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Activity 2
Accents : Australian male
American female
Speed :
Activity type : note taking,
Time : 35m
Theme : Talking about clothes
Skills : Listening for specific information, listening for opinions, identifying emotion
Level : Intermediate
Grammar focus : Adverbs of degree, asking for/giving opinions
Vocabulary : polka dot, denim, leather, wool, checked, patterned, striped, plain, silk,
cotton, frustrated, excited, sleepy, bored, disapproving, impatient, pleased, unsure,
worried, apologetic.
Preparation : Download Worksheet 2 and make one copy Word Group A and Word
Group B for every two students. Cut each copy as shown by the lines.
1. Tell students they are going to hear a telephone conversation between Mandy, an
American woman, and Rick, her Australian boyfriend. Explain they are in a
clothes shop, and Mandy is trying on various outfits. Tell students they must listen
and write all the different clothes they hear. When students are ready, play the
2. Put students into pairs to check their answers. Then ask for volunteers to write
their list on the board:
Answers : pants (BrE trousers), jacket, skirt, sweater, belt, shirt.
3. Put students into pairs and give each pair a set of Word Group A cards (mixed).
Tell them to identify which words are fabrics and which are styles.
Answers : Fabrics: denim, leather, wool, cotton, silk / Styles: polka dot, checked,
patterned, striped, plain .
4. Tell students to listen again and match each fabric or style to an item of clothing
from the list on the board. Explain that some items of clothing are used twice.
They should also identify three words that are not used. Give them a few moments
to match what they can remember, then play the recording. After, give students
time to compare their answers, then have a volunteer write the answers on the
Answers : polka dot – pants, denim – jacket, leather – skirt, wool – sweater,
checked – shirt, leather – belt, patterned – shirt, striped – pants. Not used: plain,
silk, cotton
5. Tell students you are going to play the recording once more. Explain that this time
they should listen to Rick’s reaction and put a tick ( Â ) next to each item he likes
and a cross (X) next to each item he doesn’t like.
Answers : Â polka dot pants, wool sweater, leather belt, patterned shirt, striped
X – denim jacket, leather skirt, checked skirt.
6. Finally, put students into pairs and give each pair a set of Word Group B cards
(mixed). Tell them to identify which emotions they think apply to Mandy and
Ó Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2003
Taken from the Listening Skills section in
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which apply to Rick. Note that some adjectives may apply to both Mandy and
7. Put students into groups and tell them to exchange their ideas. They should justify
their choices.
8. Play the recording again as students call out ‘Stop!’ when they think they one of
the adjectives might apply. Encourage them to explain why.
Possible answers : (answers may vary):
excited (about buying clothes)
pleased (at Rick’s reaction sometimes)
unsure (about whether the clothes suit her)
sleepy (when he yawns and falls asleep)
bored (towards the end)
disapproving (of some items, e.g. polka dots pants are too tight)
apologetic (when he says sorry for falling asleep)
frustrated (Mandy because Rick loses interest / Rick because Mandy tries on so
many outfits)
impatient (Mandy with Rick, Rick as he wants to watch the soccer game)
worried (Mandy, if the clothes suit her, Rick, that he may miss the start of the
Post-listening tasks
1. Put students into pairs and give each pair a copy of the recording script. Tell them
to practice the conversation with their partner.
2. Put students into pairs and tell them to prepare a similar conversation. Explain
they should be two friends in a clothes shop, with one trying on various clothes
and the other giving their opinion. Give them time to prepare their ideas, then tell
them to role play their conversation to the class.
Ó Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2003
Taken from the Listening Skills section in
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