
(0 KB) Pobierz
1,Her_C01_010 ; Kassar Blackskull

2,Eve_Neu_007 ; Lunar Eclipse
2,Eve_Neu_011 ; Week of the Mercenaries
1,Eve_Neu_010 ; Week of the Dead

;40 creatures
5,Cre_Str_016 ; Mauler
5,Cre_Str_007 ; Dream Walker
5,Cre_Str_013 ; Crusher
5,Cre_Str_011 ; Dream Reaver
5,Cre_Str_004 ; Smasher
5,Cre_Str_001 ; Epic Stronghold 01
5,Cre_Str_003 ; Harpy
5,Cre_Str_017 ; Goblin Hunter

;10 Fortune
3,For_Str_003 ; Blood Pool
3,For_Str_007 ; Orc Camp
4,For_Neu_011 ; Gold Pile

;Kassar Blackskull	
;Enrage deck	
;Blood Pool, Gold Pile		
;1 Crusher	
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