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Blender Volumetrics
introduction tutorials
Volumetrics represent an active field of development in Computer
Graphics (CG) dew to the broad field of application and the heavy
calculations that require the use and research of optimal algorithms to
minimize te calcule time. The usage of volumetrics range from CG
special effects to scientific data representation and analisis.
In 3D graphics the world are made generally out of polygons, forming
essentially hollow objects whichs fake the substance of it by using
superficial textures. This approach works fine for many situations in life
and should be encouraged as long as possible because its relatively
fast to represent, but some times the texture approach are impossible
because the internal structure of the objects does matter, that's where
volumetrics appear in the scene.
There's many approach to volumetrics and each one has its pros and
1-Ray Casting
2-Texture Based (2D,3D)
4-Shear Warp factorization
Also the classification could be according to the construction order:
1-Object order (Texture Based,Splatting)
2-Image order (Ray Casting)
Some methods could be implemented in GPU reaching realtime
performance at the cost of lower flexibility. In Blender, being a general
purpose 3d software running in many SO and in many hardware
configurations should have the most flexible yet quality volumetric
method, so the winner was Ray Casting, also for this desition the fact
that the ray caster are better integrable into the ray tracer based render
pippeline was taking into account.
The spirit within
(Making a basic procedural volumetric)
a) Start a basic blender scene, a simple cube and toggles OSA off:
fig 1
You didn't expect that pressing a
button volumetric will be showed
up, dont you? The fact that an
object could have anything inside
of it prevent from that. ;)
First you need to tell blender that
you want to actually see inside of
the object,
that is, make the object some
degree of transparent (because
volumetrics are ray traced based
it should be ray transparency)
so lets check Ray Transp button
on Mirror Transp pannel (fig2): fig2
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b) Now you need to adjust the material alpha in order to see inside:
(fig 3)
Alpha 1 will give you solid objects
like default in Blender and alpha 0
with volumetrics on will give you full
volumetric objects without surface,
any value in between will give a
combination of both.
fig 3
c) Its time to define the inner material or sustance: go to the texture
panel and select for example Clouds, set NoiseDepth to 0 (fig 4)
fig 4
d) Now this is a really important stage, gradients are very important for
procedurals volumetrics and also provide a great level of flexibility, they
act like a clasification function. So before moving on in the Colors panel
activate Colorband button and adjust the values you want the
volumetric shows (fig 5):
fig 5
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The current implementation of volumetrics are texture controlled, so
any animation of the textures will animate the volumetric also.
e) Return to the material panel, under the Map input subpanel and
set Object and type: Cube (fig 6)
f)This is also very important, under 'Map to' set Col,Nor,Alpha on
(Volumetrics sample color,normal and alpha for every sampled point
in space) (fig 7)
fig 6 fig 7
Now its time for the magic to happen, blender knows so far that the
object are raytraced semitransparent, also knows that the inner
sustance its a cloud with a gradient and finally that the reference
coordinate system for the volumetric will be the object itself. This is the
basic setup before activate the volumetric button, this will show up 5
new pannels tabed according to its functionality:
1-Volumetrics (the main and basic pannel)
2-Quality (contains controls for raysplit algorithm and supersampling
3-Scattering (as the name says...)
4-VolShade (volumetric shading algorithms)
5-Models (specular and diffuse shading models)
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