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Wpisz say lub tell w odpowiedniej formie.

1. I .................. not to touch this button.

2. George ............. he would never permit such behaviour.

3. To ............. you the truth, I can’t afford it.

4. He .............. me to think it over.

5. Don’t ............... Jane what I have just ............. .

6. Listen to what I ...........


Zapisz zdania w mowie zależnej.

1. ‘Derek is always making faces!’ She complained ...............

2. ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea.’ Linda remarked .............

3. ‘I think Bob will be seeing his boss tomorrow.’ Janet answered .............

4. ‘If it gets cold, we’ll put on our coats.’ He said ...........

5. ‘After they had locked the door, they remembered about the meat roasting in the oven.’ He told me ..........

6. ‘The students didn’t think it was funny.’ They informed us............


Przeczytaj opis sytuacji i wpisz czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie.

Liz and Maggie are talking about their friend, Diana, who had a date with a new boyfriend.


M: So, what did Diana tell you about her date?

L: She said it ................ (be) fantastic and added she ........................ (be) sure he ......................... (ask) her to marry him next time they meet.

M: She must be crazy!

L: yes, she seemed quite excited. She asked him .................. (tell) her all about his life. He told her he .................... (work) in a bank for two years and next month he .....................(get) a rise. He said he ........................ (never meet) anyone like her before.

M: Well, they always say so. Did she show you his photo?

L: Yes, and when I remarked I ................... (not like) him very much because he .................... (be) too old, she told me ........................ (not be) stupid. She explained that her mother ................... (marry) a man 15 years older than her and she .................... (do) the same.


Zapisz zdania w mowie zależnej.

1. ‘Find the missing word.’ They asked me .............

2. ‘I think Jake was daydreaming when you saw him’. Mary said .................

3. ‘What about going to the disco tonight?’ The boss ..............

4. ‘We don’t usually take any food with us.’ Margaret explained .............

5. ‘I’ll be back as soon as I have typed all the applications.’ She promised .................

6. ‘Don’t try to pretend you don’t understand anything.’ He warned me .............

7. ‘Hi! Nice to see you, you look great!’ My friend ...........

8. ‘I’ll repeat once more, try not to get so scared.’ The man .............

9. Let’s go and have a look at your bike.’ My father ...............

10. ‘We didn’t do it!’ The children shouted ...............

11. ‘He has already taken part in ten conferences.’ His mother remarked ..............

12. ‘You’d better buy the shares today. They are rising.’ My broker ..............

13. ‘I’ll get you some aspirin, shall I?’ My sister .............

14. ‘I went straight to the boss and told him I wanted a rise.’ Janet told us .............


Uzupełnij zdania. Liczba kresek równa jest liczbie brakujących liter w wyrazie.

1. Parents often don’t know how to _r_ _ _    _ _ their children.

2. I can’t _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ giving him the keys.

3. They had to buy new curtains. The old ones didn’t m _ _ _ _ the blue carpet.

4. _ _ _ l _ she was asleep, he prepared the meal.

5. Five people were _ _ s _ _ _ _ from the fire.

6. She couldn’t _ _ l _ sneezing loudly.

7. Tomorrow after the meeting they have an _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  with the manager.

8. Can I use the phone? Certainly, go _ h _ _ _ !

9. If you don’t keep the meat in the fridge, it will _ _ _ i _ .

10. The number of adoptions has _ r _ _ _  this year. More children have found new families.

11. He was caught _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ g in the supermarket. He stole a cake of soap and two cans of soup.

12. An _ _ i _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ flying object was seen over Mr Rick’s corn field on Sunday afternoon.

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