there is there are.txt

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U¿ywaj "there is" z rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej, a "there are" z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej

There    many books on the shelf.
There    furniture in this room.
There    five skyscrapers in this city.
There    birds in the cage.
There    plenty of people here.
There    a monkey sitting on the fence.
There    a sofa and an armchair in the corner.
There    a book and a pencil on the table.
There    a pen and there  some pencils on the desk.
   there any milk in the fridge?
   there many people living in this building?
   there any room for me here?
   there any cars in the parking lot?
There     any grass here.
There     any bananas left.
There     sofas and TV's sitting in the warehouse.
There     some air in this water.
There     many trees in this park.
There     students in this classroom.
There     many mushrooms in the basket.
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