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FreeRADIUS Install and
Joel Jaeggli
What is RADIUS?
A AAA protocol (Authentication, Authorization
and Accounting).
Authentication – Confirmation that the user is
who they say they are. Authentication is
accomplished through the presentation of
Authorization – Granting access to specific
types of service or resource.
Accounting – Tracking the consumption of
What is RADIUS? - Continued
Radius was originally developed by Livingston
for the Portmaster series of network
access/terminal servers.
Remote authentication dial-in user service.
Eventually it was published as RFC 2058 and
2059. The current incarnation is embodied in
RFC 2865.
What does RADIUS do?
A radius client, which originally would have
been a NAS device, but now lots of services
can leverage Radius for authentication.
A radius client takes a user name, some client
specific information and a password hashed
using a secret shared with the radius server,
and uses that to create an authentication
What does RADIUS do? - continued
The server looks up the values presented in the
authentication request from flat text files, unix
password files, database servers or ldap.
Hashes them to compare with the request
hashed values, and returns an access-accept
packet or reject packet on based on the
success or failure of the authentication request.
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