strategy for reducing fragmentation at source
* Job Assistant for scheduling defragmentation

All your system?s fles will be sorted by O&O Defrag 14 according to their level of use, and each one will be separated into its own section of the hard disk.
Thanks to the division into drive zones, all fles are re-arranged optimally after the defragmentation.

3 new defragmentation methods, which work perfectly in combination with the previous methods.
All of this will allow you to start your computer and its programs faster than before, and actually prevent any sudden increase in fragmentation. In addition, subsequent defragmentations will run much faster. Zone fling can also be supplemented by a user defned fle organization.

Creation and consequence of fragmented fles
Fragmentation can drastically slow your computer down. When saved by the operating system, fles are broken into fragments and dispersed across the entire hard disk. Increased fragmentation ends up having an extremely negative effect on your access times. O&O Defrag is the perfect remedy. A defragmentation rearranges the individual data fragments and writes them contiguously on the hard disk. This is really the only way for your computer to regain it's original power and performance.

Drive zones
The data is inspected according to set criteria, and then fled into separate zones on the hard disk. A special algorithm organizes the data optimally onto the disk following the defragmentation. System fles which have to be accessed quickly, for example, will be separated from the rest. Between the zones  there is free space so that new fles can be immediately moved to the correct zone. This logical organization considerably reduces the time needed for future fragmentation, and also prevents new fragmentation from occurring in the frst place.

Automatic defragmentation
The O&O-OneClickDefrag wizard makes it easier to select the optimal strategy for automatic defragmentation. Depending on how you use your computer, whether for gaming or for work, O&O Defrag confgures different strategies and combinations for automatic defragmentation, and over time, even adapts to new circumstances. In addition, you can set O&O Defrag to start the defragmentation whenever a certain fragmentation level is reached on the hard disk or partition. The defragmentation can be run on a certain day of the week, or whenever your screen saver is active. You can stop or resume the defragmentation whenever you wish, since O&O Defrag immediately recognizes where the defragmentation was stopped.

Power Management for Netbooks and Notebooks
The O&O IntelligentPowerControl technology ensures a special support for mobile systems. As soon as your Internet or notebook is separated from external power resources, O&O Defrag switches to a standby mode and the defragmentation is paused. This guarantees that no battery power is used for defragmentation, and you can fnish your work with all available power resources. Once you reconnect your notebook, the defragmentation will be automatically resumed.

New and enhanced functions in v14:

Quick configuration for getting started easily:
Navigation in O&O Defrag 14 was designed to coincide with most user scenarios, so almost all important jobs can be performed intuitively. O&O Defrag?s new Quick Configuration allows you to defragment your computer right after installation, or, with just a few mouse clicks, schedule to have it done automatically later on.

Automatic defragmentation:
A periodic defragmentation is the key for maintaining a maximum performance level. There?s no longer any need for running a manual defragmentation every time; O&O Defrag offers a clever scheduling feature which does the job for the user. Using defragmentation jobs, users can define the starting point, the action, and other parameters for any defragmentation. Jobs can be created, changed or deleted, and if a job isn?t needed at that moment but will be at a later stage, it can simply be disabled. The job will not be run until the user enables it again.

Optimizing Solid State Drives (SSDs):
Through the use of periodic ATA TRIM commands, Solid State Drives will be kept informed of those disk areas that are not being used. The drive will then be able to use these free areas for a drive-internal optimization of data management, instead of as a storage location for the contents of data that is no longer needed. After optimization, SSDs will be able to access data faster and minimize the wear on flash chips.

Data filed into zones:
Sorting drives into zones results in a logical separation of the database into performance-critical and non-critical files. Depending on their designated use and access frequency, files are divided and moved into zones. System and program files that have to be accessed quickly, for example, will be separated from data such as documents and downloads. As a result of separating files based on how often they need to be written, it?s possible to intelligently prevent fragmentation from occurring. Thanks to this logical organization of files, system and program starts require less time, successive defragmentation is done significantly faster, and the fragmentation of program files is completely avoided.

Optimized control of the speed zones:
By using Rules, a user can arrange files on a drive to suit individual needs. In addition to different zone classifications, the user can also individually set the optimal Defrag strategy for each zone. This mean O&O Defrag can even extract maximum performance from disk areas that have very special requirements.

Power Management for Netbooks and Notebooks:
As soon as such mobile machines are no longer connected to the mains, the defragmentation is interrupted in order to conserve battery life and duration.

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