The Killing [01x05] Super 8 [ENG].txt

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{84}{138}Don't do I even get a|chance to defend myself here?
{142}{189}- You just did.|- Screw both of you.
{195}{240}That's where Rosie is now.|In heaven.
{243}{266}When is she coming back?
{271}{312}When you go there|you don't come back!
{314}{351}What you need is a media blitz.
{355}{408}We need to remind voters|that you're the anti-crime guy
{411}{448}and that Adams never|gave a damn till now.
{451}{474}How did you know it wasn't me?
{476}{500}Because if you|wanted to screw me
{502}{531}you'd have found a|smarter way to do it.
{533}{568}We think she may have|been seeing someone.
{570}{621}- Possibly an adult.|- No, my daughter is not like that.
{1781}{1853}Detective Linden, holder.
{1854}{1888}Yeah, sure.|Can I help you?
{1889}{1931}Yeah, why don't you start|with you and Rosie
{1932}{1975}hooking up in the playground?
{1976}{2001}Excuse me?
{2002}{2035}Seattle all-stars.
{2036}{2078}She met you there|outside of school.
{2079}{2104}You never mentioned it.
{2105}{2153}A lot of students|volunteer there.
{2154}{2204}Rosie checked it out|once or twice.
{2205}{2228}I don't remember.
{2229}{2308}That wasn't her thing?|Thug life?
{2309}{2348}I guess not.
{2383}{2462}What kind of name|is...Ahmed?
{2509}{2540}How's that relevant?
{2541}{2618}You're a spokesman|for the Seattle all-stars.
{2619}{2657}You drive the campaign cars|much, Bennet?
{2748}{2797}{Y:i}You think I killed Rosie?
{2798}{2859}Help us rule you out.
{2860}{2916}They gave alums|of the program access, yes,
{2917}{2962}but I never used|any of his cars.
{2963}{2996}What'd you do after the dance|last Friday?
{2997}{3022}I went home.
{3023}{3088}Is there anyone|who can confirm that?
{3146}{3204}My wife and I --|We're refinishing the floors,
{3205}{3263}and, uh, I didn't want her|inhaling the fumes,
{3264}{3324}so she spent the weekend|at her sister's place.
{3325}{3361}So that's a "no."
{3362}{3402}What about|the flooring company?
{3403}{3454}Did they see you around|over the weekend?
{3455}{3542}They, uh,|they canceled last minute.
{3543}{3590}I had to do it myself.
{3614}{3670}We found the letters|that you wrote her.
{3671}{3768}You want to take a shot|at that one, Ahmed?
{3769}{3858}Rosie didn't like to raise|her hand in class,
{3859}{3930}so she left me notes,|and I wrote her back.
{3931}{4002}It was an intellectual|discourse. That's it.
{4003}{4036}You save any of her notes?
{4037}{4064}No. I didn't.
{4065}{4107}No, you wouldn't want|any of those
{4108}{4162}falling into the wrong hands,|would you?
{4163}{4188}Like the wife's.
{4189}{4246}Listen, man, I teach|over 200 students a year.
{4247}{4303}The majority can't even|stay awake in class.
{4304}{4332}Rosie was different.
{4333}{4393}She was curious.|She was hungry. Oh.
{4461}{4506}I know how this looks, okay?
{4507}{4575}But I am telling you --|This girl had a gift.
{4576}{4628}I encouraged her|to get out there,
{4629}{4679}see the world, express herself.
{4810}{4873}You should see|what she came up with.
{7910}{7944}How's it going, little man?
{8564}{8615}Why are you in your underwear?
{8616}{8655}Shut up.
{8771}{8866}You can't eat those.|They're Rosie's.
{8904}{8978}I'm gonna tell mom and dad.
{8979}{9040}Go ahead.|They don't care about us.
{9519}{9563}Are we at my place or yours?
{9656}{9699}Uh, the billboards|made a difference.
{9700}{9759}We're no longer dropping.
{9760}{9800}We are up three.
{9801}{9848}The mayor's still|beating us by five.
{9849}{9875}Oh, don't forget --
{9876}{9926}You have the needle exchange|this afternoon,
{9927}{9977}and we are shooting|the new tv spots tonight.
{9978}{10015}You work fast.
{10016}{10071}Yeah. And I booked|this hot new director
{10072}{10119}who's usually|impossible to get.
{10120}{10149}Drexler's 50k helped.
{10193}{10238}So, why do you|still look worried?
{10239}{10298}Because the Larsen girl|is still hurting us,
{10299}{10332}even with this new ad buy,
{10333}{10398}and the family's|not returning my calls.
{10437}{10480}Any bright ideas?
{10524}{10596}Reach out to them personally.
{10597}{10680}Ask them to do the spots|with you.
{10681}{10735}Any ideas that won't leave me
{10736}{10803}feeling like I need|a shower afterward?
{10804}{10876}Family just lost a child.|They need time to mourn.
{10877}{10930}But we don't have|that kind of time.
{11252}{11294}My ball airs are freezing.
{11323}{11349}{Y:i}Well, you look good.
{11350}{11386}Being fired becomes you.
{11387}{11423}Yeah? Thanks.
{11424}{11474}I got a date|this afternoon --
{11475}{11550}{Y:i}Older gentleman, like you.
{11551}{11596}Where's he taking you?
{11597}{11631}The Peavey Club.
{11632}{11672}Oh, nice.
{11673}{11723}Mayor only takes|special dates there.
{11724}{11789}Foreplay's over. He's ready|to get down to business.
{11790}{11846}Get him drunk.|He opens like a flower.
{11847}{11903}Well, that's too bad.|I don't drink.
{11904}{11953}Got to start sometime.
{11989}{12036}Look, Darren,
{12037}{12101}I'm ready to pucker my lips|and grab my ankles,
{12102}{12163}if you can take finding out|who the mole is.
{12164}{12196}You're wrong about Gwen.
{12197}{12233}It's a simple process|of elimination.
{12234}{12265}Why would she do it?
{12266}{12356}To control you, make you|into a guy she can deliver.
{12357}{12413}I don't buy it.
{12414}{12452}Don't or don't want to?
{12498}{12561}You just worry|about what shade lipstick
{12562}{12592}to wear with the mayor.
{12713}{12780}Unless this is a snuff film,|we're wasting our time.
{12781}{12828}You got somewhere to be,|then go.
{12829}{12872}That's probably why|Ahmed gave it to us.
{12873}{12920}He's buying time.
{13042}{13105}Is that Rosie?
{13106}{13155}If it is,|who's behind the camera?
{13156}{13180}Maybe it's Ahmed.
{13181}{13225}Maybe this is how|he lures them in.
{13226}{13277}He gets them to pose|for an innocent video,
{13278}{13344}maybe show a little leg,|and then...
{13380}{13433}No, Rosie shot that.
{13523}{13630}They're migrating.|They travel 500 miles a year.
{13631}{13708}It takes them|four or five generations.
{13890}{13962}Sterling said she was out there|all those afternoons
{13963}{13997}filming this.
{13998}{14097}Maybe she saw something|she shouldn't have seen.
{14245}{14284}This is wack.
{14340}{14403}I'm gonna call|the flooring company,
{14404}{14465}{Y:i}make sure Ahmed|didn't lie to us again.
{14604}{14650}Run it again.
{14856}{14900}{Y:i}Print that one.
{15064}{15093}Pull that one.
{15094}{15152}See if you can make out a face.
{15746}{15781}I don't want to go to school.
{15782}{15832}Well, I know it blows,|but them's the breaks.
{15833}{15899}Hey, say goodbye to your mom.
{15943}{15974}Bye, mom.
{15975}{16021}You boys got your lunches?
{16022}{16107}{Y:i}Terry made us PB & J...|Again.
{16108}{16176}Shut up.|You're such a baby.
{16177}{16203}Come on, now.
{16204}{16311}Your aunt is doing the best|she can.
{16312}{16386}{Y:i}Besides,|that's what she lives on.
{16387}{16459}It's too much jelly|for one kid.
{16460}{16508}Denny, you can have|whatever's in the fridge.
{16509}{16547}You want some fish sticks?
{16548}{16616}{Y:i}We don't have any.|We don't have anything.
{16617}{16669}All right, I'll go to the store|and get some.
{16670}{16718}Come on, let's go.|We're late. Let's go.
{16756}{16792}I'll --|I'll go to the store.
{16828}{16875}Well, you sure?
{16876}{16941}Yeah. Yeah.
{16942}{16997}Let's go. Come on.
{17152}{17204}Look, I thought|we did a roof inspection
{17205}{17254}when I bought the place.
{17255}{17319}Well, how much|is it gonna cost to fix?
{17412}{17477}All right.
{17478}{17516}Yeah, fine.
{17580}{17607}What's up?
{17660}{17736}What happened to|the port townsend move?
{17737}{17791}Uh, they canceled|on us --
{17792}{17841}Last night?
{17842}{17900}That's the fifth cancellation|this week.
{17901}{17944}What the hell is going on?
{18024}{18072}It's 'cause of what happened.
{18130}{18220}You know, they --|They don't know how to act,
{18221}{18276}so they're just staying away.
{18277}{18367}I mean, screw them, right?
{18368}{18429}Yeah, well...
{18430}{18469}I still got|two more kids to feed.
{18470}{18494}Tell them that.
{18606}{18724}Stan, I know this guy|who works at...Rosie's school --
{18725}{18757}Grounds keeper.
{18758}{18861}Says the cops have been|nosing around there again.
{18862}{18908}Maybe I can ask him|if he knows anything,
{18909}{18943}like who they're looking at?
{19160}{19208}Rosie's gone.
{19244}{19298}Finding out who killed her|won't change that.
{19977}{20021}Thanks for the ride|to the airport.
{20022}{20063}I'm glad you came.
{20064}{20167}Uh, I will be, too,|once I have a nap on the plane.
{20168}{20208}So, Sunday --
{20209}{20243}Afternoon barbecue,
{20244}{20295}family, friends, my parents.
{20296}{20346}Come on.|We suffer together.
{20347}{20384}That's what marriage|is all about.
{20385}{20421}You can count me in.
{20422}{20466}What if you haven't|caught the guy?
{20497}{20547}Uh, holder should be|up to speed by then.
{20548}{20584}You're not eating, sleeping?
{20585}{20613}I'm eating.
{20614}{20677}Drive-thru at the del taco|doesn't count.
{20733}{20775}I'm serious.
{20776}{20860}Are you gonna put this girl's|drawings on your wall?
{20861}{20895}She doesn't draw.
{20896}{20995}Yeah, but she makes movies.
{20996}{21034}Look, I appreciate|your concern,
{21035}{21079}but this isn't the same thing.
{21080}{21152}It's not.|I'm a different person now.
{21153}{21237}Do you think it's possible
{21238}{21284}to know someone?
{21285}{21329}I mean, to really know them?
{21330}{21451}Yeah. I do.
{21452}{21528}That's wh...
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