Franciszek Boży kuglarz (1950).txt

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{363}{432}[TV: Hoofbeats, Cowboys Whooping]
{458}{513}[Bell Dinging]
{1018}{1087}[Line Ringing]
{1160}{1239}[Line Continues Ringing]
{1567}{1679}It's workin'.|He's stayin' right with me.
{1949}{2054}- Hey, look, maybe we should, uh...|- [Dial Tone]
{2317}{2392}[TV: Hoofbeats,|Cowboys Whooping]
{4442}{4510}[Signal Buzzing]
{6275}{6325}[Coins Clanking]
{6436}{6514}[Brakes, Door Release Hissing]
{7936}{7985}[Brakes Hiss]
{8108}{8179}Wait a second.|Not yet. Wait!
{8657}{8732}[Windshield Wipers|Squeaking]
{8941}{9047}- [Windshield Wipers Squeaking]|- [Loud Clank]
{9193}{9257}[Dog Barking, Distant]
{9383}{9426}[Sirens Wailing]
{9426}{9458}[Sirens Wailing]
{9988}{10063}[Police Radio Chatter, Indistinct]
{10130}{10233}- What do we got, Lou?|- We got a goddamn massacre.
{10235}{10294}- Who's the on-call crew?|- Greek and Larrimore.
{10297}{10348}The rest of the troops|are comin' too, Jake.
{10351}{10411}[Sirens Continue Wailing]
{10414}{10521}- [Man] What happened?|- [Man #2] I don't know...|[Continues, Indistinct]
{10524}{10625}- See anything?|- He was practically on top of it when it happened...
{10627}{10694}but he still didn't|see anything worth a damn.
{10697}{10775}See if you can|fix the time exactly.
{10777}{10849}- [Detective] What's your name, sir?|- [Witness]Jim Yee.
{10852}{10904}- [Detective] Say it again, sir.|- [Witness]Jim Yee.
{10907}{10962}- [Detective]Jim...|- [Witness] Yee.
{10965}{11035}- [Detective] Where do you live?|- [Yee] 644 Pacific.
{11038}{11121}[Detective] 644 Pacific.|Okay. Tell me. What happened?
{11124}{11190}[Yee]|I run from the corner.
{11193}{11288}I just see the bus crash.
{11290}{11420}- [Detective] All right. What corner was that?|- [Yee Answers, Indistinct]
{11491}{11564}[Detective] Remember that department|store thing... that guy choppin'down...
{11567}{11616}on people from the escalator?
{11618}{11666}- That one was superbad.|- [Sirens Wailing]
{11668}{11749}[Man]|I don't know. The is the worst one I've seen.
{11752}{11820}It keeps getting worse|all the time.
{11823}{11914}There's just so many|sick assholes running around.
{11917}{12003}Sometimes I think|the department oughta...
{12006}{12109}issue us whips and chairs.
{12112}{12227}Call the wiring squad and have 'em|rope off the area, keep the scene preserved.
{12230}{12342}[Man] Jake! Jake, one of'em is still alive.|They're takin' him in now.
{12345}{12467}[Officer] All right. Come on. Back it up.|Let's go. Move it back. Come on, folks.
{12469}{12548}- [Detective] What's he look like? Can he talk?|- [Man] Guy doesn't look good.
{12604}{12674}Mike, you got your tape recorder?|Why don't you go with him?
{12677}{12748}- He may come to and say something.|- What happened here?
{12750}{12818}[Officer] All right. Come on, folks.|Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Break it up.
{12820}{12918}- Go on.|- Go on home.
{12999}{13093}[Siren Wailing]
{13148}{13222}[Siren Wailing,|Trailing Off]
{13225}{13307}[Second, Approaching Siren Wailing]
{13458}{13553}- [Siren Trails Off]|- [Man On Police Radio] 10-4.
{13555}{13629}[Man #2 On Police Radio, Indistinct]
{14012}{14073}[Chattering Continues]
{14434}{14520}[Vehicle Departing, Siren Wailing]
{14874}{14923}Puff on that, will ya?
{15012}{15086}[Exhales Forcefully]
{15311}{15377}What have you got?
{15483}{15539}- Oh, no.|- Christ! It's Evans.
{15541}{15600}[Siren Trailing Off]
{15602}{15676}[Police Radio Chatter,|Indistinct]
{16009}{16094}Cold-blooded motherfuckers.
{16575}{16629}Son of a bitch!
{16632}{16737}What kind of freak|could just...
{16764}{16842}You got|to be a hard-core crazy.
{17023}{17094}- [Man] What do you got, Frank?|- [Frank] Gunshot wound.
{17096}{17205}- [Man] Looks like a bad one.|Let's get his clothes off.|- I got it. I got it.
{17207}{17259}- Get trauma down here.|- [Female Nurse] Get his arm up.
{17262}{17326}- Watch your hand.|- Keep pullin' him up on the gurney.
{17329}{17389}Let's sit him up.
{17392}{17465}- Got his head?|- [Female Nurse] I got it. I got it.
{17467}{17563}- [Man] Cut these off. Cut this off.|- [Man #2] Gotta get him oxygen.
{17566}{17673}- When you get the cuff down, start writing.|- Anybody writing all this down?
{17675}{17726}[Female Nurse]|I can't. I can't do two things at once.
{17729}{17820}Okay. Give him a couple ofbig breaths|here. What do you hear?
{17823}{17899}He seems to be|ventilating both sides well.
{17902}{18026}- [Man] Okay. Good. I'm gonna get a tube out.|- Abdomen's distended, rigid.
{18029}{18089}- [Man] I'm having trouble getting a pulse.|- Large exit.
{18091}{18145}[Man #2]|He takes an occasional breath on his own here.
{18148}{18232}- Bob, you get the cut down on the right. Sharon...|- Coming right up.
{18235}{18293}put the catheter|in on the left.
{18296}{18382}[Man] Where did they find this guy?|Anybody got grease for this tube?
{18385}{18468}[Man #2] Check his pupils.|Can you get me a pair of gloves?
{18471}{18542}[Female Nurse]|Anybody got any blood yet?
{18544}{18617}How you doin', Bob?|Okay. Let's move.
{18619}{18715}- Pupils are down.|- Frankie and Linda, that's number one.
{18718}{18840}- This is number two.|- Pulse? Let's get movin'. This guy's in trouble.
{18842}{18942}[Horns Honking,|Sirens Wailing]
{18945}{19047}What the hell was Evans|doin' on that bus?
{19050}{19122}How the hell do I know?|He was off duty, on vacation.
{19125}{19191}Yeah. He was your partner.|Don't give me a lot of bullshit.
{19193}{19270}[Police Radio Chatter, Indistinct]
{19472}{19534}[Man]|How's this, Ken?
{19536}{19634}Lieutenant, what the hell|are we gonna do with all these press guys?
{19720}{19794}One of them's still alive, hit pretty bad.|If he comes around...
{19797}{19853}he might be able|to tell us something.
{19856}{19918}Mike went to the trauma room.|He may be able to tape him.
{19921}{20007}I can stall for a little.
{20010}{20091}I need answers.|Follow my drift?
{20186}{20248}- [Female Nurse] Here's your blood.|- What do you got, Denny?
{20250}{20340}Got a bad gunshot wound here,|Doug. He has two arm wounds...
{20343}{20407}entrance and exit wounds|in both arms.
{20410}{20498}He's got an entrance wound here|and a large excavation on his right flank.
{20500}{20560}- Chest clear, Denny?|- Yeah. He ventilates both sides...
{20562}{20630}- He got anything in his back at all?|- Nothing. His back is clear.
{20632}{20680}- We got three good lines.|- Got three lines. That's good.
{20682}{20753}- Abdomen's distended and rigid.|- Get his belly prepped and get him upstairs now.
{20756}{20808}[All Talking At Once]
{20811}{20905}- Doctor, we need him. How bad is he?|- Can't tell you. He's not good.
{20955}{21031}[Sirens Wailing]
{21177}{21250}Look at this.|Chivas Regal.
{21293}{21398}And notice the seal's|not even broken.
{21401}{21515}Here we got rubbers.
{21517}{21628}Hmm. Looks like this guy's|always ready for a matinee.
{21631}{21709}- John, take a look...|- Mark this was on the floor next to the briefcase.
{21712}{21815}- Will you step aside for a minute?|- Sixteen and a half collar.
{21818}{21895}[Chattering Continues]
{21925}{21994}Look at this.
{22150}{22262}We got some money on the first male victim.|Up here in the front.
{22265}{22364}- How much?|- Eight and a half. Eight and a half.
{22366}{22503}850 dollars. Mark that down.|The first male... first male victim...
{22506}{22639}inside the entrance/exit door|on the right-hand side.
{22673}{22744}It's still sealed.
{22747}{22863}Got a man here with prophylactics|who knows how to shoot.
{22865}{22952}One, two, three, four,|five, six prophylactics.
{22955}{23037}Must be a hell|of a man.
{23040}{23104}- Take a look at this.|- Mark this was on the floor next to the briefcase.
{23106}{23155}[Man]|Will you step aside?
{23157}{23219}[Man #2]|This one's gonna be a son of a bitch.
{23222}{23275}We'll keep this all together|in the case, huh?
{23277}{23364}[Police Radio Chatter, Indistinct]
{23462}{23550}[Horns Honking]
{23939}{24016}God. I can't|shake this cold.
{24153}{24229}I'm in bed with a friend|when I get the call.
{24232}{24339}Some asshole just shoots up a bus.|Bunch of people on it.
{24503}{24577}[Police Radio Chatter]
{24580}{24667}- Boss wants us to work together.|- Good.
{24728}{24811}- I understand that Dave Evans was...|- He was a good cop.
{24914}{25000}- I'm sorry about what happened.|- Good.
{25003}{25087}Let's get something straight|right now, pal, all right?
{25090}{25163}- I didn't volunteer for this assignment.|- Good.
{25360}{25467}I understand how you feel.|Sorry. My fault. Sorry.
{25646}{25701}[Engine Chugging]
{25749}{25835}Would you believe I gotta be|in court in about three and a half hours?
{25878}{26007}- Warm piss.|- Let's go pick up the pieces, huh?
{26009}{26073}Where do we start?
{26076}{26151}Why don't we go back to the detail|and kick it around?
{26154}{26224}See you guys later.
{26266}{26342}[Metal Clanking]
{27999}{28066}####[Radio: Pop Instrumental]
{28256}{28332}I thought|you were sleeping.
{28371}{28446}You worked all night again.|You're gonna get sick.
{28448}{28530}Do you want some eggs?|I could fix you some eggs if you like.
{28533}{28676}No, thanks.|I'm just gonna get a couple hours'sleep.
{28723}{28774}Well, at least|everything around here is normal.
{28777}{28851}- What's eatin' him today?|- Growing pains.
{28887}{28979}What's doin'|with you today, sweetheart?
{28981}{29088}Well, big French test.|Mostly busywork.
{29091}{29172}Gotta get cracking.
{29610}{29690}Dave Evans is dead.
{29693}{29785}He was 31 years old,|and it's all over for him.
{29787}{29865}It's a rotten business.|You never see anything good.
{29867}{29941}Work in a gutter,|and you never see anything good.
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