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Journal of Biomechanics 38 (2005) 981–992
ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate systems of
various joints for the reporting of human joint motion—Part II:
shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand
Ge Wu a, ,1 , Frans C.T. van der Helm b,2 ,H.E.J.(DirkJan)Veeger c,d,2 , Mohsen Makhsous e,2 ,
Peter Van Roy f,2 , Carolyn Anglin g,2 , Jochem Nagels h,2 , Andrew R. Karduna i,2 ,
Kevin McQuade j,2 , Xuguang Wang k,2 , Frederick W. Werner l,3,4 , Bryan Buchholz m,3
a Department of Physical Therapy, University of Vermont, 305 Rathwell Building, Burlington, VT, USA
b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
c Department of Human Movement Sciences, Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Movement Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
d Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
e Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
f Experimental Anatomy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
g Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
h Department of Orthopaedics, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
i Exercise and Movement Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA
j Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
k Biomechanics and Human Modeling Laboratory, National Institute for Transport and Safety Research, Bron, France
l Department of Orthopedic Surgery, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA
m Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, USA
Accepted 27 May2004
In this communication, the Standardization and TerminologyCommittee (STC) of the International Societyof Biomechanics
proposes a definition of a joint coordinate system (JCS) for the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. For each joint, a standard for the
local axis system in each articulating segment or bone is generated. These axes then standardize the JCS. The STC is publishing these
recommendations so as to encourage their use, to stimulate feedback and discussion, and to facilitate further revisions. Adopting
these standards will lead to better communication among researchers and clinicians.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Joint coordinate system; Shoulder; Elbow; Wrist; Hand
1. Introduction
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-802-656-2556; fax: +1-802-656-
E-mail address: ge.wu@uvm.edu (G. Wu).
1 Chairperson of the Standardization and TerminologyCommittee.
The International Societyof Biomechanics.
2 Authored shoulder and elbow.
3 Authored wrist and hand.
In the past several years, the Standardization and
TerminologyCommittee (STC) of the International
Societyof Biomechanics has been working to propose a
set of standards for defining joint coordinate systems
(JCS) of various joints based on Grood and Suntay’s
JCS of the knee joint ( Grood and Suntay, 1983 ). The
primarypurpose of this work is to facilitate and
0021-9290/$ -see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Subcommittee Chair.
G. Wu et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 38 (2005) 981–992
encourage communication among researchers, clini-
cians, and all other interested parties.
The STC has established a total of nine sub-
committees, involving nearly30 people who have
extensive experience (either research or clinical) in joint
biomechanics, and had developed proposals for nine
major joints in the body. These joints include: foot,
ankle, hip, spine, shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, TMJ,
and whole body. The proposals are based on the ISB
standard for reporting kinematic data published by Wu
and Cavanagh (1995) . The first set of these standards for
the ankle joint, hip joint, and spine was published in
Journal of Biomechanics in April 2002 ( Wu et al., 2002 ).
A response to comments to this set of standards was
later published in 2003 ( Allard et al., 2003 ).
In this publication, the proposed standards for the
shoulder joint, elbow joint, and wrist and hand are
included. For each joint, the standard is divided into the
following sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Terminology,
(3) Bodysegment coordinate systems, and (4) JCS and
motion for the constituent joints. It is then up to the
individual researcher to relate the marker or other (e.g.
electromagnetic) coordinate systems to the defined
anatomic system through digitization, calibration move-
ments, or population-based anatomical relationships.
The two major values in using Grood and Suntay’s
JCS are: (1) conceptual, since it appears easier to
communicate the rotations to clinicians when using
individual axes embedded in the proximal and distal
segments and (2) the inclusion of calculations for
clinicallyrelevant joint translations. Some confusion,
however, has arisen over their statement that the JCS is
sequence independent, whereas Euler or Cardan angle
representations are not. It should be noted that the
Grood and Suntay’s convention, without the transla-
tions, is simplya linkage representation of a particular
Cardan angle sequence; the floating axis is the second,
i.e. rotated, axis in the Cardan sequence ( Small et al.,
1992; Li et al., 1993 , Baker, 2003 ). The angles are
independent because the sequence is defined bythe
mechanism; a Cardan or Euler sequence is equally
‘‘independent’’ once the sequence is defined.
The starting point for the shoulder standardization
proposal was a paper by Van der Helm (1996) . More
information can be obtained at: http://www.internatio-
The standardization of motions is onlydescribed for
right shoulder joints. Whenever left shoulders are
measured, it is recommended to mirror the raw position
data with respect to the sagittal plane ðz ¼zÞ. Then, all
definitions for right shoulders are applicable.
Rotations are described using Euler angles. For a
clearer interpretation of these angles it is suggested that
the coordinate systems of the proximal and distal body
segments are initiallyaligned to each other bythe
introduction of ‘anatomical’ orientations of these
coordinate systems. The rotations of the distal coordi-
nate system should then be described with respect to the
proximal coordinate system. If both coordinate systems
are aligned, the first rotation will be around one of the
common axes, the second rotation around the (rotated)
axis of the moving coordinate systems, and the third
rotation again around one of the rotated axes of the
moving coordinate system. This last axis is preferably
aligned with the longitudinal axis of the moving
segment. This method is equivalent to the method of
Grood and Suntay(1983) using floating axes. Theyalso
describe the first rotation around an axis of the proximal
coordinate system and the last rotation around the
longitudinal axis of the moving segment. The second
axis is bydefinition perpendicular to both the first and
third rotation axis.
For joint displacements, a common point in both the
proximal and distal coordinate systems should be taken,
preferablythe initial rotation center (or a point on the
fixed rotation axis in the case of a hinge joint). For most
shoulder motions the rotation center would be onlya
rough estimate, since onlythe glenohumeral joint
resembles a ball-and-socket joint. The definition of the
common rotation centers of the sternoclavicular joint
and acromioclavicular joint are left to the discretion of
the researcher. Displacements should be described with
respect to the axes of the coordinate system of the
segment directlyproximal to the moving segment to
represent true joint displacements.
2. JCS for the shoulder
2.2. Terminology
2.1. Introduction
2.2.1. Anatomical landmarks used in this proposal
( Fig. 1 )
Standardization of joint motions is veryimportant for
the enhancement of the studyof motion biomechanics.
The International Shoulder Group (ISG) supports the
efforts of the ISB on this initiative, and recommends
that authors use the same set of bonylandmarks; use
identical local coordinate systems (LCS); and report
motions according to this recommended standard.
Thorax: C7: Processus Spinosus (spinous process)
of the 7th cervical vertebra
T8: Processus Spinosus (spinal process)
of the 8th thoracic vertebra
IJ: Deepest point of Incisura Jugularis
(suprasternal notch)
G. Wu et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 38 (2005) 981–992
Fig. 1. Bonylandmarks and local coordinate systems of the thorax,
clavicle, scapula, and humerus.
reduce the occurrence of complications due to gimbal
lock ( Groot, 1998 ). The GH is strictlyspeaking not a
bonylandmark, but is needed to define the longitudinal
axis of the humerus. The GH can be estimated by
regression analysis ( Meskers et al., 1998 ) or bycalculat-
ing the pivot point of instantaneous helical axes (IHA)
of GH motions ( Stokdijk et al., 2000; Veeger et al.,
1996 ). The IHA method is preferred since it is more
accurate, and is also valid for patients in whom the GH
has changed due to degeneration of the articular
surfaces, or due to an implant. In some pathological
cases it is likelythat the GH cannot be accurately
estimated with the IHA method due to translations in
the joint. It is then, however, a question whether the
regression method will be an acceptable alternative or
whether different methods (such as CT or MRI) should
be used.
PX: Processus Xiphoideus (xiphoid
process), most caudal point on the
Clavicle: SC: Most ventral point on the
sternoclavicular joint
AC: Most dorsal point on the
acromioclavicular joint (shared with
the scapula)
Scapula: TS: Trigonum Spinae Scapulae (root of
the spine), the midpoint of the
triangular surface on the medial
border of the scapula in line with the
scapular spine
AI: Angulus Inferior (inferior angle),
most caudal point of the scapula
AA: Angulus Acromialis (acromial angle),
most laterodorsal point of the
PC: Most ventral point of processus
Humerus: GH: Glenohumeral rotation center,
estimated byregression or motion
EL: Most caudal point on lateral
EM: Most caudal point on medial
Forearm: RS: Most caudal–lateral point on the
radial styloid
US: Most caudal–medial point on the
ulnar styloid
2.3. Body segment coordinate systems
2.3.1. Thorax coordinate system—X t Y t Z t (see Figs. 1
and 2 )
O t : The origin coincident with IJ.
Y t : The line connecting the midpoint between PX
and T8 and the midpoint between IJ and C7,
pointing upward.
Z t : The line perpendicular to the plane formed by
IJ, C7, and the midpoint between PX and T8,
pointing to the right.
X t : The common line perpendicular to the Z t -and
Y t -axis, pointing forwards.
2.3.2. Clavicle coordinate system—X c Y c Z c (see Figs. 1
and 3 )
O c : The origin coincident with SC.
Z c : The line connecting SC and AC, pointing to
X c : The line perpendicular to Z c and Y t , pointing
forward. Note that the X c -axis is defined with
respect to the vertical axis of the thorax (Y t -
axis) because onlytwo bonylandmarks can be
discerned at the clavicle.
For the clavicle onlytwo bonylandmarks can be
discerned: SC and AC. Hence, the axial rotation of the
clavicle cannot be determined through non-invasive
palpation measurements, but can be estimated on the
basis of optimization techniques ( Van der Helm and
Pronk, 1995 ). In contrast to Van der Helm (1996) , the
use of the landmark AA is now proposed instead of the
acromioclavicular joint (AC joint). This choice will
Fig. 2. Thorax coordinate system and definition of motions.
G. Wu et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 38 (2005) 981–992
Fig. 3. Clavicule coordinate system and definition of SC motions. Y t is
the local axis for the thorax coordinate system, which is initially
aligned with Y c of the clavicle.
Fig. 5. Humerus coordinate system and definition of GH motions. Y s
is the local axis for the scapula coordinate system.
2.3.5. Humerus (2nd option) coordinate system—
X h2 Y h2 Z h2
Fig. 4. Scapula coordinate system and definition of AC motions. Y c is
the local axis for the clavicle coordinate system (Please note, the origin,
shown here at AC, should be placed at AA).
O h2 : The origin coincident with GH.
Y h2 : The line connecting GH and the midpoint of
EL and EM, pointing to GH.
Z h2 : The line perpendicular to the plane formed by
Y h2 and Y f (see Section 2.3.6), pointing to the
X h2 : The common line perpendicular to the Z h2 -and
Y h2 -axis, pointing forward.
Y c : The common line perpendicular to the X c - and
Z c -axis, pointing upward.
Note 1: The second definition of humerus coordinate
system is motivated by the high error sensitivity of the
direction connecting EL and EM due to the short
distance between them. Since it cannot be assured that
the Z h2 -axis is equal to the joint rotation axis, its
orientation depends on the position of the upper arm
and forearm as well as the forearm orientation ( Wang,
1996 ). Therefore, bydefinition, the Z h2 -axis is taken
with the elbow flexed 90 in the sagittal plane and the
forearm fullypronated.
Note 2: We are faced with two difficulties in defining
Z h : (1) the anatomical definition of neutral humeral
internal/external rotation is unclear; and (2) the
numerical and practical inaccuracies in defining EL
and EM mayswamp the accuracyof our definition. The
1st and 2nd definitions will not agree if the true EM–EL
line is rotated with respect to the forearm axis (in
pronation). For the humerus, the difference will only
affect the value for internal/external rotation; for the
forearm it will affect all three angles to some degree,
most significantlypro/supination. Our recommendation
is to use option 2 when the forearm is available for
recording and otherwise to use option 1.
2.3.3. Scapula coordinate system—X s Y s Z s (see Figs. 1
and 4 )
O s : The origin coincident with AA.
Z s : The line connecting TS and AA, pointing to
X s : The line perpendicular to the plane formed by
AI, AA, and TS, pointing forward. Note that
because of the use of AA instead of AC, this
plane is not the same as the visual plane of the
scapula bone.
Y s : The common line perpendicular to the X s - and
Z s -axis, pointing upward.
2.3.4. Humerus (1st option) coordinate system—
X h1 Y h1 Z h1 (see 1 and 5; see also notes 1 and 2)
O h1 : The origin coincident with GH.
Y h1 : The line connecting GH and the midpoint of
EL and EM, pointing to GH.
X h1 : The line perpendicular to the plane formed by
EL, EM, and GH, pointing forward.
Z h1 : The common line perpendicular to the Y h1 - and
Z h1 -axis, pointing to the right.
2.3.6. Forearm coordinate system—X f Y f Z f (see Figs. 1
and 6 )
O f : The origin coincident with US.
Y f : The line connecting US and the midpoint
between EL and EM, pointing proximally.
G. Wu et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 38 (2005) 981–992
X f : The line perpendicular to the plane through US,
RS, and the midpoint between EL and EM,
pointing forward.
Z f : The common line perpendicular to the X f and
Y f -axis, pointing to the right.
e1: The axis coincident with the Z g -axis of the
global coordinate system.
Rotation (a GT ): flexion (negative) or extension
e3: The axis fixed to the thorax and coincident with
the Y t -axis of the thorax coordinate system.
Rotation (g GT ): axial rotation to the left
(positive) or to the right (negative).
e2: The common axis perpendicular to e1ande3,
i.e., the rotated X t -axis of the thorax.
Rotation (b GT ): lateral flexion rotation of the
thorax, to the right is positive, to the left is
2.4. JCS and motion for the shoulder complex
In the shoulder, it can be useful to report two types of
rotations. One is joint rotation, i.e., rotation of a
segment with respect to the proximal segment including
the clavicle relative to the thorax (SC joint), the scapula
relative to the clavicle (AC joint), and the humerus
relative to the scapula (GH joint). The other is segment
rotation, i.e., rotation of the clavicle, scapula, or humerus
relative to the thorax (the non-existent thoracohumeral
joint, often looselydefined as the shoulder joint). The
definition of joint displacements is onlyuseful if it is
defined with respect to the proximal segment.
Manyrotation orders are possible (such as X–Y–Z in
Cardan angles or Y–Z–Y in Euler angles). We have
chosen rotation orders so that the angles remain as close
as possible to the clinical definitions of joint and
segment motions. Differences are unavoidable since
these clinical definitions are not consistent in 3-D. For
example, although flexion and abduction each is clearly
defined in 2-D, flexion followed byabduction gives a
different result than abduction followed byflexion (see
Anglin and Wyss, 2000 , Section 8.1).
In the following definitions, a is around the Z-axis, b
around the X-axis, and g around the Y-axis, irrespective
of the order of rotation.
2.4.2. JCS and motion for the SC joint (clavicle relative
to the thorax, Y–X–Z order, Fig. 3
Displacement (q): corresponds to translations of the
common rotation center of the SC joint with respect to
the thorax coordinate system.
e1: The axis fixed to the thorax and coincident with
the Y t -axis of the thorax coordinate system.
Rotation (g SC ): retraction (negative) or protrac-
tion (positive).
e3: The axis fixed to the clavicle and coincident
with the Z c -axis of the clavicle coordinate
Rotation (a SC ): axial rotation of the clavicle;
rotation of the top backwards is positive,
forwards is negative.
e2: The common axis perpendicular to e1 and e3,
the rotated X c -axis.
Rotation (b SC ): elevation (negative) or depres-
sion (positive).
2.4.1. JCS and motions of the thorax relative to the
global coordinate system (Z–X–Y order, Fig. 2
Displacement (q): corresponds to motions of IJ with
respect to the global coordinate system ðX g –Y g –Z g
defined by Wu and Cavanagh (1995) ).
2.4.3. JCS and motion for the AC joint (scapula relative
to the clavicle, Y–X–Z order, Fig. 4
Displacement (q): corresponds to translations of the
common rotation center of the AC joint with respect to
the clavicle coordinate system.
Note: The following sequence is supported by
Karduna et al. (2000) , who studied the six possible
Euler sequences for scapular motion. Theyfound that
the proposed sequence is ‘‘consistent with both research-
and clinical-based 2-D representations of scapular
motion’’. Theyalso found that changing the sequence
resulted in ‘‘significant alterations in the description of
motion, with differences up to 50 noted for some
angles’’. Since the scapular coordinate system is initially
aligned with the clavicular coordinate system even
though this position is never assumed anatomically,
typical angle values are offset from zero (either positive
or negative).
Fig. 6. Definition of forearm coordinate system.
e1: The axis fixed to the clavicle and coincident with
the Y c -axis of the clavicle coordinate system.
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