TSR 1090 Cardmaster Adventure Design Deck.pdf

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Adventure Design Deck
By Richard Borg
Card Decks .................................... 3
The Location Deck ................................. 3
The Monster Deck .... ..... ..... ....... .. ..... ..... 3
The Treasure Deck .... ..... ......... .. ............. 4
Visual Play Aids ................... . ................ 5
Cardmaster Fastplay ........ .... .......... ....... . 5
Getting Started ... ..... ......... . . ................. . .. 5
General Course of Play ..... ....... ........... .... 5
Entering a New Location ..._ _......
... ..... ........ 6
EncounteringMonsters ...... ...... ............. . . 6
Fighting Monsters ...... ........ .. .. . ...... ... ..... 7
Monster Stab, 7
Fighting in Ranks, 7
First Attack, 8
Options, 8
Attacking, 8
Assigning Attacks, 8
Taking Hits, 9
Fleeing, 9
Magic ................................................... 9
Traps ................................................... 11
Treasure ............................................. 11
Magical Healing .......... ..... ..... .. .... ........ .. 12
Concluding the Adventure .... .. .... ........ .. . 13
Designed by Richard Borg
Edited by Doug Stewart and Steve Winter
Cover Photo by Charles Kohl
Location Card illustrations by Val-;- v-'..--~
Typography by Angelika Lokotz
Rules .................................... 14
Short Games .......................................
......... ..... .... . 14
Secret Doors .......................................... 14
Converting AD&PCharacters . .... ........ .. 14
Designing New Quests _.._.
Laying Out the Dungeon __.
. , ........ __.
. ._.
......... 15
Playing With AD&D
or D&PGame Rules .... .... ,
M)B 7:
WI 531
TSR Ltd.
120Church End
Cherry Hinton
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United Kingdom
Playing With a DM ........_
__ _..
... 16
ISBN 1-56076612-3
TSR logo are trademark owned by TSR, Inc. AU TSR characm, character names, and the distinctive likens- thereof are trademarks owned by
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WanderingMonsters ........ __.
, ..... .._.
, ...... 15
... 15
ADVANCED DUNGEONS h DRAGONS, ADkD. and DkD are reglatered trademark owned by
The AD&PCARDMASTERTMAdventure Design Deck is both an exciting tool for Dungeon Masters
and a complete game for players. With the Adventure Design Deck, the DM can create tough, chal-
lenging group adventures, players can go adventuring without a DM, and even solo adventures can
be played, just by shuffling the cards.
one or several players explore a randomly created dungeon in search
a Dungeon Master can use the cards to create a random dungeon whLc auuut5
of color and drama; or, a DM can use the cards to lay 01
acters explore it, eliminating the need for mapping and
hys: CARDMASTER Fastplay let!
of treasures or a specific goal; 01
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it a previously designed dungeon as the ch
54 CARDMASTER Treasure Deck Cards
2 Visual Play Cards
1 Adventurer's Party Marker
1 Card of Visual Play Aids
Deck allows u.- uyL.6cvLL I..oL1Ic. ". Lu crcarr? a
three-level dungeon or castle setting. Each level is color coded-green is the easiest level, blue is
medium, and red is the most dangerous. (In AD&Pgame terms, pencorresponds to dungeon level
3, blue to 4, and red to 5.). The higher the adventure level, the stronger the monsters become, and the
greater the challenge and treasures will be for the charatcters.
The CARDMASTER Adventure Design
The CARDMASTER Adventure Design Deck can be used several wa
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This Set Contains:
108 CARDMASTER Location Deck Cards
The Card Decks
The CARDMASTERTM Adventure Design Deck actually has three decks of cards: a location deck, a
monster deck, and a treasure deck.
The Location Deck
There are two different kinds of cards in the location deck Mom cards and corridor cards
Room Cards picture a room with a variety of furnishingsand a number of doors.
Corridor Cards show a narrow hall with doors at either end. Corridor cards are normally just
empty passages that connect rooms.
The colored circle in the lower left corner of a location card indicates the card’s level. In this
CARDMASTER set, green rooms are on the 3rd level, blue Moms are on the 4th level, and red rooms
are on the 5th level.
The colored bands above each door indicate to which level
the dungeon or castle that particular
door will lead.
The Monster Deck
There are four different kinds of cards in the monster deck: monster cards, character cards, trap
cards, and one wandering monsters card.
Monster Cards show the type of monster, the number of monsters, and the monster’s vital statis-
tics: Hit Dice, Armor Class, THACO,
and whether the monster has treasure.
' This monster has treasure.
This monster might have treasure. '
This monster has no treasure.
The color of the monster's Hit Dice circle indicates the level where the monster is usually found. A
Hit Dice circle with a white background indicates that the monster can be found on any level.
Some monster cards have a number and a slash before the monsters' name. The number indicates
how many of these monsters the party has run into. For example, if a card listing "2/Gargoyle" is
drawn, two gargoyles are encountered.
Wandering Monsters Card. There is only one of these in the monster deck. When this card is
drawn, reshuffle the discards back into all three decks and then draw the top two monster cards. The
Monsters on these cards surprise the adventurers and attack, no matter what level the characters are
on. And wandering monsters always get the first attack!
Character Cards show a character and list his or her vital statistics: Hit Points, Level, Armor Class,
and THACO. These may be other adventurers exploring the dungeon or evil mercenaries working as
guards. Characters always have treasure.
Trap Cards depict either a skeleton impaled on a bed of stakes or a foot about to fall through a trap.
The card lists the type of trap and how many dice the players roll to resolve the trap's effect. Most
traps have a white circle background indicating that the trap may be found on any level.
The Treasure Deck
Two different types of cards are in the treasure deck treasure cards and trap cards.
Treasure Cards show a picture of the treasure. Also listed is the treasure's experience point value or
its value in gold pieces, and an indication of who can use the treasure and how it is used in
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The colored circle in the lower left comer of a treasure card indicates the
level on which the treasure can be found.
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