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The Successful Novelist.
A Lifetime of Lessons
about Writing and
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Copyright © 2008 by David Morrell
Cover and internal design © 2008 by Sourcebooks, Inc.
Cover photo © Getty
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A version of lesson one, “Why Do You Want To Be a Writer?” was originally published as “The
Ferret Inside Me” in Fiction Writer , October, 1999.
A version of lesson two, “Getting Focused,” was originally published as “‘How Are You This
Morning, David?’ A Better Way to Outline” in Fiction Writer , April, 1999.
A version of lesson seven, “A Matter of Viewpoint,” was originally published as “First Blood ,Third
Person” in Fiction Writer , April, 2000.
A version of lesson eleven, “What Not to Do in Dialogue,” was originally published as “‘He
Said?’ She Asked. Some Thoughts about Dialogue” in Writing Horror , edited by Mort Castle,
published by Writer’s Digest Books, 1997.
A portion of lesson fourteen, “Rambo and the Movies,” was originally published as “The Man
Who Created Rambo” in Playboy , August, 1988.
The “names” section of lesson sixteen, “Questions I’m Often Asked,” was originally published in
Sherrilyn Kenyon’s The Writer’s Digest Character Naming Sourcebook , published by Writer’s Digest
Books, 2005.
Published by Sourcebooks, Inc.
P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567-4410
(630) 961-3900
Fax: (630) 961-2168
Originally published in 2002 by Writer’s Digest Books.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Morrell, David.
The successful novelist : a lifetime of lessons about writing and publishing / by David Morrell.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-4022-1055-6 (trade pbk.)
1. Fiction--Authorship. 2. Authorship. 3. Authorship--Marketing. I.Title.
PN3365.M68 2008
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
VP 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Also by David Morrell
First Blood (1972)
Testament (1975)
Last Reveille (1977)
The Totem (1979)
Blood Oath (1982)
The Brotherhood of the Rose (1984)
The Fraternity of the Stone (1985)
The League of Night and Fog (1987)
The Fifth Profession (1990)
The Covenant of the Flame (1991)
Assumed Identity (1993)
Desperate Measures (1994)
The Totem (Complete and Unaltered) (1994)
Extreme Denial (1996)
Double Image (1998)
Burnt Sienna (2000)
Long Lost (2002)
The Protector (2003)
Creepers (2005)
Scavenger (2007)
Rambo (First Blood Part II) (1985)
Rambo III (1988)
The Hundred-Year Christmas (1983)
Black Evening (1999)
Nightscape (2004)
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Captain America:The End (2007)
John Barth: An Introduction (1976)
Fireflies: A Father’s Tale of Love and Loss (1988)
American Fiction, American Myth: Essays by Philip Young
edited by David Morrell and Sandra Spanier (2000)
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