possesive pronouns exercises.docx

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Possessive Pronouns

tell who owns something. They can be:


in front of a noun                                     without being followed by a noun


my                                                            mine

your                                                          yours

his                                                            his

her                                                           hers


our                                                           ours

your                                                         yours

their                                                         theirs


Exercise A Fill out the correct possessive pronoun!

1. I have a bike. It's          bike.

2. Mum and I have a boat. It's           boat.

3. The horse has an apple. It's              apple.

4. John and Max have a skateboard. It's               skateboard.

6. You have a dog. It's          dog.

7. Max and you have a dad. It's        dad.


Exercise B - Fill out the correct possessive pronoun!

1. I have a dog. That dog is             !

3. We have a car. That car is            !

4. They have a bike. That bike is                 !

5. He has a key. That key is                      !

6. You have a hat. That hat is                   !


Exercise. Choose the right answer

1.Jane has already eaten her lunch , but I'm saving hers/her/mine/my until later

2.She has broken   hers/her/his leg.

3.My mobile needs to be fixed, but   mine/his/our/their is working.

4.  You Yours Mine My computer is a Mac, but   you/you/ yours/my is a PC.

5.We gave them   ours mine our yours telephone number, and they gave us   their/theirs/ours/mine .

6.  Mine My Yours You pencil is broken. Can I borrow   you/yours/him/its ?

7.  Ours Our Your My car is cheap, but   you/your/your/ my is expensive .

8.You can't have any chocolate! It's all   mine/my/our/yours !


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