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Style Guide For Men
Developing Your Image
Fashion and style pre-occupies men more and more these days as they realise that looking
good is an asset in every aspect of life: business, personal or, social. The fact is, a well
groomed man will get a second look, your personality may be great but first impressions
count. In today’s world, to stay one step ahead, it’s important to look your best. That means
developing your own sense of style. If you’re in a field that demands a powerful, smooth
and professional image, or if you want to generally look more stylish and coordinated and
not sure how to achieve it you will to consider using an image consultant. Just about
anybody and everybody who’s a public figure, who deals a lot with people, who runs a
business, who is famous, has one. Today many men are realising that image consultants are
not just for the rich they’re affordable and acceptable. In conclusion a good consultant
can make a huge difference to your quality of life in relation to the costs involved.
This is only a short introduction to some of the areas an image consultant covers and should
be read in association with our free colour guide. The observations here are fairly general
by nature and if you see an image consultant they will make sure you built an image based
upon your own unique style.
Fashion & Style
There is a big difference between being stylish and just following the latest fashions. A fashion
victim is someone who wants to follow all the latest trends regardless of whether they suit
their body shape looks or, age and is someone who can’t put his look together. Looking
your best does require a certain amount of effort, but ultimately, your clothes have to fit
right, and suit your style, image and personality. Keep in mind, it’s not about the clothes you
wear - it’s about how you wear them. The most important aspect of developing your own
style is remaining true to yourself. Just because something looked great on a model doesn’t
necessarily mean it’s for you! There are enough styles out there so that everyone can be
comfortable finding their own. The point is that developing your own style should not be a
chore; it should be fun. When you discover what works for you.
Your Style: Avoid These Attitudes
Always be yourself
Wear what you think looks good, not what others believe is trendy. You should always feel
comfortable with what you’re wearing, so stick to items that suit your personality and style,
while keeping the occasion and setting in mind. David Beckham may be able to get away
with wearing a sarong but this probably is not the best look for you! The same goes for
wearing vivid colours: if you’re not comfortable wearing pink or orange, don’t.
Don’t over do it
Don’t try and make to much of an effort to look fashionable that you end up overdoing
it. You don’t have to wear every single trendy item you own, all at once. By all means
buy fashionable pieces if they suit you and mix and match them with the basics in your
wardrobe. It’s a cost-effective and safe way to look your best.
Maintain balance
Keep a good balance of basic and fashionable clothes in your wardrobe. As a rule, no
more than half of your wardrobe should consist of trendy clothes, or worse, clothes that
are out of style. Before you decide to purchase a new item, ask yourself if you are buying
it because it’s “in fashion” or because you genuinely like and feel comfortable with it? This
will save you time and money and cut down impulse buying.
Don’t be a slave to the media & brands
Don’t base your look solely on what you see in magasines and on TV. Celebrities and models
often overdo trends for attention and media exposure, and their look will not necessarily
work well in the real world or for you. Finally, don’t buy be influenced by brand names just
because a brand has a great reputation, doesn’t mean it will look good on you.
The Right Corporate Formal Look
Every man needs at least one stylish, high quality
suit. Whether it’s for work or a special occasion,
we all need one suit that sets itself apart from
the crowd. Two factors set a nice suit apart
from the pack: the style and the material. Style
changes, but you can’t go wrong with a single-
breasted, solid color suit in black, grey or navy
blue and always remember a single-breasted
suit will make you look slimmer and sleeker in
appearance. For material, wool is the safest
option. Of course, there are other materials to
choose but wool is natural, wears well, breathes,
and accomplishes a stylish, serious look. Suits are
the basic component of the corporate uniform.
A stylish suit can conjure up a number of images,
all of them positive. A suit can make you look
powerful, mature, conservative, or sexy. Despite
the rise of the casual look in recent years most
women still love men in suits!
Men’s Fabrics and Patterns As noted above, choose wool. Worsted wools are lightweight
for spring and summer. Gabardine wools are heavier for winter. Wool Crepes are lightweight
with softer finishes. Flannel wools are heaviest. Patterns for interview suits are limited to solids,
stripes (pinstripe, chalk stripe, beaded-stripe, multistripe), Glen plaids, and checks (hounds-
tooth, windowpane, and herringbone).
For shirts, you’ll either buy them off the rack or have them made for you. In all cases, the
most important thing to know is your size. You need to know the length of your arms and the
girth of your neck at all times. There is nothing worse than an ill-fitting shirt! Another point to
keep in mind is to care for your shirt and make sure its ironed at all times to create the right
Straight: The most standard of men’s collars these days. This collar aims in varying degrees
of ‘down.’ There are a number of ‘spreads’ available in straight collars, the ‘spread’ being
the amount of space visible between the collars, at the neck, where your tie sits.
Cutaway: A straight collar that’s been spread to the point of not being considered straight
anymore. This collar is referred to as the ‘cutaway’ collar, for the large amount of visible
space between collar tips Due to their construction, spread collars are typically slightly less-
wide than straight collars. This collar, too, is available in a variety of spread distances.
Button-Down: The collar that’s affixed to the shirt i.e. bottomed. Never wear the collar
With collars it really is just picking the one that suits you. Generally men with narrow faces
can choose collars that are wider, to help broaden their faces; conversely, men with wider
faces should choose collars that are narrower, to help lengthen their faces. Really though
it’s a question of what you like what you fell comfortable in and suits you. Finally: colour or
pattern. Men usually choose according to one of a few reasons: they trust the color (men
whose shirts are all either white or blue), they need some new colors (the men we just
mentioned who are now sick of white and blue), or a color has become trendy. Again, the
most we can say is choose the style that’s right for your look.
Suits come in basic styles and colors, but ties let you show your individuality within a formal
look. Ties don’t have to be boring and can really make a statement. As a general rule, if
you wear suits regularly, you should buy a new tie at least once every season. Once you’ve
accumulated just about every basic tie you can possibly have, go for a more original color
or pattern, like pink, burnt orange, or diagonal stripes. Just because you’re in the corporate
world, doesn’t mean you can’t wear an eye-catching tie. If you want to make a bold
statement wear a patterned tie with a patterned shirt, make sure that the color schemes are
the same and that the patterns go in the same direction. Finally, don’t forget the Length: It
should hit the top of your belt buckle. Ideal width of ties is between 3 and 4 inches, narrower
or wider ties will do you no favours in the style stakes!
Matching tie’s, shirts & suits
When choosing a jacket-shirt-and-tie trio, match its level of colour contrast to your personal
colouring. Your personal colouring comprises of your complexion and hair colour. If you’re
colouring is high-contrast i.e. dark hair and light skin, or vice versa--your jacket, tie, and
shirt combo should be high contrast, too. But if your hair-hide contrast is softer and lighter
i.e. you’re blond or gray-haired with pale skin, or dark-skinned with dark hair--you should
choose lower-contrast clothes.
Two different scales for balance
When you’re combining two like patterns in the jacket-shirt-tie triangle, they should be of
different gauges. If your suit has pinstripes 3/4 inch apart, your tie should have significantly
broader or thinner bands. If your suit is a striped one (with lines more than an inch apart),
your shirt’s stripes should be narrower and closer together. If you wear two different designs
within the lapel triangle--say, a checked shirt and a striped tie, or a striped suit and repeating-
medallion tie--they should be different scales in size If your shirt has a narrow stripe, your tie
needs a wider stripe. Same logic applies for checks: pair large with small.
Choose garments that de-emphasizes your extremes. If you’re short, look for strong vertical
elements: pinstriped suits, two-button jackets. If you’re very thin, choose a jacket with wider
shoulders. If you have a heavier build then Wear darker colors and go monotone from top
to bottom.
Your collar should match your face type
If you’ve got a long, narrow face; choose spread collars to accentuate the horizontal just
a touch. Conversely, if you’re a round-faced fellow, favor pointed collars to lengthen your
If you choose the right cufflinks you’ll add a small but significant stylish touch to your overall
look and good sets don’t have to break the bank.
Watches & jewelry
A watch is the first and last piece of jewelry most man consider wearing. The first thing to
look for in a man’s watch is a large face, as everyone as looking stylish generally accepts
these designs.
Get a nice belt
Don’t neglect your belt you want quality, a good quality belt doesn’t have to be expensive
and is money well spent. You should also pay attention to style when buying one. A black
leather belt with a small silver buckle is good for just about all occasions. Aside from matching
your belt to your wardrobe (including your shoes), you need your belt to fit well and the
right fit is a belt that will be set at the third hole when done up. Your leather belt color should
be coordinated with your footwear - black with black, brown with brown.
Black is the traditional safe colour for work but Brown or ox blood colours also work well.
You can also use a variety of styles including loafers, wingtips, round-toe, or the trendier
pointy-tipped shoe. Shoes are not only functional; they have become all-out accessories.
For example, you can go for a tan-colored shoe if you’re wearing a light suit. Shoes are
no place to economise on quality. You’re on your feet a lot during the day; you’ll need a
combination of quality and comfort. For men, shoes are the final detail and are one of the
areas all women notice.
The Rise Of The Casual Look
With the rise of the dotcom companies the work place took on a much more casual feel
and even traditional corporate banks got in on the act by introducing dress down Friday.
How you dress will depend on the type of company you work for but you can now be as
casual in many workplaces as you like. One interesting point regarding the rise of casual
clothing at work has been a counter trend of many companies going back to formal dress
as they have found staff actually preferred it and it led to increased productivity.
Dressing casually
When dressing casually you need to know how to layer and choose clothes that suit your
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