Catwoman (1995).doc

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                                                                        Daniel Waters


                                                                                                                                                                        June 16, 1995




              A cat is heard moaning, at first gently, then unbearably.




              Coming out of the darkness, the viewer's viewpoint glides across

              a moonlit blanket of snow toward the cry of the wounded feline. A

              BLACK CAT is revealed twitching on its back amid the expanse of

              white. The viewer hangs over her only briefly before drifting



              Like mismatched carpet samples, the patch of glowing snow cuts

              neatly-absurdly at a patch of sunscorched desert.


              EXT.   THE DESERT--DAY


              Easing all the way into the daylit desert, one catches sight of a

              lizard and gloms onto the creature's frenetic path, moving faster

              and faster across the parched land. Until Zap. The Lizard

              kamikazes into a grand electrified barricade.


              The viewer's viewpoint arcs over the fence, way, way, into the

              air to take in a spectacular view of the sparkling OASISBURG, a

              gorgeous urban island in a sea of dirt and sand. Major Emerald

              City vibe. As the viewer circles the city, day turns to night,

              lights blast on everywhere, and the voice of Selina Kyle

              insinuates onto the soundtrack.


                                                                      SELINA (V.O.)

                                          I do not know how I came to live in

                                          Oasisburg. No one ever DOES. But then

                                          I have forgotten what "is" and more

                                          to the point, what ever WAS.


              The viewer's viewpoint whooshes down into the city to squeamishly

              embrace its majestic tackiness. As frightening as it sounds, the

              city is a crazed amalgamation of LA-Vegas-Palm Springs-

              Disneyland.  Garish billboards shriek simple messages like RELAX

              and BE HAPPY.  People putter about not in cars, but in adorable

              golf-cart vehicles.


              The viewer makes a dazzling plow down the painful neon of the

              city's MAIN STREET toward an awesome edifice at the end. A Casino-

              and-more to end all casinos-and-more. A colossal sign proclaims

              it FRANK'S FUN PALACE.


                                                                      SELINA (V.O.)

                                          The most Hot and most Top tourist

                                          spot in the world--a place like all

                                          places only more SO. Was I, Selina

                                          Kyle, having fun with the fun of

                                          Oasisburg?  The answer is NO.


              The whooshing airborne tour of Oasisburg, Selina's narration, and

              whatever holy music is bellowing on the soundtrack all come to a

              dead halt outside a lit-up room in the middle of a bland office





              Beneath a flickering fluorescent, A GROUP OF UNHAPPY WOMEN sit

              slumped in a circle of uncomfortable chairs. Not very

              spectacular.  Heading the group in infinitely more upbeat dress

              and demeanor, as if on a first date, is an ultra-perky demon

              named DR. PENELOPE SNUGGLE.



                                          We did it. We've won. Over the last

                                          years, there have been super changes

                                          for women and we should be pleased

                                          as, dare I say it, punch. Hand to

                                          back--proceed to pat. There are

                                          limits though; and Barbara, if you

                                          try starting your own business,

                                          you'll probably fail. I say that in

                                          the nicest possible way. Who's next?


                                                                      SAD WOMAN

                                          Hi, I'm Mona. And I'm a victim.


                                                                      THE GROUP

                                          Hi, Mona.


                                                                      SAD WOMAN

                                          My husband tried putting styrofoam

                                          down the garbage disposal. I told him

                                          he shouldn't do that--he just started

                                          screaming at me...



                                          I have one word for you, Mona. "Sh-h-

                                          h." It's a better for a woman's soul

                                          to take pain, than to give it out.

                                          Now have we all finished my new



              Penelope holds up a hardcover with a lame drawing of Catwoman--

              THE CATWOMAN COMPLEX by Dr. Penelope Snuggle.



                                          The Catwoman Complex of course refers

                                          to the fabled Catwoman--We all know

                                          the "tale," pardon the pun-- a couple

                                          years back, in where-else-but that

                                          gloomy heckhole Gotham City, a woman,

                                          all done up as a black cat, was

                                          supposedly sighted committing various

                                          acts of terrorism.  Whether or not

                                          she actually ever existed, this

                                          "Catwoman" has much to teach us--

                                          that the pursuit of power turns women

                                          into monsters and very unhappy

                                          monsters at that. Women, stop trying

                                          to be Catwomen and start being women.

                                          Who's next?


              A short, sweet pan is made from the Sad Woman to the completely

              bent-over woman beside her. She raises her head. It is the woman

              we know to be SELINA KYLE. And she has been through hell. With

              all her energy, she aches her voice into a barely audible,

              melancholy rasp.



                                          Hello, I'm Selina Kyle.


                                                                      THE GROUP

                                          Hi, Selina.



                                          And I'm a victim. I mean, that's what

                                          they tell me. I was brought into an

                                          emergency room in that aforementioned

                                          hellhole Gotham City-- scars,

                                          bruises, and bulletholes all over my

                                          body. Most interesting thing that's

                                          ever happened to me and I remember

                                          nothing. Nothing. My mother brought

                                          me back here to Oasisburg to "Relax"

                                          and "Be Happy," just like the

                                          billboards say. But it's hard, I...


              Selina is rudely cut off by a melodic chime sonic-booming across

              the city. All the women except Selina do a giddy, Pavlovian leap

              from their chairs and race to the window.


                                                                      (NO LONGER) SAD WOMAN

                                          It's the call for the Cult of Good!



                                          Be still, my heart..


              Through the ladies' POV, criminal activity is in progress down






              out from the gaping smoking hole in the face of a bank. They race

              to a line of getaway golf carts. Their EYE-PATCHED LEADER shouts

              up at the melodic chiming.


                                                                      EYE-PATCHED LEADER

                                          Hurry men, those silly superheroes

                                          are coming...


              One golf cart zips off down an alley while another rumbles away

              down Main Street. Suddenly, a VAST BUT SLEEK VAN plows forth

              knocking the latter golf cart out of frame like a toy.



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