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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3945 (http://subedit.prv.pl)/
00:01:07:And that's the news.
00:01:09:But before we sign off, we'd like|to congratulate our very own Evan Baxter,
00:01:14:who has just been elected|Buffalo's representative to Congress.
00:01:18:And, now, we have a surprise for Evan.
00:01:19:No, you don't.|We do.
00:01:21:Oh, no. I really didn't expect this.
00:01:24:Here's a look back at his run for office.
00:01:29:What are we gonna do?
00:01:30:Change the world!
00:01:31:That's right!
00:01:40:Baxter! Baxter! Baxter!
00:01:50:Baxter! Baxter!
00:01:51:That's right!
00:01:57:I feel like that old Indian|in front of all the garbage.
00:02:03:So, for the last time, this is Evan Baxter|for Eyewitness News. Good night.
00:02:24:Huntsville, Virginia.|Prestige Crest, four miles.
00:02:28:What did we do before GPS?
00:02:30:Guys, Dad's very proud of his new car.
00:02:33:Hey, I am proud of my new car.|Look, I'm a politician now.
00:02:37:I'm in the public eye, and as you know,|when you are in the public eye,
00:02:40:image is everything, isn't it?
00:02:47:Here it is! Welcome to the good life.
00:02:50:Hey, guys, why the long faces?|We're off on a new adventure!
00:02:54:It's just we're going to miss our friends.
00:02:56:You'll make new friends, better friends.
00:02:58:Yeah, richer friends.
00:03:00:Do not mouth off to me, sir.|I am the boss of you.
00:03:04:And let me tell you something,|you guys are gonna love this place.
00:03:07:And you know what? I think there's|something for our fishermen up there.
00:03:11:Baxter family,|this is what's called a scenic vista.
00:03:14:And I don't think the big man himself|could do a better job. Pretty cool, huh?
00:03:18:Hey, Dad, an iguana can stay underwater|for 28 minutes.
00:03:20:What's that?
00:03:21:And a shrimp's heart is in its head.|Really?
00:03:23:Okay, someone's had enough Animal Planet|for one lifetime.
00:03:25:Yeah, let's head out! Come on.|The best is yet to come!
00:03:29:Gentlemen, I have saved|the best for last.
00:03:32:Look over to the right.|That is your new home.
00:03:43:That's our house?
00:03:44:Uh-huh.|I don't remember it being|this big in the brochure.
00:03:46:Was it this big in the brochure?
00:03:48:Pretty amazing, isn't it?
00:03:49:There they are!
00:03:52:Is this curb appeal or what?
00:03:54:Here we go!
00:03:56:Honey, I think you're blocking my photo.
00:03:58:All right, everybody! Say "Escrow"!
00:04:04:Come on. Come on. Come on.|Come on. Go. Go. Go.
00:04:07:Guys, easy.
00:04:11:This is our house?
00:04:16:- Honey, be careful!|- Watch it!
00:04:18:Are you kidding me?
00:04:19:- Mom, can we go upstairs?|- Yep.
00:04:20:And I get my own room, right?|Yep.
00:04:23:Mr. Baxter, could you give us some|direction on these kitchen cabinets?
00:04:27:Okay, it's between your maple|and your old-growth Brazilian cherry.
00:04:31:That is nice! Which is best?
00:04:33:Well, if you're not sensitive|to that "save the rainforest" stuff,
00:04:36:you can't beat the Brazilian cherry.
00:04:38:It's 200, 300 years old.
00:04:39:Three hundred years.|Three hundred.
00:04:41:Wow. That is old.
00:04:42:And now you are going to hold my dishes.
00:04:45:That's right. You going with the cherry?|Cheery cherry!
00:04:47:Yeah. Definitely.|He's going with the cherry!
00:04:49:Dad, look!
00:04:50:No, no, no!
00:04:52:Ryan, do not touch him, please!
00:04:54:Oh, no, no, no, no, get him away!
00:04:56:No. He might have lice, fleas,|maggots or something.
00:04:58:You do not play with stray dogs|because they are very...
00:05:01:No, no! Get away, get away! Go!
00:05:04:Okay. Oh, no, no, no.
00:05:06:He's thirsty.|No, no, no.
00:05:07:No, you don't! There we go.
00:05:10:Well, Ryan, he's a stray.
00:05:12:If we give him water,|he's just going to come back.
00:05:13:Come on, Dad, why can't we keep him?|I mean, we've got a new house.
00:05:17:Okay, Ryan, this is why we can't keep him.
00:05:19:They are stinky. They are smelly.|They get hair all over the place.
00:05:22:They get a little thing called the mange.
00:05:23:In a nutshell, he is disgusting.|Case in point.
00:05:31:Ladies and gentlemen,|this concludes day one
00:05:34:of the Baxters' new and exciting Life.
00:05:36:I have to do the new house dance.
00:05:38:Wow! That dance?
00:05:41:Mmm-hmm.|That's a good new house dance.
00:05:43:Thank you.
00:05:44:You know, those boys were having|so much fun tonight,
00:05:46:I thought I would never get them to bed.
00:05:48:And then Ryan did the cutest thing.|He asked if we could all pray together.
00:05:53:Really? What did you pray about?
00:05:56:He met a dog. What do you think|he prayed for?
00:06:00:Just a walking petri dish, that dog.
00:06:03:And Jordan was very precise.
00:06:05:He prayed for good visibility, good weather|on the hiking trip tomorrow.
00:06:09:The hiking trip? Oh, right. Yeah.|The hiking trip. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:06:12:You wanna know what I prayed for?
00:06:14:Yeah. What did you pray for?
00:06:16:I prayed we would become closer|as a family.
00:06:21:Honey, you don't need to pray for that|to happen. I will make that happen.
00:06:27:What would you pray for?
00:06:28:Me? I don't know. Praying just...
00:06:33:Honey, you're the one who said|you wanted to change the world.
00:06:37:It's a pretty big job.
00:06:39:If it were me,|I would take all the help I could get.
00:06:47:Former Buffalo News|anchor, Evan Baxter, takes office tomorrow
00:06:50:to make good on a Lofty campaign promise.
00:06:53:What are we going to do?
00:06:54:Change the world!
00:06:55:Good Luck, Congressman.|Many have tried, many have failed.
00:07:00:This is Regina Sparks reporting for...
00:07:20:Hello, there. Hi.
00:07:22:This is Evan Baxter.
00:07:26:Just wanted to say thank you for everything.
00:07:29:Thank you for the new car and for the house.
00:07:33:The house is great. I love it.
00:07:36:I mean, I picked it out,|but you created matter and everything, so...
00:07:44:I just wanted to say that I think|Joan makes a good point,
00:07:48:and that I am now in a position|of great power,
00:07:53:and I know that with great power|comes great responsibility.
00:07:59:So, God,
00:08:05:Please help me change the world.
00:08:09:Okay. That's it. I'm hanging up now.
00:08:13:God bless... Well, you. Okay.
00:08:38:What? That's weird.
00:08:42:I set the alarm for 7:00.
00:09:18:I am successful. I am powerful.|I am handsome.
00:09:20:I am happy, successful,|powerful, handsome, happy.
00:09:23:All right, everyone, wish me luck.|The Congressman has left the building.
00:09:29:All right, Baxter brood, I will see you|later on this afternoon for the big hike. Yes?
00:09:34:You psyched? Are you ready?
00:09:36:Bye. See you.|Good luck, honey.
00:09:37:Bye, guys!|See you later.
00:09:39:Later, gator.
00:09:42:Oh, gosh.
00:09:43:Wow. Honey, did you order anything?
00:09:46:"Alpha and Omega Hardware"?
00:09:48:Never heard of them.
00:09:49:Me either.
00:09:51:What do we have?
00:09:54:What is this stuff?
00:09:58:Must have the wrong address.
00:10:00:Yup. The wrong address.
00:10:05:Congressman Baxter. Good morning.|Good morning.
00:10:07:Good morning, Congressman|Baxter. Hello.
00:10:08:Good morning, Congressman|Baxter. Good morning.
00:10:11:Oh, this is so cool.
00:10:17:Yeah. This'll work.
00:10:19:There he is! The head honcho.|The big kahuna.
00:10:23:Rita, I think I have to do the dance.
00:10:25:Do the dance.
00:10:30:That's enough of the dance.
00:10:31:Oh, this is nice! This is really nice!
00:10:33:This is too nice.|There's something crooked going on.
00:10:36:Do you smell anthrax?
00:10:37:Congressman!|Hey, Marty!
00:10:39:Nice sound to that.|I like it.
00:10:41:Here they are!
00:10:43:All right.
00:10:44:You remember Sarah, Allen, Michael.
00:10:46:I don't think you know the new kid|Eugene Tennanbaum. I found him at G.W.
00:10:49:Sort of a walking search engine. Watch this.|How many stars on the flag in 1818?
00:10:53:And Congressman Baxter's coffee habits?
00:10:55:He likes a morning latte with a cruller,|a decaf espresso after lunch,
00:10:58:served sans pastry of any kind.
00:11:00:Very impressive. A little freaky,|but I like this kid.
00:11:03:I love you.
00:11:06:I mean, we should hang out socially.|I just got a ping-pong table.
00:11:10:Not going to happen.
00:11:12:Go find out where his license plates are.|Everybody else, back to your holes.
00:11:15:He was actually right.
00:11:16:I'm doing a background check on that kid.
00:11:18:Ta-da! This, my friend, is a power office,|to remind you of the mission!
00:11:23:"Change the world!"
00:11:24:Okay, Evan, who do you know?|What do you mean?
00:11:26:Oh, come on.|Yesterday we're in the basement.
00:11:28:Today, look at this place.|It's like the Emerald City!
00:11:30:"Enjoy your office.|Your neighbor, Congressman Long."
00:11:33:Congressman Long did this?|Did you say "neighbor"?
00:11:36:That's right. He lives in Prestige Crest,|right up the street.
00:11:39:Evan, you got to tell me these things.|Think of the publicity angle on this!
00:11:42:You and Congressman Long|having a barbecue.
00:11:45:Congressman Long eating your hot dog.
00:11:47:Hate to break up|your little weenie roast.
00:11:49:Congressman Long's assistant|just dropped this off.
00:11:51:The Congressman would like for you
00:11:53:to junior cosponsor this bill|that he's introducing.
00:11:55:Hold on. Congressman Long asked us to|junior cosponsor his bill? What's the bill?
00:12:00:The Citizens' Integration of Public Lands Act.
00:12:02:Never heard of it. Gene, here, now.|Rita, why didn't you tell me about this?
00:12:06:I just did.
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