Fuel from Water e-book.PDF

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Fuel from 'Burning Water'
provided by The Reclamation Project
*** Working Plans ***
UltimateMallStore Disclaimer: We have indication these plans work when built,
but every person is unique this depends on your ability to make it work,also we
are not responsible for any accidents or injuries,etc so please be careful ,if you
choose to try it, use common sense and start SMALL, like a lawnmower engine,
please report any successes you might have.
The following file was recieved by Dave the Gravman via FAX, he kindly sent it
to me, thanks Dave!
Convert your engine to burn hydrogen & oxygen
Make vapor from water on demand & pollution-free
Convert your vehicle to a ZPV: Zero Pollution Vehicle
Freedom from Gasoline
Simple and inexpensive conversion
On Demand vapor rate via throttle
Easy do it yourself public domain plans
Help clean the air while you save money
These plans can be used to run your car, truck, RV, motorcycle, airplane, etc.
from tap water.
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Are you fed up with ga$oline price$ and THE POLLUTION?
Would you like to do something about it besides complain and wait?
Are you still CHOKING on the whole idea of fossil fuel CON$UMPTION?
Wouldn't you like to free yourself from centrally-controlled or imported fuel?
Do you have a 2nd vehicle you don't use every day?
Now there is something we can actually do about it, as individuals willing to help
clean the environment, and travel at lower cost to both you and your
environment. Do-it-yourself plans allow the individual (that's you and me, folks)
to make a difference.
This is the easiest and lowest cost way to convert your car to run on (relatively)
free energy. Now with existing technology, anyone can stand up and make a
difference by reducing the local automotive pollution, eliminate ga$oline
expen$e$, help restore our atmosphere, and breathe a little easier. You will be
making use of your entire existing system, except the fuel tank and catalytic
Know the Truth and set yourself FREE. Set a good example for the World you
choose to create. Exercise your own Free Will. Live cleaner and healthier.
Build and install a low-cost alternative method for running your vehicle (internal
combustion) engine on TAP WATER, using off-the-shelf components. This is
simply an efficient way to convert ordinary tap water into gaseous Hydrogen and
Oxygen, and then burn these vapours in the engine, instead of that $melly,
$tinky, expen$ive 'other $tuff.
This 'minisystem' runs easily from your existing battery and electrical system,
and it plugs into your carburetor with simple off-the-shelf fittings. You will be
installing a plastic water tank, a control circuit, a reaction chamber, a hi-
pressure carb/FI fitting, and 3 gauges (see Figure 1), and then hooking into your
existing carb/FI.
The SIMPLICITY comes from being an 'on-demand' system requiring no fancy
storage, or plumbing. You crank the gas pedal or throttle and you electrically
create more vapour for immediate consumption, on demand; Lo - Hi Flow Rate
as needed from idle - max power. The only real change is that you are using tap
water as fuel, instead of the traditional petroleum-based fuel. Given, a choice,
which way would you choose?
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Q: Does it really work?
A: Yes; this is well-established technology dating back to stainless steel. But be
sure to follow these instructions using the proper mechanical and electrical
assembly techniques, as it incorporates the best qualities of several techniques.
Q: How does it qualify as 'free energy'?
A: If you're paying someone for the water you use, then it is not strictly 'free'.
But, the alternative is to keep buying into the expen$ive ga$oline and re$ultant
hydrocarbon pollution.
Q: ls it Safe?
A: Technically, it is safer than running on fossil fuel, because you are no longer
choking on your own emissions (health-wise), but in general it is practically as
safe as your current gasoline arrangement. You will be installing a few simple
safety devices, using current automotive standards.
Q: What kind of performance can I expect?
A: Properly adjusted, your modified vapour-only fuel system will run cooler, and
at a modestly higher power level. The mileage performance expected from this
design ranges from 50-300 mpg, depending on your adjusting skills.
Q: Can I do the modification myself?
A: Why not? If you know someone with basic mechanical and/or electrical skills,
you can even delegate some of the construction. If you are using a fuel-injected
engine, you may have to get a mechanic's opinion.
0: What is the environmental impact that my vehicle will have?
A: It will be producing H20 steam and unburnt 02, hence it will be cleaning the
environment, rather than dumping nauseous toxins into it. Plus you will be
helping to save our dwindling supply of atmospheric oxygen. Any excess vapour
in the reaction becomes either steam or oxygen. You can also expect to be
receiving more than casual interest from those around you.
Q: Is this really a steam engine?
A: No; really. Exceedingly hi temp & pressure are not used. This is strictly an
internal combustion engine (burning orthohydrogen) with residual steam in the
exhaust as a by product.
Gasoline as a fuel is NOT NECESSARY; it is optional.
1. ORIGIN - In the 19th century, the gasoline portion of the refining process, was
first considered to be a 'waste' product of extracting the purified crude oil. Later
on, it was discovered that it could be $old as fuel, instead of just dumping it back
in the hole as had been the tradition.
2. CONSUMPTION RATE - The gasoline consumption rate for every mass-
produced car has been carefully 'designed in' as a market asset. As an indication,
simply observe how quickly and closely ALL the local different gas stations
adjust their prices. Even the hybrid cars which use electric motors still consume
a designed amount of gasoline, and their price tags are prohibitively high.
3. EFFICIENCY - There is a lot of thermochemical energy in gasoline, but there
is even more energy in water. The DOE has quoted about 40%, 50 it is probably
much more than that. Most people are unaware that 'internal combustion' is
DEFINED as: a thermo-vapour process; as in 'no liquid in the reaction'; AND
most of the gasoline in a standard internal combustion engine, is ACTUALLY
CONSUMED cooked and finally broken down) IN THE CATALYTIC
CONVERTER, which happens AFTER the fuel has been not-so-burnt in the
engine. Sadly, this means that most of the fuel we use in this way, is used only to
cool down the combustion process, rather than using a cleaner and more efficient
means to do so.
4. ADDITIVES - Also sadly, we are told by 'authorities' that some of the many
gasoline additives are in the mix to increase performance; but because of its
current overly-complex molecular structure, the real built-in function of the
gasoline formula is to slow down the combustion so that only so much is actually
consumed in the cylinder, and the liquid balance goes to the catalytic converter.
As a further insult, the additives are also there to clog and prevent the use of the
Pogue-style carburetors, designed to get 200-300 mpg.
5. PROFIT - Is the Pope catholic? does the bear poop in the woods? Of course
the oil companies are making a huge profit. It is by design. What do you suppose
the Gulf War was about? Just look at where the crude oil comes from and where
the money is flowing. Rest assured that the oil companies do NOT want you to
know how to make use of this water-fuel technology. They have been making
money on our ignorance, dis-empowerment, and willingness to follow along in a
mindless 'comfort-zone' of toxic waste, suppression, resentment, and apathy:
Let us proceed to set a good example and do it right, do it clean.
Exceedingly simple
Water is pumped as needed to replenish and maintain the liquid level in the
chamber. The electrodes are vibrated with a 0.5-SA electrical pulse which breaks
2(H20) --- ( 2H2 + 02 ).
When the pressure reaches say 30-60 psi, you turn the key and go. You step on
the pedal, you send more energy to the electrodes, and thus more vapour to the
cylinders; i.e. fuel vapour on demand.
You set the idle - max flow rate to get the most efficient use of power, and you're
off to the races.
In the BIG picture, your Free Energy is coming from the tap water, in an open
system, as the latent energy in the water is enough to power the engine, and
hence drive the alternator and whatever belt-driven accessories; AND the
alternator is efficient enough to run the various electrical loads (10-20 amps),
including the additional low current to run this vapour reaction. No extra
batteries are required.
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