The Maria Dimension lyrics.txt

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We ride on the avalanche
we climb the melting red rungs of the ladder
that leads high to a darkening moon.

We're the watchers of disaster, we're the dancers on your tomb.
We're the spectres on your screen.
We murmur sweet transparent lunacy on hot oppressive nights --
you shine a light and you will see just a shadow.

Chasing the carrion, we watched the silver bird explode.
We tiptoed through the barrier of smoke and took a hand,
but we found it unconnected.

We sat, dining on the wreckage -- white napkins round our necks,
we took our plastic spoons and ate.

We ate until we couldn't move, 'til sunset turned the desert red
and startled souls ascended to Oblivion.

  Paradise. It has its price. We try to crawl through needle's eyes.
  Our price. Our choice.
  We rarely make the right one.

A fat man with a guilty face held back and tried to hide his case
as angels chanted, "You can't take it with you..." So we're told.
Heaven's paved with gold -- but it HAS to come from somewhere?!

  Paradise. It has its price. We try to crawl through needle's eyes.
  Our price. Our choice.
  We rarely make the right one.

New martyrs swinging in the wind.
The dead eyes searching for messiahs in the stars.
The bodies carrying the scars of no confession, no concession.
No sympathy.

The laughter from the front row buzzing loudly now in bars,
over chicken in a basket, in the darkest corner of the Central Station.
Passing round the spirit that drove Rommel to his desert hole,
cracked diamonds, stripped the gold from hidden cities in Brazil.
And killed the savage in the name of Mary...
Burn the witch, whip the bitch who shows her ankles on the Sabbath.
Bring the kids aged 1 to 63 -- the family treat.
Maybe there will be a vision of messiahs in the stars.
Now all confess and make a wish. The priest is passing round the dish...

Our Lady's selling tissues for the tears,
for all the years of blessed rape in the name of our sweet lord.

We will sow the seeds together. We shall feed the fertile ground.
We will wait then we shall gather fruits to feed our hungry mouths.
We'll feast, we'll toast the one who sends the storm, who shapes the corn.
We line the circles. In the Fall, we fall...

Come the dawn, he'll stretch his hands
and take the last born to the land beyond our tidy tidy lawns,
and no, no lamb of ours will be deformed!

Penguin spins the caviar... Trios rouge.
We down it quick before it hatches.
We wash it down with absynthe, spit it out with roses.
Captain turns the hoses on the crawling crowd.
We're on a cloud, we're on our knees,
we're singing all the songs our fathers taught us.

Still the bands plays on (relieved!).
They locked up all their daughters, deep down, horizontal in the hold.
We're much too old and much too drunk to hold a conversation.
Too far gone to see the icy mountain waving
through the crack that was the floor.

Belladonna. Sea blue marshmallow eyes. Belladonna sees you - but it's just
a disguise cos she sees nothing but grey.

Belladonna. Ice cool, shaken not stirred. Belladonna. Whisper only the
word and she would wash the day away...

And as I faded through the years, she found an answer to the tears. It
wasn't wise, but no, no humble mortal ever matched these eyes.

Belladonna - pretty name for a slave. Belladonna. Starburst-shouts from the
grave "I'll remember our dawn."

Billy was a car crash - all he ever knew was pain. Lived a
milli-milli-milli-second; he was never born again. Though no-one saw him
coming, plenty witnessed his remains - they laid a wreath yet they never
knew him...Me? I'm just the rain that laid poor Billy to eternal rest,
eternal rust. I covered up and waited for the others. They all have

Red Harry was a bright young spark that flew and burned old London Town
in '66. He flew to bits. He tore it down (bubonic bliss!) And me? I'm just
the kiss our maker blew to put him out. Eternal rest. Eternal rust. To dust,
to ash. I cover up and wait for all the others. We all have names...

Georgie was cut on Hitler's knee. He ran for weeks, turned shades
of green... They kidnapped me and made him clean... On Winter nights, I
still hear him scream. I cover up and try to sleep. I wait for all the
others. Jane? Her mother was a hurricane who swept the plains and sneezed
away a continent with me (the sea). The team that made a myth by hiding
it. Became a hit on Broadway but it wasn't quite the same - they FORGOT
our names. We ALL have names.

If God was egg, if six were nine...
If time was never measured, only killed in pleasure gardens of our making.
If we'd never taken anything, but only given...
If we could forgive, forget and rearrange the patterns.
If you'd never thrown that stone or split the atom...
If I'd stayed alone in shackles, seeing nothing, feeling nothing...
If we'd shared instead of just collecting.
If I'd never lived...
If we'd ever...
If we never never land but fly without destination,
cry without a cause and lose ourselves for just a second
at the beauty of it all...

Then, maybe in the next life we'd be dolphins.

Colliding in the stroboscope... Yes, now you see me, now you don't.
Tonight I'm dressed in black, I mourn the death of colour.
Hopeless, crying in my wine through happy hour;
I count the lines that crawl across my face and round my eyes.
Watch the ballerinas fly on the powder clouds through six dimensions
seeing just the patterns on the wall.

Cold eyes searching for a space that's warm enough
to take them through the night.
There's only black & white. Express. We never touch, we only press.
Can taste the desperation in your breath, but I swear I'll protect you
if you'd only look into my eyes.

Choose your masks and raise your armour. Eyes down for Cheraderama!

Sixteen shades of sorrow on a starless night with no escape to dawn.
She hugged the sand; she cursed the storm for sixteen days and no tomorrows.
Mourning friends who fled and love that died stillborn...

A lifetime miming, hiding from the touch that claims
and unchains her from the lie that was her past.

A hollow tear lay drying behind the mask, behind the veil, behind the vizor...
And somewhere spiteful spirits laughed at her -- the last survivor.

Because she'd always been, would always be, alone.

Khata clim sa vecchi kalemsa.

Crushed in the corridor, swimming in smoke.
Broken leg, aching head -- tried polite conversation in braille.
Broken French.

Though my friend chews his garlic, he's dead from his head to his sandles.
I tore at the handle and we came to a shuddering stop
and we toppled like domineos,

swallowed the hot tide of bread crumbs and cheap wine...
The cavalry dived into action with batons... knives...
they gave me a fine, ripped the shirt off my back,
threw my case on the tracks --
saw it smashed to a fragmented mess by the midnight express to Atlantis.


A manifestation of pure liquid light.
Never stops at the stations, it flies overnight as we crawl in a circle.
The sinks overflow. All the windows are closed
And the ape on my shoulder's overdosed.

He rattles a can for some change
Then he rolls over in pain and wraps his legs round my ankles.
I try to complain...
All I want is a coffee and GET OFF THIS TRAIN!



Through your eyes I saw the red sun burst and slowly melt into dead sea...

Through your eyes I watched your hand expand
and crush dozen trees like they were dead leaves...

Through you ears I heard the mountain laugh, the banshee cry,
the statue of Mohammed roll a dice to plastic Buddha, screaming
"Christ! Another six -- I guess it's time to pack my things and head
back slowly to Nirvana."

Through your senses I kissed dying time.

So it goes we stand alone by standing stones and turn them into circles.
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