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Unit 9
3 Why was it difficult to drive?
4 What did Pam see and what did she do?
5 Why did Steve shout ‘Drive!’?
A lucky escape
Pam Tyler has just returned from a winter holiday
and has a story to tell about a very near accident.
Pam travelled with her husband, Steve, and her
two children, Kev and Lucy. They were very happy
when they started the journey. ‘The children were
so excited,’ says Pam. ‘Christmas with lots of snow.
It was the perfect holiday!’
The Tyler family went by car and took the car
ferry from England to Norway. ‘It was very cold,’
continues Pam. ‘And the children asked again and
again, “Is it snowing in Norway?” When the boat
arrived it was amazing. The snow was really heavy!’
They arrived at 6.30 in the evening and they had to
drive for two hours to get to their holiday home.
But first they had to drive through the town – on
the right hand side of the road! Pam was the driver
with Steve beside her and the children were in the
back. At that time of the evening it was dark and
snowy and it was difficult to see the road. Pam
drove slowly. Suddenly she saw a red light and
stopped quickly. She was just past the light.
Steve shouted, ‘Drive!’
‘But it’s red,’ said Pam.
‘Just drive!’ Steve shouted. ‘Now!’
Pam drove and a few seconds later a tram passed
behind them. The red light was there to stop the
cars when the trams passed. In the snow Pam
stopped the car after the light and she stopped
ON the tram lines. Luckily, Steve saw the tram and
saved their lives!
‘There aren’t any trams in my town in England,’
says Pam. ‘I didn’t know about the tram lines. We
nearly died. We were very lucky. Of course, Steve
drove for the rest of the holiday!’
3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 We _______ everywhere on foot because it’s
good exercise!
2 _______ a taxi from the station to our house.
3 You can still _______ the 12.30 p.m. bus. It’s
only 12.15 p.m.
4 I always _______ by Underground when I’m in
5 Can you _______ me a lift home, please?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 You can’t see the moon. It’s very _______.
A cloudy B windy C freezing
2 We couldn’t see because it was _______.
A sunny B windy C foggy
3 Last night it was _______ in my room.
A snowy B freezing C stormy
4 It’s hard to walk when the path is _______.
A cold B rainy C icy
5 It was very _______ last night. There’s a tree
across the road.
A windy B cloudy C icy
2 Answer the questions.
1 Why were the children excited about the
2 What was the weather like when they arrived
in Norway?
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Solutions Elementary Tests 1
Read the text.
Unit 9
5 Complete the sentences with the correct present
perfect form of the verbs in the box.
3 his packed already bags he’s
4 just bus we the missed have
5 but I’m sent yet haven’t sorry e-mail I the
6 to Max the trip already spoken I about have
write finish hear lose buy drink
1 We don’t have to take the exam today. The
school _______ the exam papers!
2 I _______ my work and now I can go out!
3 My friend _______ a new car. It’s very fast!
4 You _______ all the milk. Can you buy some
5 She _______ a letter to the newspaper.
6 I _______ that book. Have you got another?
7 I _______ that the café is closing. Is it true?
8 1.09 Listen to the people talking about their
worst journeys. Complete the sentences with the
correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.
1 Speaker ______ had two problems on the
2 Speaker ______ has done lots of travelling.
3 Speaker ______ doesn’t like one means of
transport today.
4 Speaker ______ had three problems on the
5 Speaker ______ was ill on the journey.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1 _______ (you have) lunch? We can go to the
café for a sandwich.
2 _______ (you listen) to my new CD yet?
3 _______ (the theatre send) our tickets yet?
4 I _______ (open) my present yet. I’m waiting
for you to come round.
5 I _______ (speak) to Jenny about the party yet.
6 _______ (you see) Pete today? He’s not very
7 My sister _______ (pass) her driving test yet
but she wants to buy a car.
9 Imagine you are on holiday in a big city. Write an
e-mail to a friend. Write about these things:
where you are
what the weather’s like
what you have already done
what you haven’t done yet
7 Put the words in the correct order to make
1 heard the yet have results their students?
2 you yet Carly money given the has?
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Solutions Elementary Tests 2
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