
(28 KB) Pobierz
00:00:34:Open your eyes.
00:00:36:Open your eyes.
00:00:38:Open your eyes.
00:00:41:Open your eyes.
00:00:43:Open your eyes.
00:00:45:Open your eyes.
00:00:47:Open your eyes.
00:03:10:Open your eyes.
00:03:12:Open your eyes.
00:03:19:Why tell me that dream?
00:03:21:You said I could tell you|whatever I wanted.
00:03:23:All right. Anything else you|should tell me before we start?
00:03:26:Nothing you don't know. I was|about to turn twenty five,...
00:03:29:...l like dating, sleeping,|making love, like everyone.
00:03:33:And you know what everyone|does when they get up.
00:04:07:Where are you going?
00:04:12:Stop leaving messages|on the alarm.
00:04:17:Just don't.
00:04:20:Because it pisses me off.
00:05:57:Come on, for fuck's sake!
00:06:02:-I'll slaughter you!|-We'll see about that.
00:06:05:You've got three cars, why do|we always go in this wreck?
00:06:08:Come on, I'm in a hurry.
00:06:10:Are you backing out?|I skipped class for this.
00:06:12:I'm seeing my partners after.|Why do you think I'm dressed up?
00:06:16:So you can shout at them.|You like that.
00:06:19:I don't shout.
00:06:21:-So tell me, did you screw her?|-Screw who?
00:06:24:Whoever was there|when I rang last night.
00:06:26:I was alone last night.|Anyway, what is it to you?
00:06:29:Nothing, you can do what|you want with your life.
00:06:32:Thanks very much.
00:06:34:Let's change the subject.
00:06:37:Did you screw her?
00:06:39:Give me a break,|I was on my own.
00:06:41:So, you did. Was it the one|you talk so much about?
00:06:44:-Who?|-That Nuria.
00:06:48:My God, I can't believe it!
00:06:50:C�sar seeing|the same woman twice!
00:06:52:-She must be great in bed.|-She isn't bad.
00:06:55:Bastard! When are you going|to tell me the secret?
00:06:58:-What secret?|-The recipe for Coca-Cola.
00:07:00:-Look, the kind you like.|-Yeah, change the...
00:07:08:What did you eat today?
00:07:09:Nothing, that's my problem,|I'm starved!
00:07:13:It's funny when you ask them|what they value most in a man.
00:07:17:"I like him to be intelligent,|to be honest, to be kind..."
00:07:20:It's all shit!
00:07:21:You'd have problems|if you were like me.
00:07:24:Not that again!|You aren't ugly.
00:07:26:Anybody would like to have|your face. You're normal.
00:07:28:Normal! That doesn't mean|I'm handsome.
00:07:31:You're handsome.
00:07:32:I'm acceptable,|when you're not beside me.
00:07:35:You're like anorexics.
00:07:37:They insist they're fat,|and end up crazy.
00:07:39:When some girl ties you down,|the rest of us will get a chance.
00:07:43:-Yeah, yeah.|-Why not?
00:07:45:If you meet the right girl...
00:07:47:She doesn't exist.
00:07:50:How did I miss that?
00:07:53:God punished you.
00:07:55:You're for it.
00:07:56:-Who are you saying that to?|-To God
00:08:01:Doyou believe in God?
00:08:04:Don't start all that shit.
00:08:06:Ijust askeda question.
00:08:08:If you don't want to,|don't answer.
00:08:11:I don't believe in God.
00:08:14:How do you explain|what happened?
00:08:17:How do you mean?
00:08:18:Your face.
00:08:21:There is no explanation.
00:08:23:-I believe there is.|-You believe I'm mad.
00:08:26:I only believe what I see.
00:08:28:You haven't let me see|your face yet.
00:08:30:And I won't.
00:08:33:Do you really think|you're a monster, C�sar?
00:08:36:Come on, let me see.
00:08:37:Stick your hand up your ass!
00:08:39:Take it easy, brat!|I'm sick of all your stories!
00:08:42:Leave me alone!
00:08:43:I'll kick that shit out of you!
00:08:45:Leave me alone!
00:08:47:I can't work with you in here.|Leave us on our own.
00:08:49:On my responsibility.
00:08:55:You're just|a spoilt brat, who...
00:08:57:My parents are dead, asshole!
00:08:59:You made up a story so as|not to admit what you did.
00:09:11:Is that true?
00:09:16:That you're a spoilt brat.
00:09:19:My father had a restaurant|chain. That's not my fault.
00:09:24:When did your parents die?
00:09:27:-15 years ago,...
00:09:29:...in an accident.
00:09:31:-And now you're rich.|-So they say.
00:09:35:Then why don't|you want a lawyer?
00:09:39:They say they can get me|the best.
00:09:41:But they want me|stuck here forever.
00:09:44:Who are they?
00:09:45:My partners. They've been sucking|my blood since I was a kid.
00:09:49:Now they've got everything.|They've cut me out.
00:09:53:It wasn't them.|It was me.
00:09:57:I don't care.
00:10:00:Let's see, C�sar.|Do you know why you're here?
00:10:05:-Because I wear a mask, I guess.|-No.
00:10:08:Because you killed someone.
00:10:11:Or don't you remember?
00:10:14:Tell me, don't you remember?
00:10:16:Fuck, stop it!
00:10:17:We must get things clear|if you want us to get on.
00:10:19:I don't want us to get on!
00:10:21:Is your solution to sit|in this hole and not talk?
00:10:24:-Aren't we talking now?|-After two months.
00:10:31:I've been trying|for two months.
00:10:33:-Read the reports.|-I've read them.
00:10:35:I want you to tell me,|if possible, sitting on a chair.
00:10:38:Or are you going to stay there?
00:10:40:I like the floor.
00:10:43:It's the only thing|that seems real.
00:10:46:What does everything else seem?
00:10:48:Everything else is a lie.
00:10:51:All this seems a lie.
00:10:52:Including you.
00:10:54:You don't even wear|a white coat.
00:10:56:Do you think I should?
00:10:58:Doctors wear them.
00:10:59:I took it off so you'd forget|I was a doctor.
00:11:02:So that you'd like me more.
00:11:04:It didn't work.|I hate the sight of you.
00:11:11:Now that we're friends,...
00:11:13:-I've got no friends.|-...tell me what happened.
00:11:17:The sooner you talk,|the sooner I'll go.
00:11:38:Hey! Happy birthday and all|the things people usually say.
00:11:41:Thank you, thank you.
00:11:44:-Where did you find her?|-In the library.
00:11:47:-She tried to steal my book.|-It was mine.
00:11:51:-C�sar, Sofia.|-Hello.
00:11:54:Happy birthday.
00:11:55:-Thank you.|-Your present.
00:11:58:-Thanks a lot.|-We bought it between us.
00:12:01:Then I have to thank|both of you.
00:12:04:Stop chatting her up|and open it.
00:12:06:-I'd rather open them tomorrow.|-Whatever.
00:12:08:-Like a drink?|-Sure.
00:12:09:I'll leave this upstairs.
00:12:37:What are you doing here?
00:12:38:-Happy birthday, darling.|-Thank you.
00:12:41:But I didn't ask you|to the party.
00:12:44:That was nice of you.
00:12:52:I brought you a present too.
00:12:54:Why not open it?
00:12:58:No, thanks. I already know|what's inside.
00:13:01:-And last night?|-Listen, Nuria.
00:13:03:I don't like you just turning up,|much less coming into my room.
00:13:06:-Well! Do I have to apologize?|-No.
00:13:10:You have to go.
00:13:13:Right, I know what it is.
00:13:15:You don't want to be seen twice|with the same girl.
00:13:17:It would ruin your reputation.
00:13:22:You got it in one.
00:13:23:And there's someone else.
00:13:26:The brunette you were|talking to a minute ago?
00:13:29:Well, she's not bad.
00:13:33:I don't care.
00:13:35:I don't need to be seen|with you.
00:13:43:Hold me.
00:13:48:Come on.
00:13:50:A little kiss.
00:13:54:Come on.
00:14:09:Until when?
00:14:10:Until next Friday?
00:14:12:Can you manage|a weekend without me?
00:14:16:Excuse me, I must see|to my guests.
00:14:19:Yes, the brunette will take time.|She looks that type.
00:14:24:-That type?|-Yes.
00:14:26:The kind who can't find|your zipper.
00:14:35:What did you want?
00:14:37:-To open this.|-Wait.
00:14:39:I'll serve you.
00:14:43:Since when are you the waiter?
00:14:46:Don't you know|I'm in catering?
00:14:50:Are you all right?
00:14:52:Can you tell|I'm elbowing in?
00:14:55:A bit.
00:14:56:I've got a slight problem.|A girl's chasing me.
00:14:59:You don't say.
00:15:00:I need some help|to get rid of her.
00:15:02:And I'm that help.
00:15:04:-Shit, there she is!|-Where?
00:15:05:Don't look, don't look.|Look over here.
00:15:09:That's it.
00:15:11:Yes, yes, yes.
00:15:13:Here we are.
00:15:15:Here we are.
00:15:19:Act as if we were talking about|something real interesting.
00:15:23:Nod your head, agree,|say yes.
00:15:28:You know.
00:15:29:-What a nice conversation.|-Yes.
00:15:31:And she's coming this way.
00:15:36:-What are you doing?|-Don't worry, I'll guide you.
00:15:38:-Straight on.|-I don't see her.
00:15:41:Here it is.
00:15:42:Go right in.
00:15:43:I'm not going in there.
00:15:45:Well, I am. So long.
00:15:57:-He's in here.|-You...!
00:16:03:We're safe.
00:16:04:But we've got nothing|to drink here.
00:16:07:I think all you really want|is to chat me up.
00:16:09:Yes, that too.
00:16:12:First, I want to save my skin.
00:16:13:Can't you say|you aren't interested?
00:16:15:She wouldn't care.
00:16:17:She never gets tired.
00:16:18:-She must be feeling bad.|-Yeah.
00:16:20:Of course.
00:16:36:So you're studying Drama,|like Pelayo?
00:16:39:For now.
00:16:43:To be an actress?
00:16:44:I am an actress.|Is that a problem?
00:16:49:Aren't you ashamed?
00:16:50:Ashamed? Why should|I be ashamed?
00:16:53:Actors aren't honest.
00:16:55:You're able to show|emotions you don't have,...
00:16:58:...or which, at most,|you invent.
00:17:00:Right now, you could|be thinking,...
00:17:02:..."This guy's a real drag.|How can I dump him?"
00:17:05:-Really?|-"And in catering."
00:17:07:"A pain in the ass."
00:17:09:But you're a good actress,|it doesn't show.
00:17:29:Hey, Pelayo!
00:17:30:I caught you.
00:17:31:Come in.
00:17:33:How's it going?
00:17:34:Great. I'm a bit out of it now.
00:17:36:Drunk, you mean.
00:17:38:Why are you in here?
00:17:40:Sofia was protecting me from|a female psychopath out there.
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